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Posts posted by Mattrulesok

  1. It will be interesting to see how the broken realms stories conclude. TBH I've got a feeling they're just stacking all the odds the stormcast and Sigmar so as to make them seem more heroic when they eventually win, maybe not, maybe they really are making a change and diminishing their narrative power but my best instincts tell me this is the superman problem. Superman is too strong in his universe so many of his stories have to have him going up against innumerable odds because he would otherwise just win instantly and you won't get a story, feel like that might be what's happening here. 

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  2. On 5/1/2021 at 5:32 AM, Yeknomious said:

    Speculation time.

      Reveal hidden contents


    In the most recent Broken Realms fiction a Lord Exorcist rescues some Stormcast Eternal souls that have been tormented by a bunch of Nighthaunts (namely the new Krulghast Cruciator). He is surprised the Nighthaunts aren't angered as the souls escape with his Evocator Prime companion:




    I think these tortured souls will have repercussions when they meet the Anvil of Apotheosis. But what!? My speculation is that they will be re-forged, at the least, as lightning ghiests, perhaps with some Shyishan corruption added, and will cause havoc in the Chamber of the Broken World. Perhaps The Anvil will be damaged affecting the success of re-forging, or perhaps it will be destroyed altogether... This could coincide with the disruption Be'Lakor has caused with his 'arcane cloud', perhaps Be'Lakor and Olynder have planned something...

    My wildest speculation is that these corrupt souls may be linked to the next chamber release in some form. I think the next chamber to open is the Ruination Chamber, which will make use of ruined/corrupted souls that have been covertly sequestered away by Sigmar as a weapon ever since The Anvil was first created!

    Pure speculation, but fun. 

    Your speculation got my brain juices flowing so I did some quick sketches of what I would like to see come from this.

    The two ideas I liked


    The souls are corrupted and when reforged release deadly nighthaunt gheists built on the back of mighty stormcast warriors, in game you would have a truly elite unit for nighthaunt made up of stormcast ghosts, liberators and retributors with a Lord celestant as unit leader. 




    The souls are broken and can't be properly reforged so they have to combine 2 together to build massive stormcast golems. 




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  3. 23 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

    Congratulations on the win mate, love the amount of stompy fellas in your list!

    Thanks, it was a fun game. I really like the way GW is starting to write behemoth/monster warscrolls. The stegs and basti feel worth their points, they hit hard and present genuine threat to your opponent but also both myself and my wife had objectives stolen off us in this game because we had a single behemoth on an objective and the other player simply moved 2 models onto the objective. There are actual pros and cons to these big monsters in both these armies. 

  4. 17 hours ago, EngraBlackSword said:

    Allegiance: Order
    Knight-Azyros (100)
    Knight-Incantor (120)
    Knight-Vexillor (110)
    Meteoric Standard
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    5 x Liberators (90)
    Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    Warhammer & Shield
    9 x Aetherwings (120)
    10 x Evocators (420)
    12 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (680)
    Purple Sun of Shyish (50)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 122

    Few thoughts, why are you running 9 aetherwings? They are good but once they end up in combat they will just die, I feel like 3x3 gives you more options and more ways to stuff enemy units. 

    What's the lord Relictor doing in this list? Evocators are strong but how do they get into combat, they are slow and not strong enough to survive a charge from strong enemy units. 

    Why a purple sun? Most armies have much stronger casting and can easily unbind it. If you have a spare 50 points a cp would be a better option. 


    17 hours ago, EngraBlackSword said:


    Allegiance: Order
    Knight-Incantor (120)
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    Lord-Ordinator (140)
    Knight-Vexillor (110)

    Meteoric Standard
    5 x Liberators (90)
    Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    Warhammer & Shield
    12 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (680)
    10 x Skinks (60)

    Meteoric Javelins Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    Meteoric Javelins Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Celestar Ballista (110)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 122

    Lots of power projection here but I'm not sure they relictor/vexillor combo is doing much, you really want to be finding the best way to screen enemies out of your fragile shooting units, I'd be tempted to remove a hero and maybe a skink unit and turn the points into aetherwings and even a chameleon skink unit to threaten their backboard. You also will want an extra cp as presumably with such a big raptor unit you want to play this in anvils? 



