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Posts posted by Mattrulesok

  1. 3 hours ago, Logibear94 said:

    Thank you for the comment. Unfortunately I am less likely to get into the hobby using the original miniatures. My biggest issue is the faces of the daughters of Khaine. They look like drag queens and it's really not the aesthetic I was going for. I do appreciate the comment Marcvs.

    To be fair I bought a few DoK recently and the faces are all just normal women faces but the way GW paints them is shocking, they only know how to paint male faces and it shows. 


    I'm a pretty crappy painter but my wife, who once upon a time went to beauty school and is still really into makeup, showed me some makeup tutorials and talked me through how you would normally apply makeup highlights to accentuate a woman's face and following that highlight pattern the faces stayed normal, pretty female faces (even if I'm painting my DoK to be more demonic looking) 

    I've included a photo of 2 test models, one finished and one I'm working on, there badly painted but you can still see how much more feminine they look compared to GW's paint job and any painter better than I (so most) can really work with them well




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  2. 13 minutes ago, Thanos-se said:

    I think for the stormkeep +1 save to be applied the unit must not have move or set up. So transolacation is a movement


    "In addition, at the end of your movement phase, you can pick any friendly LIBERATORS units that did not move and were not set up in that phase and say they will stand fast. If you do so, until your next movement phase, you can add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by those units, and you can add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target those units."

    • Like 2
  3. Skaven are the army that always jumps to mind first. I'd like to be able to buya unit of skyre acolytes and not  sell my house to fund it before hand. I absolutely agree on BOC as well, Grashrak despoilers are such great sculpts and stand in stark contrast to the odd anatomy of the old models

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  4. 1 hour ago, Frowny said:

    Drops no longer determines turn order. Turn 1 is a roll off, with lowest drops winning ties. A lot of armies are less abusive when they can't guarantee turn 1 for the alpha or turn 2 for the possible double. It would also tone down the strength of the double when you can't plan for it.

    This is something I've been thinking about as being a great quality of life change. I'd even go as far as to say the team that drops first gets to choose to rerooll their roll for first turn, that's gives them a 66% chance of winning, good odds but not good enough to base your entire list on for a 5 game tournament? It feels like there is a fine line between rewarding clever list building verse punishing armies with subpar battalions. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

    The issue with double turn is that it is never, ever used as a reason to play the game. It is only ever brought up by people disliking it and the hardcore AOS fans trying to defend its inclusion. It is the single biggest reason I see for new players bouncing off of the game and dropping it. 

    That's a pretty ludicrous reasoning and patently unfair to those of us that prefer the double turn. No one ever uses it as a reason to play? Of course not, imagine trying to convince your friends to play a game and leading with "sometimes you get to go twice" rather than showing off the minis and the armies. That's like trying to sell a beautiful suit and starting by talking about the buttons. The double turn informs the structure of this game, how you move how you plan, how you build your army etc. So when those of us who like the double turn sell the game we sell the strategy, the need to think 3 steps ahead as well as the chance for the whole game to turn on its head based on some good/bad luck and simply framing that as fanboys just accepting whatever GW tells us is spurious. I mean just look at my posting history I'm heavily critical of most everything GW but I play AoS for 2 reasons, I like the models and I like the game play (which includes the rules) it's not that I wouldn't tweak some things here and there but I love the core of this game. If you don't like the core of this game I'm genuinely curious why you play it? 

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  6. Honestly I feel like if you want the double turn removed AoS is not for you, it's a core mechanic of the game and one that separates it from other similar games, I do agree however with the sentiment that more can be done to balance it, more battle plans like the blades edge that add layers to the turn mechanic would be very welcome.

    I'd also love to see changes to the way first turn is decided, I like there being a benefit for teams that set up first as it adds an extra layer to list building but I'd prefer it to be something along the lines of a roll off to determine order with first to setup getting plus one or option to reroll. Feel like removing the absolute certainty of deciding turn order for teams that set up first removes some of the power from 1 drop power shooting lists. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Aleser said:

    So new Lumineth Zoo didnt solve this one, right?


    I'm certain that's something from the new WH Quest, some kind of warewoolf esque monster climbing over Gothic architecture, presumably to go with all the critters and keys I'm assuming are also a part of the game. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Yep. You're right. You're going to be criticized, and rightly so.


    Let me boil down your utterly selfish view:


    I want a product. I actually find value in it and wish to own it. But I'm not going to pay the legal owners of that product in order to obtain it. Instead, because I have no problem using greed, selfishness, and arrogance ("i think im paying for the rules when i buy the miniatures") to justify it, I'll just support lawlessness and take what I want for free.

    In other words, "I think I'm paying for the gasoline, oil changes, and highway tolls when I buy a car, and even though that's not true under the law or in this troublesome thing we can reality, I'm going to act as if what I believe to be true entitles me to ignore reality and just take the things I want without paying."

