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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. I think that could be easier to think about the armies that will get just one box. SoB, Sylvaneth, NH, FeC, S2D, Slaanesh, Kharadron, ijz/kb (?), gitz (?), Seraphon (?), Nurgle (?),
  2. Reallistically, I only see Ogors and CoS 2 as big refreshes, fs idk, dok, tzeentch or obr, as armies that feel uncompleted just need an expansion like ironjawz and popular armies such lumineth or soublight could be nice with the Sylvaneth/nh treatment with 3-4 boxes. Two new armies could fit.
  3. I think that "umbraneth" stuff was a hoax, the only word that we have about the elves in Ulgu is Ulgurothis in the last DoK book.
  4. In the hachette collection she is described as a Malerion aelf, at least in the spanish version. Idk how canon is that.
  5. Hm… no. We have one mini (the shadow aelf from silver tower), a short story in broken realms with morathi, a mention as part of the aelven pantheon in a warcom article, mentioned in the hachette magazine Mortal Realms and in the Slaanesh book. Apart from that, Malerion is an integral part of the story of AoS since it’s conception. But I think this is not a competition about how many times time talk about who, actually chorfs have been confirmed by wf and Ulgorothis are missing from any hint, so I don’t expect them at all.
  6. 4chan Yes, I know I know fake, for sure
  7. Supposedly, those leaks came before Adepticon, and most of them are being confirmed now by the Adepticon preview (index, weapon ranges), today's video (counter charges) and wf jr (spell lore, double turn changes)
  8. That means card system like 40k, where the ghb is the deck
  9. No surprise about the aqshy bit, we have been in aqshy for 9 years xd
  10. I think even the original poster of those leaks came there and said they were just his wishlist
  11. Model-wise no, but I'm just interested in rules
  12. Hurakan temple was delayed a month, so I expected the same for river temple
  13. The want to break the stock record of dominion adding scenery into the starter box or what.
  14. You know your dudes (your girls, in this case) can be how you want right? I don't like the face, so I'll kitbash it with a nice helmet
  15. Tbh I don’t expect Malerion coming to the game anytime at this point.
  16. Archaon is like me when I'm about to paint my minis but suddenly I hear the calling from my lgs and end with 5 more boxes.
  17. That is actually the only thing about the new edition that worries me.
  18. He said yes in previous posts, and faction scenery, just that faction scenery will work different
  19. We need several heroes for the box that are missing there. Heroes are the most profitable minis they make, so expect at least 2 or 3 more for each side.
  20. Oh gw loves to do those tricks, the guy in my LGS is forced to receive stuff that everybody knows is going to be discontinued. A complete shame.
  21. I think we all know wich minis are going to leave (dispossesed, bones, dark elves, boc, old ogres, old skavens, fatcasts, metal/resin…) The problem is they can’t announce it because that would cost sales and people lives in denial about it and when happens they get frustrated.
  22. I think the problem there is a narrative vs balance one. If your tactics revolve around actually playing the game (ghb 1 tactics), killy armies are going to reign rampant in the tables. The scope of final ghb is more about playing outside the main mission, so if you want to kill me, you gotta go to akward positions or make moves that go against your main plan. This ghb is pretty more balanced that the first one (even with cracked stuff like primals and blizzard), so I think that the team went the balanced route.
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