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Everything posted by Dreddships

  1. I've double checked Warlord Kurgan's Twitter, and there is still quite a few Deathy left unsolved inc. banners, wings and the ominous werewolf feet. There is most certainly more to come - even with Ulfenkarn and Crimson Court. The leaked Vampire Lord also had 0 rumour engine teasers, same as most of the new Lumineth stuff. This faction update is looking monumental. Gives me hope we'll get a proper Cities update if they can do it for what seems to be the entire VC range at this stage
  2. If 3.0 is Excelsius, Ironjawz are going to get a collosal update then. Fyreslayers tho... Ugh... RIP
  3. Interesting note here The Website has a Vampire fella with that halberd but the teaser has the fella (same eyepatch and weapon) as a good ol' fashion Skelebob. Wonder which one of the two is the red herring? Unless it's two different models that happen to have the same weapon and eyepatch?
  4. Ask and it shall be delivered Looks like various bits of Fences at the back too? Assuming these are the Gravekeeper's bois
  5. Looks like a Vampire, Necromancer(?), Another Vampire and the Revealed Creepy Zombie Fella WHQuest and Underworlds Warband are gonna be a LoN army in two boxes at this point? Wondering how much Gravelords are gonna get in terms of raw AOS kits if we're looking at 7 New Vampire Sculpts just from Underworlds, this and the leaked VL?
  6. Assuming this is where our Halloween Tree Zombie teaser is circa too. Shyish Corpse Sylvaneth please.
  7. Interesting note - those two silhouette placeholders. Looks like a Human with a Greatsword and a new Skeleton friend? God I'm hyped
  8. Is that some weird Nagash mockery of the Gaunt Summoner?
  9. The Blood Dragon Prince fella is absolutely sick - feels like an updated Konrad model
  10. 4 Vampire Lords in a box? Can't be complaining.
  11. That is a bloody stunning model and we've not had anything dead so far my Bois... And no mysteriously new game... We willed WH Quest - Deadbois to existence
  12. These reveals feel underwhelming on 40ks front. The Pariah Nexus box feels very lacklustre. Hoping they pull it back around with some spicy Sigmar content
  13. Looks like a Witch Hunter, the Kill Team/40k and a Gravelord centrepiece to me?
  14. I dont see why Nagash needs to get bloody nose'd for Vampires to take more control - tbf, if that's the way it's going, nothing in the narrative so far says the Vampires can't be semi retcon'd into always have been independent to an extent? Have Teclis arrive, faces off against Olynder, takes a dub. Have Nagash find out what's happening but his personality fracture is on the frits since his dosing on the Nadir. Wants to go do something but the Death pantheon are all a bit worried he isn't doing too well and needs more time to recover. Manfred steps up and says that Nagash doesn't need to worry and get up from his chair. Him and Nef get sent to go deal with it, get some nice Vampire interaction as they debate what to do. Have some very clear sketchy dialogue that the two of them don't respect Nagash and are waiting for the time to strike and if it wasn't for Olynder/Kata/Arkhan, they'd have kicked his skull down into the Nadir. Have Nef or Manfred mess up some LRL - if we need the Deus Ex, Katakros turns up and Teclis sees Shyish as a harder prize so retreat s 'for now'. End with Arkhan POV as Nagash reveals an 'all to plan' moment that he thinks Manny or Nef are working against him and that it's about time to reveal the next member of his new death pantheon ... In rolls next Mortarch and Segway into Soulblight. Teclis gets a dub against Olynder and the Nighthaunt. Vampires can be in rebellion. Nagash can actually do something that isn't be a character equivalent to a boxing bag
  15. The potato cam photo of the Vampire was a clampack where we had the 'Soulblight Gravelord' name from. Unless it's a full range rebrand for LoN that comes with BR Teclis with our existing book FAQ'd to say 'if it says LoN, write Soulblight Gravelord', it'll most certainly have to be a new battletome. And if HoS and BR Morathi is anything to go by, a new battletome means we won't get juicy new stuff for Broken Realms - Also in terms of tomorrow, we've already had WH Community say stuff about heroes to fight our vampires (unless that's in reference to the LRL and BR Teclis but it seems weirdly out-of-place in how it was described at the end eg. if LRL were the 'heroes' to fight our vampire friend, why not phrase as such rather than a footnote 'tune in to Saturday' tease?) as well as GW still being happy enough to reveal BR Teclis early despite having to reveal the LRL and Vampire models. I'd say 'something' is coming - be that the WH Quest we've been hyping or just the other models for the Lumineth and a stronger teaser for Gravelords - for AOS. With 40k currenly running on the Codex Treadmill, unless it's something major for Killteam or our new 'game', I'm stuck here?
  16. So we know Vampires are a new battletome bc of the Clampack leak, So, I imagine, like Slaanesh, Soulblight Gravrlords won't feature in BR Teclis. We know LRL will appear and I guarantee that'll be where the warscrolls will be for the new units. We can almost guarantee OBR and Nighthaunt. LoN maybe if SBGL ain't a replacement? Are they any other factions missing here? FeC maybe?