  5. Finally got to play my first all SKINKS list today vs the wife's deepkin. We played starstrike and thanks to plenty of good luck I won the day after winning priority Rd 5 and wiping everything she had left taking it 28-20. Photos of setup, Rd 2 and end of the game. 




  6. 8 hours ago, baiardo said:

    Hey Matt I loved your list when I saw it yesterday!Gonna test it next week with a few changes!

    Very original, a bit arlecchino style with CoS, IDK and seraphon

    Thanks I'm keen to hear how it goes/what you change. I set out to make a list within the parameters that it be in stormkeeps and I didn't use anvils but I'd be interested to see how this plays in anvils with a few changes. 

    The strength of this list is the way it can dictate your opponents decisions, taking immediate control of the mid board and the threat of multiple teleports and fast flying units really gets almost every army I've faced playing the same way, I've yet to have anyone risk trying for a double turn. 

  7. Ok so i played in the latest Hammertime TTS tournament with a bit of a different stormcast list, overall the tournament was a little disappointing but the nature of how my games turned out means i still have faith in this as a competitive list. It's not a 5-0 list but no stormcast list will be at this point. List below and ill do a little breakdown of the tournament games in spoilers so as not to clog up board.

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Celestial Vindicators (Stormkeep)

    Knight-Heraldor (100)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Single-minded Fury
    Knight-Incantor (120)
    - Celestial Staves (Artefact): Staff of Focus
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    Lord-Veritant (110)
    - Artefact: Stormrage Blade
    - Prayer: Translocation

    10 x Liberators (180)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Judicators (140)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)

    6 x Gryph-Hounds (120)
    4 x Fulminators (440)
    3 x Aetherwings (40)
    5 x Chameleon Skinks (90)
    - Allies
    5 x Chameleon Skinks (90)
    - Allies
    2 x Akhelian Allopexes (220)
    - Retarius Net Launcher
    - Allies

    Stormkeep Patrol (130)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Everblaze Comet (100)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 400 / 400
    Wounds: 126


    battle reports in spoilers if you want to see why i like this list/feel my pain


    Game 1 vs Bonesplitters, Starstrike

    So this felt like a nice match up army wise but going in starstrike always felt like a bad battleplan for my army thanks to the randomness of the object location, this would prove true soon enough.

    I setup on the right side of the board, dominating the midboard space with the stormkeep patrol. Bonesplitters took the first turn and laid plenty of chargers in from the get go but thanks to some poor rolls only managed to remove 3 gryph hounds, half the libs and a judicator. On my turn the comet went off with the artefeact (incantor was deployed out of unbind range) dropping on a couple of units and 2 wardokks putting out a solid amount of hurt. The sharks tagged a big unit of savage orruks with the net and then went in on the corner killing 8ish without any retaliation, shooting and mortal wound reigned on the right side taking out multiple big stikkas outside of melee  and the remaining wounds on 1 wardok from a unit of chamos that dropped in space behind opponent that had been opened. A pretty good start but the first comet landed left side of the board, right ontop of his boars and nowhere near me) I won the first roll off and as his units were still stuck behind screens (aetherwings, dogs, libs) I chose to give him the turn to try for the double later,I would go on to lose the next 7 priority rolls. His next turn was pretty ineffectual, he battered my screens but ultimately only killed the dogs, 2 aetherwings , all but one lib and 1 shark. On my turn more mortals came down, more shooting and the fullminators got involved removing about 20 savage orruks and the remaining big stikka. At this point my opponent was left with a unit of 5 boars, 30 savage orruks, 10 morboys and a couple of foot heroes. 0-2 The object in his area dropped on the right side, great for me but my object dropped on the left side directly on my veritants gryph hound, not so good. Bonesplitters went first and a unit of morboys ran getting a toe on the objective in their territory, the boars took the objective in my area, 1 gryph hound was no match and they castled up. I took the objective in his territory with the shark  and lib, veritant teleported fulminators to the other side of the map, they were going to have to clear out the objectives themselves The incantor also cast the comet again having dispelled it the round before and having found a piece o arcane terrain to help out. It dropped on top of the big boss and savage orruks. A bit of shooting picked a few more orks off but I chose not to shoot with fullminators as I knew if I killed a boar with shooting he would remove the one closest to them, turning their 9 inch charge into 11, they failed the charge of course, I charged the handgunner in the hope they could survive and outnumber the boars, they made a 10 inch charge (seriously) and promptly got squashed. (I started my 3rd turn with only 20ish minutes left in the round so we had to rush, this caused me to forget to bring my other skink unit on, my opponent let me drop them at the back of the board to stop them being destroyed but it cost me) 3-11. Bonesplitters  did very little this turn, just got any buffs they could and moved all orks onto objectives. Knight heraldor teleported over the back and hit bigg boss with a toot, killing him for aux. shooting took a few more orruks off the board. Fullminators went after savage orruks and failed their charge rerolling with only cp to get high enough for one to get in. They failed to clear the objective killing about 8 but the remaining wardokk blocked battleshock and they still had about 10 on the board. 7-19. Priority lost and it’s all over. My opponent had about 10 savage orruks, 3 boars and a wardokk left but gained so many free vp’s  in the middle rounds I was up against it. Major loss 4-16