    That about right?

    I mean that analogy doesn't work at all does it? The concept of purchasing a game and expecting the rules to come with it is very different to purchasing a car and expecting other services and  other resources to be included, no one expects to get the paint with their models do they? 

    I'd say a better analogy is, imagine you went to the store and bought  a box set of Monopoly, you take it home and open it up. There's dice, a board, cards etc. and a single page of basic rules. To get the full rules you need to buy another book, there have also been changes made to balance the game and make it fairer which are in another book. Now who's at fault here? I'm sure different people on this forum will have different opinions, should you buy a game and expect everything to come as one, especially when they haven't for a long time? Probably not but should a game, especially one as expensive as warhammer pay wall it's own rules, probably not. 

    Now wether AoS is a game system designed to facilitate the sale of models or the models are designed to serve the game is debatable (and probably a little of both) but it's hard to defend the current costing of the rules in this game when  a players may need to purchase 5-6 books (approx $250 aud) to play their army which already cost anywhere from $450 to $1200 for 2k points when those books can be invalidated in 6 months. 

    • Thanks 4
  9. Quick question for some reason I can't find the answer, with stormkeep patrol battalion ability (or any other abilities that let unit or units be setup or moved after setup is finished) what comes first? Deciding turn order or the movement of the units? I assume you move the battalion first then decide who's turn it is but I can't seem to find any confirmation. 

  10. So I finished my conversion of a stonehorn. Found a 2nd hand  thundertusk on ebay for super cheap but couldn't find a replacement stone horn head so I made my own using the thundertusk head. It took me like 2 weeks of sculpting, changing, green stuffing, sanding, cutting and filing to get it in the right place (although I could have probably done a little more sanding) and then an evening painting the horns and finding and trying new techniques (I've not painted anything like this before). Then when that was done I converted a spare glutton with various parts and green stuff into my very own Frost Lord, very pleased with the results. 

    Tried to get some decent photos of him, got one with my kit bashed thundertusk for good measure 






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  11. 45 minutes ago, Doko said:

    EvERY unit is allways better than a single model so your point is useless.


    Not at all, it's an inherit weakness of large monsters that in a game about capturing objectives they aren't very good at capturing objectives so the only reason to play them is if they provide some other use ie as a bully unit or buff piece. 


    45 minutes ago, Doko said:

    I agree that monsters in general need huge buffs,but the point here is how overpower vs other monster is the turtle.

    So buff the other monsters than, don't nerf one of the only ones worth their points


    45 minutes ago, Doko said:

    Also even vs units he is overpower,because he does almost the same damage per points and moreover bring the +1 save that cost 140 points(seraphon banner or fyreslayers battlesmith).

    But he doesn't, he does 42% less damage than 320 points of unbuffed free guild greats words, 32% less than 280points of unbuffed hammerers and 30% less damage than 260 points of unbuffed dreadscythe harridans and no one even uses them because they're a sub par combat unit in a sub par combat army (sorry NH fans I hope your new book arrives soon). You can feel free to go compare it to a bunch of other infantry units in the game and you will find almost all will beat the leviadon on average damage. Hell I purposely didn't pick the best combat units. Go matchbit up to DoK or Ironjawz. 


    45 minutes ago, Doko said:

    If you remove these 140 points of the aura we have a 20 damage output monsters that cost only 200 points......not even the best unit of the game bring that damage per points

    I'm not sure how you decided to just remove 140 points from a unit then call it under costed, the aura is not worth 140  (the battlesmith is more than just his aura and I've no idea which seraphon character you're referring to) 



    But like I said the problem isn't the leviadon it's the book, a +1 save aura is nice but not game breaking, however it being in an army with a unit that can ignore rend, is automatically in cover the first turn and if closest has to be shot at allowing the rest of the army to move forward safely to attack first for the entirety of battle round 3 where their other elite cavellry receive a bonus for charging and can gain a ton of extra attacks from the command ability from an already good hero who also now can make all units near him - 1 to hit. But yeh the turtle is the problem. 

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  12. Nah the leviadon is fine, it's priced correctly. its damage output when it charges is comparable to an ubuffed 5 man evocators unit (pictured) which is 130 points cheaper. Yes the leviadon has other benefits (+1 aura, High save) but it also has all the drawbacks of a behemoth and vital counts as only 1 model for objectives. On top of that I compared with evocators because on top of similar damage they have a spell/unbind and count as 4 more models and critically based on average damage a charging leviadon would not be able to claim an objective from evocators however charging evos would almost always take an objective from a leviadon. 

    What does this all mean? Not much other than comparing individual warscrolls is pointless and the leviadon is so strong because the IDK book is broken but I'd hardly call the Leviadon the problem, if anything it's more indication that GW are finally getting monsters right. 


