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Grim Beasties

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Posts posted by Grim Beasties

  1. So it looks like we have a clear idea of what's to come with Decadence and Death, leaving (Da Best) for last, Destruction. I imagine we are still awhile away from seeing what it will be but the mystery April warband definitely seems like something to look forward to.

    I have a few speculative ideas of what it could be (in no particular order)

    1. Bonesplitterz, would make sense as the logo has a bone look to it, and it would be the first new non ironjaw orruk for AoS and would fit the hunter theme of Direchasm.

    2. Spiderfang, would be awesome but not much about the logo screams spider to me, plus it would be the 3rd warband for both Grots and gloomspite.

    3. Silent People the one I'm most excited for. Points in favour would be the similarity of the icon to the mask of the silent people and their amber bone equipment, as well as them being teased throughout this Beastgrave and Direchasm. The biggest point against them however is that the katophrane were also teased that way in the first 2 seasons.

    Whatever it ends up being though, it will probably be something interesting.



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  2. 13 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    We're getting off topic again guys...Underworlds Mancrusher models!!

    That's not even that crazy of an idea as there was a WD scenario and card for a glass mad Gargant. I don't think are mystery April warband is a Gargant but I would be happy to be wrong.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Unpopular opinion:

    Hard disagree... I'd hate hate HATE HATE a female Varanguard rider! Whenever something is described as a HULKING BRUTE, I don't think the female form fits that description. So yeah, I'm far from a fan of female Chaos Warriors (or Chosen, Varanguard, whatever). No, I don't hate women. I usually like them. Usually.

    And yes, I know it's a magical world but I still don't like it. WH:U warband included. Female marauders aren't such a jarring image to me, probably because they work fine visually. Or even special cases like Valkia or Dechala. Or the Marauder Warqueen character. But hulking, heavy armored Chaos guys should stay dudes.

    Chaos Warriors have always had mix of sexes, even in the Gotrek and Felix books one of the first chaos champions they face is a woman devoted to khorne, and she is has the same chaos armour as any other champion of chaos.

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  4. While I doubt the Legion will get plastic models, I don't think Chaos duradin as a faction is that far fetched an idea. We have examples in the Warcry warbands and the lore, and while it's unlikely to happen anytime soon, anything is possible in future.

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  5. I wasn't able to finish as many projects as I would have liked, but I am happy with the progress I have made, with my wizard mega Gargant (still working on making him a hat and beard) and my Barrow Bustaz Rogue Idol (just needs legs and detail work). I've also gotten a lot of enjoyment from the Beastgrave destruction warbands, really enjoyed all the character they have and I'm very excited to see what the mystery April warband is in the new year. On the reading side of the hobby I was able to make much more progress thankfully and I've really been enjoying the resent AoS books as well as diving into the Warhammer Fantasy chronicles. Broken Realms was fantastic and I eagerly await whatever comes next.

    Despite all the bad that's happened, I'm glad we have a great community on here that's made getting through it that much easier, thank you all very much.



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  6. Don't know if it's been mentioned here but in White Dwarf 459, on page 23, it has a small paragraph featuring Roilon Ven Brecht, one of Neferata’s devoted courtiers. It's unlikely we will see this specific Ven Brecht as it implies they where eaten by the Skitterstrand known as Boss Seven-Eyez, but this may indicated that if we see the continuation of Keiser Ven Brecht's story in BR, Neferata could be a key figure.

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  7. 1 hour ago, shinros said:

    references to the silent people who sleep in the amber, the necroquake messed with their sleeping cycle and they are now have awakened early due to it. They're insectoid in terms of appearance.

    As someone who is a big fan of arthropods, this news excites me to no end!

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  8. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    Maybe a nice compromise is that Gordrakk batters down Excelsis, and continues on his Waaagh across the Realms!!

    I would like to offer a artifact of power for the Gatebreaker tribe in Sons of Behemat that may hint towards the fate of Excelsis


    Enchanted Portcullis: The metal gate that once barred entry to the south tower of Excelsis bears a potent spell of repulsion. Repurposed as armour, it now serves to protect the wearer's 'vulnerables' from harm.


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  9. From the website

    "As an added bonus, the anthology includes collectible and exclusive alternative-art cards for three of the universal cards in Direchasm: Hungry Armour, Hunting Season, and Thrill of the Hunt." 

    seems to be these cards can be used by anyone, just the art work depicts a Kurnothi.


  10. 32 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Just because an author wants to write a Gotrek story doesn't mean GW has to expend resources (their own, plus the author's time) on it. If I worked in an office (like I used to) and wanted to spend my time developing a sales dashboard in Sharepoint, it would not be my choice. Even if the sales team would like a new dashboard (though they already have had six versions), my boss would be wise to direct my skills toward new tools that could expand our capabilities instead of just rehashing what we already have.

    I can understand that, but that doesn't answer my question, how do the few new Gotrek stories affect the 60 something other books and 100 short stories? How are people 'rubes' for enjoying a character?

  11. 24 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    I get ya, but man, it just seems like it's lazy and it takes advantage of "rubes."



    A "I've got this story I'm writing. It's about a brooding warrior named Turk who has made mistakes and now travels the world seeking atonement. What do you think?"

    B "I think that's been done a thousand times. Sorry, nobody wants to read that again."

    A "Yeah, I guess. Darn."

    B "Hey! Wait just one minute. Would you be agreeable to changing the warrior's name?"

    A "Sure, I guess, but what would that matter? The story is still the same."

    B "Don't worry. We'll call him Gotrek and the fans will eat it up, buy it, and cheer just like when bands call out the name of whatever city the are in when the have a concert. It doesn't matter that the show is the same every time or that the band doesn't really care about Livonia NY more than they do about Oslo Norway. All the fans care about is familiarity ... rubes."

    I'm not saying that GW is intentionally being lazy or trying to fleece suckers. I'm just saying that there is so much more original, creative, and ultimately rewarding storytelling out there that dipping into the Gotrek well ... one ... more ... time feels cheap, unoriginal, and disappointing. An author *could* be expanding the AoS universe, but instead he/she is spending their finite time on a retread.


    I was just sharing my thoughts with @TwiceIfILikeIt. She had an excellent insight.

    Gotrek stories are the Mad Libs of the Warhammer world. Pick an enemy, a region, and two references to old stories. Ta da! New Gotrek story!


    Note: This is not to say the authors are hacks. No. They are just not being used well. It would be like getting the head coach of a professional football team to train peewee league players. Sure, they can do it with their eyes closed, but what a colossal waste of talent.

    Well I'm sorry but it's here I have a bit of a problem, what about the authors who want to write about Gotrek in the Mortal Realms? Or those that want to read about how Gotrek interacts with the new setting and characters? We still have the majority of books focused on AoS unique characters, so how does Gotrek's adventure stop you from enjoying those books? 

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