    Game 2 v OBR, Scorched earth

    Great battleplan for this army, terrible matchup, I hate OBR, I rarely play them and the times I have it was miserable. This game felt over from the start. OBR went first, the mortek crawler took out 2 fulminators from 36 away. The libs were wiped, 3 hounds died and 2 judicators. My turn the incantor burned the artifact and promptly rolled a 3, then the veritant failed translocate, good start. Few shots and mortal wounds but mortek shrugged a fair bit and my rolls were awful. Sharks flew up board, shot mortek and charged in clipping an objective with a single hero on it they then killed 7 mortek, 5 of which returned and daisy chained back onto the objective denying my steal. 4-4, OBR took next turn with the gothizar harvester destroying the veritant and judicators, the mortek battered the sharks and the crawler killed the heraldor. The incantor rolled a 4 on the comet. Gryph hounds moved away from the combat area 9”, charged 9” on a harvester making it’s way down the board then retreated the 6” off in combat to make a  24” move that caught my opponent off guard stealing an objective, burning it for 2. Chamos came on the board behind OBR trying to snipe mortisan. Aetherwings positioned on edge of objective with a handful of mortek able to steal if I get the double ( I don’t). fullminators kill liege kavalos. 10-8, OBR take first turn, aetherwings die, mortek completely surround hounds but fails to kill them, mortek charge fullminators and lose, gothizar harvester succesfly charges incantor and is succesfly blown up, incantor 1- harvester 0. The other harvest hits the handgunenrs and they’re gone giving OBR my objective. My turn, incantor tries to cast warscroll spell and rolls a 6, Fullminators hit mortek on opponents objective but cant shift them fully then roll nothing but 2’s to save and they’re gone , chamos getting a toe on the objective and can steal if we win priority, incantor and gryph hound take back lost objective 14-12.  OBR win priority and it’s officially over ive got nothing left and no more tricks. Major loss 0-20


    Game 3 v Khorne, battle for the pass

    decent matchup and the perfect battle plan, what could go wrong?

