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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. Lmao. I play dok, skaven or lumineth. I got three damm faqs at the price of tomes. Idk was interesting but undertuned, gitz was crazy overtuned, slaanesh and seraphon had a terrible internal balance and obr was broken to the point that anyone wanted to play against me. The only book I think was well made, equal fun and competitive that i have played is slaves
  2. Yes. I prefer that than waiting 3 years for a proper tome or having just a wd set of boring rules for a year.
  3. You already know the pair of dw5 (dok+cos) So there are just two possible scenaries: dw6 with slaves and another chaos faction (nurgle per rumor engines?) or new slaves book and a new book seems impossible with 4th around the corner (and possibly indexes)
  4. Next 40k releases are mostly imperium but one chaos char, so that must be Aos
  5. They come with "combat patrol rules" that are only used in that format, independent of the codex rules, to balance the difference in points that comes inside.
  6. They use closed Combat Patrol rules in 40k for balancing that issue, I think AoS is going to follow that.
  7. I think is a sign for indexes, maybe OBR is just the first one to be out of stock and they are not restocking any book.
  8. That's because warcry bands don't come just with one hero
  9. You have aelfs, ulgu, morathi, a new godness plotting and a diviner as ingredients and choose to make a filler story. Clap We know there's a Morai heg cult since the first tome of DoK, and we know that Morathi wants it down, since first book aswell.
  10. Idk if they made that hyper toxic rules for the incarnate because they wanted to sell a box that just a few people were interested in or everything was by accident, but I'm happy with just one of those in the game, or better 0.
  11. Maybe... Are we going to Shyish in the next edition?
  12. Too many stuff is related to death and Shysh in the latest bits of lore. Ionus comes from Shysh The dark tower like the dark buildings in Lethis Next dw is about Morai heg, related to crows (like Lethis) and Death.
  13. Yes, but no more players arrive to the faction. You can see how the playrate spikes when a new tome goes around, independent on the power of the book. BoC just got less than 1% spike, so people are not buying them, just niche loyal players.
  14. You can go the other way around, only 5 factions never saw their playrate go past 4%, and BoC are one of them. (And two of them are fec and cos, that now has more than that and another one is bonesplitterz xd)
  15. Even when BoC was the most broken army in the game the representation was just average.
  16. If BoC is going to get squatted, I think we are getting indexes in June, because is the only way to make them disappear from the game. Maybe Bonesplitterz are going away in that index too.
  17. To be fair, DoK (dw5), Nurgle (dw1) and sbg (dw4) have more than single character update If TOW is giving us some clues, I expect Chorfs, Seraphon, Sbg, Delves (maybe umbraneth, maybe dok expansion) and Ogors.
  18. Battletomes in this edition are 100% made for the core rules, if they want to change core rules in a significative way, then we need an index. But if they don’t, why we need another edition?
  19. Not a mention about AoS battlescroll...
  20. Aos is the only game of games workshop that has not being trasitioned to keywords in abilities, so the index is a fact for me. And I don’t wan an index
  21. That supposed balance is too good to be real.
  22. With rules that come in a book that won't be legal to play in 4 months. A scenery is a scenery, having rules or not. Do you have the new mawpot? Great, put It in your table to play some AoS, just that.
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