    And as for the comparison to the black dragon, the black dragon is a terrible warscroll and indicative of the issues with older monster warscrolls being underpowered and again comparing warscrolls never works. 


    Hell if you want to compare warscrolls did you know castigators are better than skinks? They average almost double the damage at minimum sizes. 


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  13. I finished my thundertusk conversion today, very happy with the final product. 

    Im finding ogors an absolute joy to paint and build an army, I've painted 10 models so far which amounts to just under 900 points, so I've been able to really invest time into giving each the best paint job I can. Meanwhile my wife started a tzeentch army at the same time and has painted 40 horrors so far, 4 times the models and technically this units not even finished (10 pinks to go) 




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  14. If he likes to paint a really nice set of brushes would make a good present as most of us won't spend the money on brushes, something like the Windsor and Newton kolinsky series 7 but check what's around you, plenty of brands making incredibly special brushes. 

  15. Spent the last 2 days putting together this chonky boy. I love the stonehorn sculpt but think it looks wrong as a thunder tusk, I want the thunder tusk to be heavier set, less gorilla like. So I sawed the head of a wooly rhino toy and greenstuffed away to create my thunder tusk. Now I just need to paint him up. 




    images (7).jpeg

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  16. 40 minutes ago, Juicy said:

    So ive played a game today against my regular tournament opponent. After the game we talked a lot about the patrol battalion and the current meta we fase and how this list is going to work with the 2020 senario's and secondary objectives.

    Stuff is super hard to be honest. 

    If you want to take the first turn you have to lower your drops. As it seems now we can do that by going double patrol battalion or the wardens battalion.
    This leaves you on a 2 or 3 drop list. So that is enough to go first in most matches. You want to go first to be able to buff up your liberators.

    The problem i had today is putting 30 liberators at 4 inch with astral templars and i failed the translocation prayer to teleport my lord castellant in for that extra +1 save. The result is that my 3+ reroll 1 horde of 30 liberators have to face a lot of points/stuff from the enemy and a potential double turn. I tryed to work with terrain and put 6 grandhammer in front and the horde of 30 behind it. For the other redeemer units i had 10 xbow judicators. It all barely fit into the wholly within 12 inch bubble from the lord veritant. 

    Failing the translocation prayer is double trouble because now i only have 1 hero close by to auto pass battleshock. So my opponent did what any smart person would do. Focus every thing he had on forcing bravery checks on these 30 liberators. He killed my (6w)hero with some mortal wound stuff and then procied to kill a few liberators. He did with a lot of attacks manage to kill 19. And i was making pretty good save rolls but on a 3+ save rend -1/-2 is still a problem and you are going to fail some.  With battleshock i lost another 7 dudes so that is 25 down turn 1. I dont think killing 25 liberators turn 1 is a problem for most competative armies these days. We talked about it and the lantern buff would have saved a lot but then still it would save like 5 liberators. They wont going to win the game from that point. 

    Another thing that is hard is the low amount of units. This is a problem with the new battleplans cause a lot of these plans have restrictions like scoring with battleline, heroes, behemoths and have a good amount of objectives on them. 4/5/6. These plans are hard when your main army is 2x30 liberators and some judicators. I feel i didnt had enough units to cover most objectives without screening thin. And for secondary objectives stuff gets harder. The list has more bad battleplans and secondy objective stuff then stuff we can easy do.

    Tomorrow another game.

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Stormhost: Astral Templars (Stormkeep)

    LEADERS Lord-Celestant (100)

    Lord-Castellant (120) - Artefact: Godbeast Plate

    Lord-Relictor (100) - Artefact: Armor of Silvered Sigmarite - Prayer: Translocation

    Lord-Veritant (110) - General - Mystic Light (Artefact): Shriving Light - Prayer: Divine Light

    UNITS 30 x Liberators (480) - Warhammer & Shield - 6 x Grandhammers

    10 x Judicators (280) - Boltstorm Crossbows - 2 x Thunderbolt Crossbows

    20 x Liberators (360) - Warhammers - 4 x Grandhammers

    6 x Gryph-Hounds (120)

    BATTALIONS Wardens of the Stormkeep (140) Stormkeep Patrol (130)

     COMMAND POINTS Extra Command Point (50)   (going to lose this for the triumph next round)


    Edit: some other stuff to think about is the amount of points i spend to do this patrol trick.

    100 points wasted on a lord celestant on foot..
    140 points battalion wardens of the stormkeep to lower the drops.
    120 gryphounds who dont do anything but tag objectives and screen. Its usefull but there is a reason this unit doenst see play.
    50 points over.


    What army did your opponent play, what enemy units killed the veritsnt and libs? 

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