    I actually set-up first and let khorne go first, mindful of the double, this will turn out to be a mistake. Stormkeep patrol let me take control of the midboard objective on the right immediately, khorne charged but failed to shift the bodies on the objective, with hounds screening a fair few troops out, on the other side a handful of chaos warriors claim the middle objective. The comet is cast succesfly and lands smack bang on a pile of heroes and chaos shrines dealing huge damage. Sharks hit chas knight on the right side objective killing a few, the liberators who were backed onto mystical terrain basically take no damage from the chaos warriorsm shooting and mortals do a pretty good job thinning the ranks 3-3. Khorne go first but have bery little space to move with the comet taking up space in an already cramped board. The chaos lord on karkadrak makes his first major move, charging the liberators and killing only 2, failing to take that objective, scoring them another 3 points but in the process they opened up too large a gap on their back objective. My turn and my incantors back to failing all their spells. Judicators are eleported out of fray, inront of my objective. Chamo skinks land on opponents objective and behind liberators to supply support fire, things are looking good, chamo skinks on opponents objective shoot of the wounded blood secrator and then everything went bad. Handgunners shoot. 0 damage. Fullminators shoot. 0 damage. Heraldor toots, all damage negated except 2 on bloodstoker, killing him. Skinks shoot. 0 damage. Judicators shoot. 0 damage. ******. Fullminators charge chaos warriors, get extra attack from command ability and I used my triumph to reroll all wound rolls. 3 damage. They take 6 back in return and im stunned, chaos lord tears through liberators and I lose objective, 8-6. I WON A PRIORITY!!!! This is what I was playing for, I take the turn to keep my opponents objective and try to push my lead. Incantor still can’t cast spells despite being unopposed. Shooting goes a lot better this turn nothing lands on chaos lord. this is where the game is lost as well, using my heraldor I pull the fullminators out of combat and swing around to try remove the chaos lord who is on 4 wounds. +1 attack CA and they whiff everything again, no damage on the chaos lord, he wipes the squad, ive suddenly gone from completely in control to in trouble. The chaos warriors charge the handgunners, reavers charge the skinks and a chaos shrine joins the chaos lord. Handgunenrs are wiped, 1 liberator survives the chao shrine. Chamos kill 1 reaver and don’t lose a model. The other chamos are wiped by chaos lord, 13-11. Priority roll is a tie, my 6th of the tournament but for the first time im the first. Veritant charges the warshrine and kills it, taking back objective, lone shark charges the reavers, wiping 1 squad, skinks kill a couple more with shotting but lose a few models back in combat. Incantor rolls a 4. Chaos warriors take my objective. 16-17. Khorne wins priority and it’s all over. I was in shock, if id simply left the fullminators in combat or even used them as the most expensive ever screen I would have won but instead they failed to combat phases and I lost he game. Major loss 4-16


    Game 4 vs Khorne, Shifting objectives

    Like Starstrike this is not a good battleplan and after the last game I was feeling very gun shy against khorne.  Objective started in the middle and my opponent started first, stormpkep patrol set up on the left of center, touching the middle and left objectives. This was a very different list though, 2 bloodthirsters and a skarrbrand. I started this one horribly, making a few positioning errors and getting my libs battleshocked off the board by sitting them ½” out of command ability range. Khorne claimed left and right objectives but hounds running from combat got them on center objective, denying points to opponent. In my turn the comet hit the back board landing on a group of foot heroes and a skarrbrand (which I now know is a bad idea). The heraldor teleported to back board to snipe foot heroes standing around throne and some chamos joined him as a screen. Shooting units cut down reavers and the other chamos got their toes on the right objective along with the veritants dog. All foot heroes killed, 1 unit of blood knightds and 2 units of reavers battleshocked off the board. Claimed the center objective with judiators for bonus point and right. 4-2.objective stays in center.  Khorne won priority and unfortunately thanks to some terrible positioning by myself the blood thirsters got into the sharks and fullminators. Skarrbrand hit the judicators and veritant and wiped them easily. 1 shark and 2 fullminators died but they took out a bloodthirter in return. Untamed beasts kill chamos on right objective but hounds keep center. A unit of bloodletter is summoned to try kill chamos at top of board but fail charge. My turn the fullminators hit the other bloodthirster, wiping him easily. Chamos go back to reserve, heraldor bravely runs away. Handgunners move onto central objective giving me battlelien bonus again. 7-4. Objective moved to left. Khorne wins priority again and the skarrbrand makes short work of shark and fullminators. Heraldor is killed by khorne judgement still floating around board. Chaos hounds summoned onto edge of central objective. Untamed beasts on right objective charge hound but it escapes, this is super important. Khorne scores left and right objectives. My turn the incantor is still failing spells. The handgunners shoot most of the chaos hounds off the board, I have no way of stealing main objectice so chamos skinks drop on right objective and shoot untamed beasts, scoring 4 mortals then hound charges and scores 2 wounds before retreating, untamed beasts fail battleshock and are gone leaving only the hound. 10-7. The objective moves back into the center and I win another priority! Handgunners finish of chaos hounds and chamos leave the board again, hound moved towards center objective as there is no one around to take right objective, 4 points gained this turn. Incantor still does nothing but positions herself to claim center objective if needed. Skarrbrand kill handgunners, blood letters summoned onto center objective. 14-10. Khorne wins priority but objective lands on right side, he has no one who can make it that far thanks to scenery blocking path so it’s game over, major victory stormcast 20-0 in one of the weirder games ive ever played, there was only 1 gryph hound on the board when we called it but I think this win shows where the list shines, it can find ways to score VP’s.


