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Everything posted by Bastard

  1. I can't say nothing about the first list because i not played, yet, with dankhold troggoths. Some day i would like to try them. The second one looks like the ones i like to use. If you don't mind i'll steall you the list for my next battle, i'll change the fungoid and the malevolent maelstrom for another madcap and scutlettide because i want to get used with to the scutlettide. I think it's a good and fun list to start and build around it. But just my newbie opinion In my opinion is worth it enough if you don't have the models in the box, even if the rockgut troggoth aren't staples on gitz list i like them and i played a unit of 3 a few times, at some point i'll try a unit of 6 and launch them with the hand of gork and see what they do.
  2. Hi @baiardo, new player here too with a few games played in 1k points. If you don't mind my lack of experience i can share my thoughts on the way to go at that points range. I build my lists mixing moonclan and squigs too so i go for a general who let me get in squig herds as battleline, whos actually i put in only because are a cheap bag of wounds, so i usually run a loonboss on mangler squig. For the other battleline requiered i stack a bunch of stabbas. At some point i mind to upgrade to a horde army of 2k, so i usually take 40 stabbas. After that i'll try to combine heroes and units go can sinergize between them. Maybe a few fungoid cave shamans, or madcap if i run out of points, and a loinboss to bosts the stabbas and and a unit of fanatics to throw them with the hand of gork. Or two units of boingrot bounderz to follow the mangler and try to be agressive, ussually that path ends with them smashed on the floor but if the dices rolls nice they do a decent damage. I hope i helped a bit, im barely new to aos. And excuse me for my rubbish english, im not a native speaker
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