  17. Teclis invading Shyish is not at all where I predicted this to go. Is it just me who can't imagine this ends well for ol' Aelfy boi? It took Archaon, Belakor and a collosal army to deal with Katakros and Olynder alone... What is an Aelf with a Big Hat going to do against not just those two, but also the other three Mortarchs and Nagash himself, on their home turf? - In other news, give me Grand Alliance : 80s Cartoon Villains, where Evil-Lyn and Skeletor, wait I mean Morathi and Skeletor, team up to fight He-Man, I mean, Sigmar.
  18. Galaxy Brain moment - we know from Morathi that Death isn't strictly '****** order' in that we see one directly working to free a Stormcast for the purpose of getting word to Sigmar. This is why the 'earth will rise' - the Gravelords, and Nagash, completing the narrative arc. Nagash offers Sigmar a 'bone' - working together against the forces threatening them both, in this case, Destruction and Chaos. If 3.0 will, like 2.0, offer a major narrative change and new arc, having the end of our Death/Order arc being a nice full conclusion to the strings started way back in 1.0 with Nagash's betrayal to Nagash providing the aid when Sigmar needs it the most? That's satisfaction baby. That's satisfying conclusions to narratives. This also explains why any of our 'sky' factions would oppose 'the storm' - if Sigmar is to parley with Nagash, how would Teclis (our friendly Aelven god of endorsing Genocide) sit with that?
  19. SPOILER FOR BR FICTION - The riddle at the end of that BR short story is definitely something important, and I'm making the call it's the order of events for BR. The first line is most certainly Excelsis and the Gate of Azyr. - Earth shifting - ugh... Who knows? Knowing what we know rn, a cryptic reference to the dead rising eg. Breaking the earth on graves etc. Could possibly mean we see Gravelords before Lumineth wave 2? - Sky eating Storm - Storm is def Sigmar here, can't think of candidates for Sky apart from Kharadron and Lumineth? If it is as I suspect Lumineth eg. Teclis, makes some sense if we find out Teclis is answering IDK/DoK call to war. The Sky has 'eaten the storm' in the sense it's caused the downfall of Sigmar and his grand order. - Serpent's Tide - either an obvious reference to Idoneth or Sotek or something cryptic. Serpent as Dragon could lead to Tyrion. Serpent as metaphorical Serpent could lead to Malerion (sly, shadowy, lying). I'm guessing this will be our grand conclusion, and if so, who the hell knows? The Serpent was also Slaanesh in Norscan worship, so possible wave 2 Slaanesh for end of BR saga with our 'missing' units? - Last line is just Tzeentch claiming the Newborn was all his plan and doing, so usual Tzeetchian all to plan nonsense. Possibly find out Newborn/Slaanesh plot is the payoff for the Penumbrel Engine Heist? Final BR book with Tzeentch being Tzeentch and 'shattering the mirror' eg. the weird trickery that's keeping Slaanesh sealed away? - Anyone with any ability to solve cryptic riddles please help I've no real idea past one line.
  20. Interesting note here - that's not the Silhouette of the Vampire we were teased with a few weeks back with the Wing/Shoulder Spikes. Which means multiple Vampires, if I'm right. And going purely on the usual with Underworlds - a new 'Hero' sculpt and alternative sculpts for various other units - I'm calling it's looking increasingly likely for foot non-hero vampires in Gravelords. This is assuming, however, this is not another Swordmaster or Slaaneshi Spear Mortal situation where the Vampire is purely for flavour for the foreseeable future.
  21. It's why I bring it up. The trend at this point now is very much having big centrepiece models - and it's been fairly common now. And if it's death, the trend seems to very much be each army needs a new flashy Mortarch. Even OBR, an army that would most certainly fit Arkhan, got a new boi. To answer these both, though, about the potential OC new Mortarch; If we are right, and Death's narrative ends with a Civil War with Nagash vs (someone), I can't see it being an OC character that's only recently introduced - and many of the characters we've had around for a while generally tie over from the old world. The ones we haven't, Kata and Olynder, seem fairly happy where they are - it'd be a bit of a left turn for them to be civil war buddies In that section, though, we've only got a few options - Abhorash is a brilliant shout - vampire riding around on Dorghar-sized super Zombie Dragon and you're in the clear. Ushoran - I will keep saying this until it happens. Bringing back someone new - we've got who, Krell, Kemmler, Vladdy and Isabella left from TOW? Out of all of those? Abhorash is probably the most likely - Vladdy would be fan service. And I'm a huge sucker for fan service Thanks here, was just about to splurge to make it make some more sense. I've seen way too many posts today breaking down whether or not the model is a female or male - which just feels a bit weird purely because creepy monster is gonna rip ya throat out regardless and it's a cool model. My apologies if anyone caught it on the wrong foot - I took a mistake of stepping on some ugh 'alternative' forums and saw some ugh 'choice' language used about the character if they was female that had set me on the wrong foot.
  22. The real question in this discourse is why does gender even matter to an immortal bloodsucking fiend. Am fairly sure they don't really bother about specific pronouns in general. The real question is will we get a new Mortarch and why should it be Vladdy?
  23. The line on the end of that article about 'heroes' gives me almost the 100% certainty that the Soulblight are getting a three game release between Underworlds, AOS and Quest. Witch Hunter is also seemingly guaranteed to get a full proper look now. Saturday Hype lads!
  24. I imagine at that point, OBR had already begun the design process too - and now we have our 'exotic' skeletons through OBR rather than Tomb Kings. They died for a good cause if anything - we have our new Settra, even if this one has a David Bowie bulge 😄.
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