    Game 5 v IronJawz, Total conquest.

    Never played Ironjawz before so I was in for a treat. They went first, teleported around me, moved, charged and next thing I know my liberators, handgunners, game winning gryph-hound :( , 1 other gryphhound, 1 shark, 1 judicator were dead and my incantor was on 1 life, only because she was on mystical terrain and rolled three 6’s all before I was allowed to swing back, in return I killed 3 brutes. My turn I had to make things happen quickly, the inantor got the comet off and dropped it onto 2 warchanters and a shaman, plus a unit of brutes and gruntas, then proceeded to roll highon he mortal wounds. The veritant teleported the judicators to safety in the opponents territory where they had left their objective open. The megaboss took control of the top right objective so the 2 lots of chamos dropped behind it near the board edge trying to snipe him off, scoring 2 wounds. The gryph hounds ran on a 6 and got their toes on the objective with the megaboss, the fullminators charged a unit of 20 brutes who had teleported into the back, killing 13 and losing a model in return, , the shark also died after failing to hit the net. The brutes battle shocked off the table giving the objective back to me. 6-5. Ironjawz win priority but the comet kills the shaman and a warchanter before they can do anything. The brutes and gruntas charge into the veritant, heraldor and aetherwings who were feebly trying to screen them out. The aetherwings die but without buffs the brutes fail to kill the heroes with the heraldor on 1 after making two clutch 5+ saves and the veritant choosing to reroll 1’s to save was clutch rolling a 1 into a 6 on a 2 damage attack, he lived on 2 wounds left. The last wardancer tried to kill the judicators but failed and the gryph hounds ran away from the megaboss before he could swing his weapons, keeping their toes on the objective. In my turn the incantor cast a whole spell, celestial blades on the fullminators. The veritant teleported himself away to the back of the now free bottom left objective the gruntas and brutes had charged from, the fullminators hit the brutes, killing 7 but losing another, the heraldor stayed in combat, killing nothing but surviving again, somehow. The chamos moved onto the back of the top right objective allowing the hounds to run onto the top left to support the judicators. The chamos shot the megaboss off the board scoring 4 mortals and slipping 1 last wound through his armour. 11-8. Priority won and that’s basically the game. Incantor casts celestial blades on fullminators  again, heraldor gives them retreat and charge, they wipe the last remaining brutes, reclaiming objective, warchanter kills judicators in combat but hounds keep objective and I score 7 more vp’s and ironjawz oly have a unit of 2 gruntas and a wardancer so game is called. This felt so tense to start with the heavily buffed brutes carving a huge chunk out of my army but the movement shenanigans of this list shined, stealing VP’s at every opportunity. Major victory 17-3



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  8. Just now, Evantas said:

    Ya they had better, at most just 1 new unit and/or 1 new hero, then focus on revising the current scrolls. 

    fingers crossed. I can't shake this image in my mind of Aos 5.0 where, thanks to power creep, Retributors are 70 points for 5 because their old-as warscroll is inline with other new chaff units.

    • Haha 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Almost 100% guaranteed no you don’t, his new warscroll will come with a points increase so he can’t be taken as allies. Yet another Order unit nerfed because of Stormcast/Grand Alliance armies abusing something 

    Kroak shouldn't be alliable anyway and probably shouldn't be 320 points. It's the sort of character that should be in the 500ish points range. 


