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Posts posted by Mattrulesok

  1. 1 hour ago, Feii said:

    Piracy is such a moot point. Piracy destroying your favourite thing/hobby/brand is a public myth perpetrated by the brands trying to make you immoral and compliant. (Yes I am feeling edgy today I am sorry)  

    When the mods send you to forum prison please know I'll forever hold you in my heart.

    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Yondaime said:

    There is a list that won a major tournament with 6 knight judicators and a fox


    For some units a point change is not enought, pink horrors, kairos and belakor are wrong on warscroll level for example

    Yep that's the list we were referring to i believe (although i think it was 5 knight judicators?)


    As for all those warscrolls you listed i think they are all fine just too cheap and only a little for the most part. There is nothing wrong with powerful warscrolls but they should be priced highly, you want your god level characters and fabled heroes to feel like it on the table but ideally you want them priced so they slap in casual games but are just too expensive for competitive.

  3. 21 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I have only recently come to appreciate the strength of a reasonable mortal wound bomb on a generic hero after seeing the Knight-Judicator spam list. I actually think that kind of ability may be a design mistake, becaue it's often irrelevant if you only have one copy of it or overpowered when you spam it. Dropping 1d3 mortals in a bubble once per game isn't really impactful, but if you have the ability to drop 5d3 mortals wherever you want, suddenly you can just nuke all your opponent's heroes.

    Yep, start of this edition before the new book i was running 2 heraldors and annihilators and i caught so many people off guard with the sheer amount of mortal wounds it did for relatively little effort. I still want to try a 6 knight vexillor list for the memes because 6 lots of guaranteed d3 mortal wounds in a 12 inch bubble is stupid

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I think that will be the standard for all armies: Two abilities (or less) for low-wounds heroes and move on. Of course we are going to see some others like Wardokks, but I think they the exception of the rule.

    Time will tell

    and TBH i don't mind them simplifying but some they made outright do nothing. I think if you are going to give little heroes one ability it should be more than 'do mortals on a 6'. The heraldor is a good example because he had 2 abilities on his warscroll, functionally he could have been kept the same and stayed simple to use but if they wanted to remove one they should have removed the mortal wounds and kept his utility. Right now no one will use the heraldor until he goes down to like 70 points at which point someone will probably take 5 to a tournament with the ultimate NPE army doing 40 mortal wounds in a turn.

    • Like 4
  5. On 10/31/2021 at 2:43 AM, yukishiro1 said:

    I think the stormcast heroes are hopeless, there's just double as many as any faction could ever reasonably need. There's no possible way to make 36 different hero options all compelling choices. 

    On updating generally, they need to move into the 21st century and use a digital rules distribution system, not tie rules to physical books that only get updated every 3-4 years. It's just so horribly out of date. 

    the thing that baffles me with the stormcast heroes is that they removed rules from some of the heroes for no reason, taking many of them from bad but interesting to bad and boring warscrolls. 🤷‍♂️


    Like look at the poor heraldor warscroll, look at how they massacred my boy! He used to be useless in combat, on a 4+ save for no discernable reason BUT he granted a run/retreat and charge plus some finicky mortal wounds. Now he just does the mortal wounds and is slightly better in combat but has lost all actual purpose, I don't understand it at all.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    I'm all for it personally and wouldnt mind one bit so long as the lore section wasnt affected. The Gargant question is, what would the new collected Faction be named? 

    counts as multiple units on an objective lords

    real big boys lords

    hefty lad warclans

    Ogor Mawtribes XXL

    • Haha 2
  7. 5 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Especially relevant after the translocation faq; TOs should stop putting Tooth and Nail into event packs. It unfairly penalises SCE in a way that no other battleplan penalises other armies, and SCE suffer much more than any army that uses summons.

    Yep totally agree on this one, SCE and Nighthaunt (who are bad enough as is) get utterly screwed for what reason? because a couple of summoning armies are good and instead of nerfing or adjusting them a bunch of teams that already struggle (BoC and Slaanesh also come to mind) suffer, Oh and gargants get another battleplan that's easy victory.

  8. 39 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    So this one might be slightly difficult to explain, but here goes...

    So there is often a lot of talk about how old WFB models were more "generic fantasy" and games workshop have (to a greater or lesser extent) been trying to move away from that and make their ranges more unique.

    For me though, this raises a few points, which I suspect might be a little controversial.

    First I don't think that they will ever completely phase out their generic fantasy line, and if they did I think it would actually be a massive misstep. They've gradually done this with 40K, because 40K is the biggest tabletop game in the fantasy genre, and so the majority of people who are painting sci fi minis either want 40K ones, or want ones which are hyperspecific to a rival brand like Star Wars or whatever.

    That isn't the case with fantasy, where actually the "standard fantasy setting" is so prevalent that it is kind of a bigger brand than AoS will ever be. If they stopped making normal dwarves, skeletons, elves, etc. I think they would just be leaving money on the table. People are always going to want those things. You need them for D&D, you need them for most other games on the market, and trying to make AoS more unique or distinct doesn't make all of the more traditional expressions of the fantasy genre less popular. I think GW know this, and that's why the unique and "weird" models for lumineth and gravelords have also come with a lot of reimagined versions of the really traditional high elves and undead stuff.

    They don't want a situation where someone walks into a Games Workshop store and says "Can I have some skeleton warriors please" and the cashier has to say "No sorry, we don't sell those, these are the reasons why Ossiarch Bonereapers are awesome, and you should want those instead" and the new player doesn't care because they don't actually play warhammer. They should always want to be able to sell that box of skeletons, regardless of whether they convert someone to warhammer or not, not have the sale be dependant on the conversion.

