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Everything posted by KingGabaSnagga

  1. Nice idea! After a few more attempts in creating several heroes and understanding the system better, I must say I panicked about the cost a bit too early. I played my first game yesterday with two custom made heroes and it was great fun and balanced. Like your example, it's actually amazing to get a support character in your army, where I was first focussing to much on damage output and survivability. This is the "Child of Light" I used for my Realmlord's army yesterday. (18DP / 180 points)
  2. I was having fun creating all those heroes that have been stuck in my head for some time... then I started to notice something. These custom made heroes are damn expensive. 😮 Like almost twice as expensive as an original hero . anyway, my creation: Grot wizard Grot: 3DP Wizard (Free): 1 cast / 1 unbind weapon 1: Axe = 1DP weapon 2: improvised = 0 DP Consumate commander= 5DP Ward= 3DP Regenerate=3DP Archmage = 3DP Move: 5 inch Bravery: 4 Wounds: 4 Save 6+ Weapon 1: 3 attacks 4+ to hit 3+ to wound rend -1 damage 1 Weapon 2: 3 attacks 4+ to hit 4+ to wound rend 0 damage 1 18 DP = 180 points. A "normal" Fungoid cave shaman comes at 90 ptn. While my custom hero still feels cool, my army would be better off with 2x Fungoid cave shamans. 😛 Anyone else feels bummed out too by this? Or am I missing something? Ps: I also recreated the light of eltharion, because it's awesome! I came at a whopping 47 dp That's 470 points to try and try to recreate a model that's 220 points. I was trying to make a grot version of the light of eltharion... "The Nightlamp of Skarsnik."
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