    If they do rewrite kroaks warscroll to bring it and his points more in line with his place in the lore than do we dare dream and hope the celestant prime gets the same treatment? they actually turn him into the army destroying force he's portrayed as. 

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  10. Hi team, I've been interested in creating YouTube videos for awhile but laziness usually got the better of me. However i have started work on a fun little AoS series and i even actually managed to 'finish' the first video. Im looking for some feedback from you lot as to what you would like to see in this series (if it's worth continuing). The video is less than 3 minutes as i want to create some fun, lighthearted AoS content as i feel there is plenty of fantastic, in depth reviews of the game, armies, rules etc. but not a lot of quick and fun pieces of media.


    I made this video as a proof of concept of sorts, it's rough around the edges and there are things i would like to redo but i really wanted to just get the first video done so i could see the results and get reactions from others.


    Please leave me any feedback, reactions, hate mail or whatever on the video, in this thread and/or in a private message i just want to hear it.  Hope to hear from a few of you!


    Seraphon explained in 2 minutes

  11. So I moved countries in the last 6 months and moved a decent amount of mine and my wife's warhammer over. We didn't have anything as big as Nagash to pack mind but we got everything back without a hitch including a lady olynder, Volturnos, drycha, couple of seraphon dinosaurs, plus plenty of smaller minis. We bought a few kr multicase boxes and stored the models in there, for the big models we'd  create a big space in the foam for them to fit into them layer the excess foam back in to fill the gaps around the models. These boxes then went inside proper chemical treated super hard wearing moving boxes and the shipping company took them from there although are original plan was to put the boxes into their own moving crste/container but they were all booked out when we did it. Happy to answer any more questions if you need. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Brother Mayhem said:

    Hi all, hope you're well! I'm just needing some help with options for a tournament list I'm making for July. I'm not aiming for cut throat competition, but something with teeth. I need the most help with items / abilities etc:


    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (200) - General - Command Trait: We Cannot Fail - Artefact: God-forged Blade - Spell: Stormcaller - Mount Trait: Keen-clawed

    Drakesworn Templar (420) - Tempest Axe - Artefact: Armor of Silvered Sigmarite - Mount Trait: Storm-winged

    Lord-Relictor (100) - Prayer: Translocation

    Lord-Castellant (120)


    10 x Sequitors (240) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 4 x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    10 x Sequitors (240) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 4 x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    5 x Liberators (90) - Warblade & Shield - 1 x Grandblades

    5 x Evocators (210) - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades

    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260) - Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning

    BATTALIONS Cleansing Phalanx (120)

    Is this an ok list? Wanting to stick to HoS as thats how they're painted and I'd like the dragon!

    -What is the best weapon for the drake?

    -What is the best abilties for the heroes (spells / mount traits etc)

    -What are the optimal options for the evocator units?


    Are you able to swap the arcanum on gryph for a dracoline? Evocators on  dracoline are so much stronger with the LAoD buffs. 


    I also have found cleansing phalanx to be next to useless, you rarely end up using the spell on sequitors and it doesn't reduce drops enough to provide much benefit there. 

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  13. Looks good but frankly I'd like to see the celestant prime be stronger, the one here is worth 340 points but I don't think he should be 340, he should be a 600ish point model becuae that's what his lore says. I'm sure GW price him under 400 so he can ally into order armies but it's easy enough to give him the gotrek ally rule. 


    I also feel like shield of civilisation allegiance ability should effect sequitors as well, they are functionally the sacrosanct equivalent and should act as such

  14. 49 minutes ago, Logibear94 said:

    Wow that is a stark difference from GWs normal paint job. Do you have some links for the makeup tutorials? Those sound like a great resource.

    I dont remember the video but if you look up contouring that's the technique for make up where you add highlights and shadows to heighten the shapes of your face. You can see the idea in this pic from Google, I've also drawn up a basic idea of the shapes on 2 identical egg faces


    Hopefully that helps, you should be able to see even from these 2 photos how GW highlight there women's faces like mens

    images (9).jpeg


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