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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. Yes, but no more players arrive to the faction. You can see how the playrate spikes when a new tome goes around, independent on the power of the book. BoC just got less than 1% spike, so people are not buying them, just niche loyal players.
  2. You can go the other way around, only 5 factions never saw their playrate go past 4%, and BoC are one of them. (And two of them are fec and cos, that now has more than that and another one is bonesplitterz xd)
  3. Even when BoC was the most broken army in the game the representation was just average.
  4. If BoC is going to get squatted, I think we are getting indexes in June, because is the only way to make them disappear from the game. Maybe Bonesplitterz are going away in that index too.
  5. To be fair, DoK (dw5), Nurgle (dw1) and sbg (dw4) have more than single character update If TOW is giving us some clues, I expect Chorfs, Seraphon, Sbg, Delves (maybe umbraneth, maybe dok expansion) and Ogors.
  6. Battletomes in this edition are 100% made for the core rules, if they want to change core rules in a significative way, then we need an index. But if they don’t, why we need another edition?
  7. Not a mention about AoS battlescroll...
  8. Aos is the only game of games workshop that has not being trasitioned to keywords in abilities, so the index is a fact for me. And I don’t wan an index
  9. That supposed balance is too good to be real.
  10. With rules that come in a book that won't be legal to play in 4 months. A scenery is a scenery, having rules or not. Do you have the new mawpot? Great, put It in your table to play some AoS, just that.
  11. I'm feeling that maybe all endless and terrains are going away aswell, but that is pure speculation by my side.
  12. Wowowowowo DW 4 spoilers: Vandus seems to be going crazy, Gavriel is in risk aswell? What about Aventis? He's in Hammerhall. And the Celestant Prime? ARE THEY GONNA MURDER ALL THE HAMMERS OF SIGMAR PJS? Oh my god GW, give it to me, give me tragedy, give me drama.
  13. At this point, having faith on BoC is pure copium.
  14. GW wants to sell stuff, if you come at the start of 3rd edition and say "hey, BoC is going to be squatted some point between 2024 and 2027" you automatically stop to sell them. They did the opposite, BoC was the most broken army for months and did the bare minimun to mantain them, with just a tome and a hero, no more units, no warbands, no underworlds band. Now the stock is almost empty, anyone can come at the end of the edition saying "but I just started them", because is impossible and the next batch will come for sure with squared bases and old world boxes.
  15. S2D already have their own problems. The book is full of mixed stuff that just don't fit with each others. I think is more probable that S2D divides into two books (warrios and darkoaths), and BoC being introduced into the second
  16. Those little arms from the advent calendar could be nurglings I think.
  17. Oh yeah, I expect a refresh for Slaves with some kits like marauders, marauders on horse or warshrine.
  18. You mean the chaos one? I wouldn't hope more than just that, there were tons of rumors about dw4 getting renown boxes or a morghast/nh hero and we now know that the vampire an FeC release was everything and now people feels sad about it.
  19. I would say that minis are coming in pairs since dw2 Orruk+Gitz, Sce+Sylvaneth, Soulblight+FeC, DoK+Cities and I assume Slaves+khorne(?)
  20. Add heroes into units to buff just them, that will control the spam.
  21. If anyone has more than one unit of them, is because they know they are unbalanced, and if they are unbalanced gw will nerf them.
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