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Posts posted by Sinarai

  1. 1 hour ago, Chalkos Chiva said:

    Cool concept! I'm really digging the Great Bull conversions and the Keeper of Secrets one. Also,  that Brontosaurus is too awesome lol! 

    Thank you! :)

    The Hathorians (Bull conversions) are definitely a prohect if passion, definitely having a lot of fun with them, and I have more coming soon-ish! I have a monster/behemoth planned next + 2 more foot troops for now, but definitely want to expand to a 1k-2k point list of them. 

    Lol the Brachiosaurus is a project ive been working off and on for awhile now for my Seraphon, building her piece by piece. I had to rebuild one of her platforms on her howdah, as it wad accidentally knocked off by my gf when it was dry fitted lol all fixed now though. She is a mixture of 3d printing, gw bits and a scientific model dinosaur; hoping to have her done eventually .

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  2. 3 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Awesome! The dark is really cool, kind a if he is just appearing out of his throne. Dark bases sometimes feel like they are missing something. I have the same issue, but might not actually be the case, especially when you put the model together with the rest of your army. If not you could always add a broken weapon, skull/bones, torn cloth or something like that. 

    Also, good time for a mid-monthly update, all the painting I have done so far: 




    Really loving your Lumineth, the scheme is very popping! Inspiring man, keep it up :)

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  3. Slowly making progress on my Engine of the Gods, or as I've named it the Engine of Tepok. I've been working real hard on this one, to push myself a bit, especially with highlights; which have been great at bringing my redwood would even more. Also been wanting to tackle my jade & marbled quartz recipes, which I believe have turned out rather well :)

    should be able to start the skinks tomorrow, still debating if I want tonadd a Slann onto it over the Priest (maybe magnetize, but we'll see.

    hoping to maybe continue my Thunder Lizard project after finished with my Stegadons.

    all in all, rather pleased so far! 

    happy painting everyone :)

    (Thunder Lizard in last photo for size comparison)









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  4. Good Morning everyone! I hope you all are doing well today!

    got an update on my Engine of Tepok :) I've been working a lot to practice my highlighting on this, really pushing myself to do more than I've ever done on a model in that respect, also working on jade and quartz work. I think overall I have done pretty well in these goals, although there is room for improvement no doubt.

    I got some pretty good work done on my Engine of Tepok last night, I was finally able to start the Engine itself again! Although I already had the Jade statue of Tepok done, I was able to work on the arch itself. For the arch, I'm going for an ancient stone vibe, the idea that it's stone from Lustria itself that's infused with ancient power, more so than some other Engines.

    For the arch, I did edge highlights in Russ Grey ontop of the original Apothocary White I did, and for the connection/support points I went with Jade and then the flame coming out of the Coatl's mouth a quartz purple again; which I think came out really well.

    I am considering putting a glaze over the quartz areas, however, it does make me a bit nervous to do so lol So we will see if I go through with that.

    All in all, I'm getting closer to being able to do the skink crew (plus maybe Slann?) and then the base! I also have some focus to reapply to my other Stegadon, now that this one is at the same point (or possibly closer to completion now) as my custom one you can expect to see the Crested-Stegadon soon!

    I hope you all have been enjoying this project, its been an absolute blase for me :)

    Any C&C is welcome :)









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  5. Hey everyone! I hope you are doing well on this beautiful sunday (at least here it is! little bit of sun with fresh snow fall:))

    Wanted to share an update to my Engine of Tepok/The Serpent Engine!

    First off, I really love this project, it is challenging me to try different things or improve upon recipes i've used before (such as the redwood). The Stegadon model itself is just beautiful with all its details, a lot of room for highlights, shadows, building up different colors if you do patterns, just a fun model to work with.

    Ok! lets delve into what has been done :) 

    So, the Stegadon itself is done, baring touch ups that i find along the way/last check over, I really love the pattern and how the colors came together; I dont really want to mess with it much.

    As for the howdah and engine... such a blast! I began working on the central parts that were originally black, and decided to go with a quartz center. Using white scar, xereus purple, lilac and druchii violet, I began with doing splotches of random color of semi watery/wet paint (not so wet its running). After i got the semi pattern of what i want, while still wet i then bring in a light, light layer of druchii violet to blend all the colors together, doing a few minor splotches of white or purple if i feel a section lost color with the blending. After letting it dry, I look at it, if i needs touch ups...start over again on that one area and go from there :) luckily the floor turned out perfect, although the icons on the wood poles may need a touch up or two (possibly too much white on one of them).

    For the shields i decided to go with jade again, to match the statue of the Feathered Serpent. Using Caliban Green, Sybarite green, Gauss Blaster Green, and Coelia Greenshade to achieve my jade look. I started with making the veins with the lighter greens, and then using the shade to highlight them more; giving a more natural look. I also added a symbol on each shield in purple, representing Tepok and the other two serpent gods of the Seraphon (one of which is a homebrew serpent goddess).

