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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. SG warhound needs to be inducted into this forum's hall of fame
  2. Rend had to go up because of the save-stacking from the start of the edition. I can understand why they wanted to get rid of rerolls, but i think some are still necessary. +1 save for 1cp is too much, I prefer rr 1s like in second edition. The same for multiple abilities that give +1 to the point I see dudes with a 2+ save ignoring 2 points of rend.
  3. Na, that happened because they got rid of wargear points, AoS should stay the same or just lower the points of armies that had auto-faction-tactics (tz/sbg)
  4. I prefer the cryptguard route, all weapons are the same, so I can mix and match as I want or choose the "coolest" one with any remorse. I have Morghast with blades, because I love blades, but they are garbage compared with spears. Most of the time people doesn't care If i say "hey, those are hallberds", but sometimes they care and I'm paying points for an output i can't reach.
  5. AoS needs to merge all similar effects under the same term and make a glossary with all, like 40k did. And that's the principal reason I want an index
  6. The reduction of flavour (apart from psychic, that was a disgrace) have been a bless for me. I had tons of minis waiting to be mounted because I cound't decide with wargear to put on them, now I can go full of "rule of cool" without worrying about WYSIWYG. I hope Aos follow the same path, is dumb to have a different weapon profiles in units divided between the good weapon and the "narrative" weapon.
  7. Spearhead boxes have the same red pattern, and we suppose that those are going to be designed for 4th edition, so no surprise they keep it in books aswell
  8. Index for sure, I'm really happy right now
  9. I would love to see those aswell, but I don't think those are in the core book.
  10. We have just a few leaks compared to 40k, but when we have leaks, those are spectacular Pls someone open it and tell us if we are getting indexes, endless are still there, faction terrain is still there and if there is a sign of boc/bones
  11. Boc, bones and generic endless axed. Faction terrain costing points and ironjawz and kbz separated.
  12. I think next edition is going to be full of minis because: A) old minis have to go back to fantasy to not share space. (Seraphon/sbg/cos final refresh, ogors refresh, maybe ugly demons replacement coming from a release in 40k) B) non plastic minis are going to get a refresh or disappear C) first edition armies will follow the ironjawz path. (Idk, fs, dok (maybe with malerion) D) New armies (chorfs, at least, maybe malerion, maybe silent people)
  13. he just reacted to the removed part, so the “reimagined” is pure copium.
  14. That obr vs idoneth box makes me sweat
  15. That has more imagination than the 4chan leak.
  16. Tbh I don’t care wich is the starter army as long as is not Stormcast, and I play stormcast. There is enough bloat in that book to keep adding 10 kits every 3 years, and is very unfair to “primarize” them because of that, so better pivot to another faction.
  17. We had World Eaters and Votann in the same edition, so I think there is room for both armies in 4th aswell
  18. I just need a confirmation about indexes and i will be fine
  19. It's a mix of whitefang, whitefang back me up, some bonesplitterz copium and some tga copium with an extra of iamgination.
  20. I just said that a darkoath book has been rumored from years because they were talking about taking off cultists from the book, not that those new minis are going to a new book. Sometimes you overreact a lot.
  21. Darkoath book has been rumored for years
  22. That's another thing. Amazing Darkoaths
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