    I also have done the cloth sections of the howdah, using rakkarth flesh, Zandari dust, and seraphim sepia, i feel it really came out well. As for the metal icons on the cloth sections, I so far have used just Fersian grey, still debating on what I want to do with them fully; though i am thinking of doing the icons in lilac and the back part of the metal to stay as fersian grey.

    All in all, some great progress on the howdah so far, I am hoping to work on the engine mroe soon :) so close to finishing the howdah itself though I think! hoping to be done with this project in the next few days, though not going to rush it.

    hope you all are doing well, and I hope whatever project you are working on is bringing you joy and not frustration. take care, and as always , I love C&C






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  6. Small update on the Engine of Tepok!

    I primed the howdah about three days ago, finally getting the courage to start, I have begun doing base coats.

    For the wood elements, I have gone with my redwood recipe, which i will darken a tad before adding highlights; I really love the look of redwood and Birch (common woods used in my models).

    For the Coatl I have decided on a jade feel, hoping to achieve an aged jade look, I hope to do the same for the black parts of the howdah also, or possibly a purple quartz look. The arches of the Engine itself im opting for a more neutral color, going for a stone look.

    All fairly early WIP, though I do think the statue of Tepok is looking pretty good! I know Tepoks color is Purple, but I i really love jade.

    Thoughts are always welcome, more progress to come!




  7. Small update on the Engine of Tepok!

    I primed the howdah about three days ago, finally getting the courage to start, I have begun doing base coats.

    For the wood elements, I have gone with my redwood recipe, which i will darken a tad before adding highlights; I really love the look of redwood and Birch (common woods used in my models).

    For the Coatl I have decided on a jade feel, hoping to achieve an aged jade look, I hope to do the same for the black parts of the howdah also, or possibly a purple quartz look. The arches of the Engine itself im opting for a more neutral color, going for a stone look.

    All fairly early WIP, though I do think the statue of Tepok is looking pretty good! I know Tepoks color is Purple, but I i really love jade.

    Thoughts are always welcome, more progress to come!




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  8. 17 hours ago, Eldarain said:

    Definitely not (unless you want to protect me from starting a Lizards army...)

    Looks great. That feathered serpent was an inspired  choice. Looks fantastic.

    Ha, no, I definitely encourage a Lizard army lol they're a lot of fun to paint 

    And definitely I really love it, will definitely be a central piece to my army, just undecided hownto paint the feathered serpent itself.  Pure gem stone is an idea, like jade or quartz, I'm also a huge fan of obsidian. We shall see, needs a tad touch if greenstuff (though, tempted to not out of fear of ruining details), and to decide if anything else needs to be added onto the howdah itself... might add the flame throwers

  9. So, my Spirit if the mountain is in the shelf, it's frustrating me.

    Instead i started a GW Stegadon, it was a gift from my GF last Christmas, and i wasnt sure how to go about it until now

    Im considering the Stegadon done, now to do the howdah :) needs to be cleaned, but yeah :)

    calling it the, "Engine of Tepok", using the original Warhammer Coatl on top of the engine, I think its going to look great when done, hoping mid Feb.

    Pic of my two Stegadon's together :)

    let me know if you all want me to stop posting Seraphon stuff lol just taking a small break from Lumineth atm and the Seraphon sub forum isnt super active in the same way as this one






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  10. 14 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    That’s a really fabulous conversion! 👏 And good idea to not going down the endless spell route, I‘ve heard that some units can just auto-dispel ES 😇

    Thanks man! Im pretty happy with it, now to finish thr Stegadon and then clean mold lines on the engine/howdah lol

    Agreed, definitely a better use of it, going to make for a cool piece when finished.

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  11. I'll start :)

    I began working on my Engine of the Gods a few days ago, my girlfriend bought it for me last Christmas, and I'm finally ready to tackle it. I'm however customizing it a tad by adding the original Warhammer Coatl ontop of the engine, for this reason I am calling it the Engine of Tepok or The Engine of Metzlitlaco (Metzlitlaco is my homebrew Serpent Goddess, the third Serpent god with Sotek and Tepok, sort of a hybrid of the two, her children are called Moon Serpents and those who follow her are of the Blood Moon Cult). I'm pretty excited about it, the Stegadon itself is almost done. I need to clean some mold lines on the Howdah/Engine still.

    Any C&C or thoughts are welcome :)










  12. I noticed we had a place to discuss Seraphon, but really no place to share with each other our current or finished projects. Id like this thread to be a place for us all to share that, whether it be models that we are or have painted or even homebrew we are writing.

    Please be kind it takes a lot to share, especially if it's something someone has written, this is a helpful thread where we as a Seraphon community can encourage one another.

    So please, without worry of judgement, share wuat you're working on, have finished or even are planning all things Seraphon! 


  13. So, a pretty big post, something I'm really excited to share...

    Engine of Tepok/Metzlitlaco (undecided if I'll go a homebrew name route or an official name route, probably official)

    I have had the original Warhammer coatl sitting next to my bed for about 6 months now, no real idea what to do with it, originally I was thinking of doing an endless spell with it. However, I believe this will be a far better use of it, not only will it actually get to be seen on the table, it will also give my Engine of the Gods a unique look. I still want to add some stuff to the howdah itself, but trying to decide what without making it look too busy, and still have mold lines and such to clean.

    I'm really excited to see this come together, might even magnetize a Slann for it :)

    The Stegadon itself is close to done, just a few more details and such to do :) Decided to go with a Silver metal to represent the moon (homebrew reasons) instead of the traditional gold metal.

    I hope you all enjoy the direction this is headed, let me know your true thoughts down below! I would love to hear some feedback :) Hoping to have more pictures of this and other projects soon!











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  14. 4 hours ago, PainfullyMediocre said:

    Wow! Those models are stunning, but the bases top them off perfectly! Where did you get the jungle plants from?

    Thank you! Its fun to see the level of skill through them all: The Troglodon was my third model ever painted, probably about a month or less aftrr I started painting he was done. The Custom Stegadon (including howdah) is probably about 5 or so months in, and although the Troglodon in some ways is a better paint job, the Stegadon definitely highlights better brush control and a few other things that i gained since painting the Trog. The Spirit of the Mountain, well, is obviously the most recent lol and shows how much Ive come from both of the other models (I'd argue there's a vast difference between my Spirit and my Avalenor even). 

    The bases definitely top them off, ive beem trying to do better with my hades as I've really have slacked on them in the past, so trying to "up that game", to use the parlance of our times. My Troglodon's new base is exactly what it deserved from the beginning. 

    Jungle plants were from Amazon, the cattails and tree were from Hobby lobby, i bought them a long time ago though, not sure i have the boxes anymore.

    Plants: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BP71J91/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    I also bought bamboo as apparently they also grow in swamp/marsh lands and could be a nice Lumineth plant:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075WQ16M9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    These were my original first two bases for this Troglodon, the first was from my original homebrew for my Cohort called, "The Cohort of Poisonous Mists"... as you can see, I made super thick mist/clouds for my early units. It then evolved to a Spawning/Sacred pool



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  15. Next two projects: Finishing my Spirit of the Mountain & Custom Stegadon. 

    Both have most of the major work done, minus their bases. 

    For the Spirit, I have mainly the shoulders, knees and a few miscellaneous things to finish before moving onto the base. Her base will likely be done in the same fashion as my Avalenor base. Admittedly, the shoulder still are putting me off as im nit sure how to approach them, as in, what shade what what not to use on it (maybe just nuln?) so yeah lol just hung up a bit on her.

    My Stegadon needs a few things finished on the howdah finished, such as the drums. Other than that, i believe the skinks (designed by @lostkingdomminiatures) are the last "major" part to be finished before moving onto the base itself. For the Stegadon's base, I am planning to follow suit with my Troglodon (shown as reference) and do more of a swamp/marsh feel. More straightforward than the Spirit.

    I am looking forward to sharing these finished and the progress with you all! Probably be done in the first few weeks of Feb or by the end if February I hope :)








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  16. 1 hour ago, LuminethMage said:

    So in January finished the 6 Sentinels and the Direchasm Warband, and a shot in the arm because of the awesome new models the LRL are going to get, built and primed a Stonemage and 15 Stoneguard.  

    Here is a summary of all the LRL models I have done so far, and a photo of the Alarith waiting to be painted. I hope I manage the Stonemage and maybe 10 of them during February.




    Doing well it seems, far better than me! I have so many smaller models to do, I keep focusing on larger ones first


    Keep it up!

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  17. So, I'm super excited for this release in particular, for many reasons.

    I love the mounts, absolutely 100%, to me they look like a cross between a Tauntaun & a Parasaurolophus (Para being a favorite dinosaur, right up there with Stegosaurus). I love how they can run on two legs, but seem to be natural on four just the same. I also love the kitbash potential I see.

    On a more personal side, it's kind of a dream come true. When Lumineth first released, I wanted 2 things: cav archers and a Mountain Minotaur Monsterous infantry (Kroxigor or Bullgor equiv)so bad...I was a bit sad that neither happened. So, i for my own whatever kitbashed a cav archer from a sentinel and a dawnrider. 

    So now, I am just so haooy that the cav archer is officially here, and now it may be time to finish the one i began months ago. Maybe one day there will be official Hyshiaj Minotaurs for Lumineth too? We'll see, if so, I have one already ready :)





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