    Now the really controversial bit...

    the more unique and Age of Sigmar specific they make those models, the more like off-brand toys they look. Ironically in striving to avoid genericity, they make them look really, really generic to an audience who isn't already primed to know about and like AoS models. I find this makes the game a really hard sell for people who I game with, whereas WFB always gave newer players a foot in the door, by being on the surface a setting they were more familiar with.


    Hard disagree on the final point, the uniqueness of the setting and the armies is a big reason i came back  and usually makes it easier for me to sell the game to friends, they've all seen elves before but elves riding eels and giant turtles? sign my aquarium loving wife up!  Having said that it's great to strike that balance right? some people will want a more grounded army (as grounded as skeleton warriors and vampires can be) and that's fine too, i actually think GW has done a great job of balancing that dichotomy where StD fit in the same world as Tzeentch etc.

    • Like 4
  9. 19 hours ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

    Everyone always has personal responsibility, it’s not a buzzword. That’s not to say a corporation doesn’t have any responsibility, but we’re never excused from being responsible for ourselves.

    I’m personally responsible for everything I do, if I decide to gamble away all my money, that’s my responsibility. We have to be accountable for our own actions.

    I find it really interesting you used Gambling as an example. Gambling addiction/dependence is a real thing (Gambling disorder), it affects a not insignificant number of people (the number changes depending where you live and the laws and regulations around gambling), there is increasing evidence that most gambling problems are caused by mental disorders (mental illness), neurodiverse people are more likely to have gambling issues, Austistic people are the worst hit in this regard. Most gambling companies however make the majority of their money of a small percentage of their audience, those with gambling disorders primarily. None of this information is secret from gambling companies yet everywhere you turn there is advertising for gambling, TV, youtube, websites. Video games now have built in gambling mechanics and not as fun bits of game play but as actual real money gambling. and there's even more shady **** the further you dig.


    All this is to say im sure that's not actually what you meant, you grabbed a random example without really thinking im sure (probably because you aren't a problem gambler im assuming). The gambling/mental health/addiction space is not one known well by the general public unless they have been directly effected (and even then not always).


    Anyway i've gone off topic and this doesn't relate to GW (they don't have any gambling mechanics im aware of) but it's more to say, I understand what you mean by personal responsibility but too often we look at personal responsibility first when corporate and societal responsibility can be so much more powerful in governing our lives, humans rarely function in a bubble, we are the product of our environments and experiences.


    again apologies for going a little off topic

    • Like 5
  10. 2 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

    aybe I'm wrong, I have a different perspective then the lot of you. I've been bigger into the video game scene, where a lot of this stuff seems no-brainer. Like I said, waiting for the real reviews is not an issue to me, but apparently it is to GW customers. 

    What? The video game industry is worse, it's full of sycophants who send death threats to anyone who dares criticise their precious game developers. Personal responsibility was a huge topic a couple of years ago and continues to be in the video game space, in particular around loot boxes and dlc gambling mechanics, it was so much of a problem that some national governments had to step in and ban actual gambling mechanics from games because they are predatory and as an issue extend way beyond personal responsibility. 


    It's 'down to the individuals' is an absolute cop out when discussing the predatory business tactics of corporations. 


    Back on topic, this NDA is gross, is it real? No idea but that doesn't stop the document we've seen being bad, real or fake.

    Buying positive reviews is gross, silencing criticism of your product is gross, acting like corporations are your friend is gross. I'm not even talking about GW here, this behaviour sucks and should not be tolerated in any company. 

    • Like 4
  11. I've yet to come across any GW models that I felt had too much detail. I have 5k worth of stormcast which would be the closest thing to new chaos knights and they don't feel like too much. 


    I think however there is definitely a push towards detail, I've not been able to see any new slaanesh mortals up close but they seem a little OTT. It's actually one of the biggest problems I have with a lot of 3d printing sculpts, they just add too much, I watched a video somewhat recently where Vince Venturella was complaining a 3d sculpt he'd painted had too much detail to do properly and  if Vince finds a model a problem I've got no chance. 

  12. I'm seeing a lot of 'you don't have to sign it' but we're talking about people who are creating warhammer content, some of these people it's their livelihood. The difference in views and engagement between videos or content that goes up on pre-order day vs a video that goes up 1 week after the product hits shelves can be astronomical. So no, you don't 'have to' sign an NDA but you may be risking your channel and earnings by choosing not to. 

    • Like 8
  13. 21 hours ago, Dankboss said:

    As an artist myself, I think the appealing thing about GW miniatures, is that they are technically impressive and detailed, while also being manageable from a hobby perspective. There's plenty of models that have overwhelming, impressive detail that GW doesn't do, and in a vacuum makes GW seem like childsplay, but in this context that's not the point. GW is a perfect balance of form and function, which is why I would say they are the best toy soldiers company.

    I think this is where i land, most modern plastic GW sculpts are fantastic, they are easy to assemble, easy to kitbash (although that is getting harder) and they have a great slightly cartoony quality that makes them really easy to paint and to read from a distance.  I look at some 3d sculpts and i just can't imagine painting all the obnoxious details in them.


    The other big problem i have is I often see wonderful 3d sculpts that can proxy as a GW army, but the line will have about 12 sculpts in total meaning you will have to double up on sculpts to build a complete 2k or proxy in other companies miniatures that arent the exact same aesthetic.

    • Like 2
  14. Honestly i usually rag on GW for their business practices but this aint much. If people are selling non gw models as AoS model than f**k 'em.


    Yes they can argue they are selling them as "compatible" but are they? Can you guarantee that if i buy your 3rd party model i will be able to use it at my GW store, at my next tournament, in a random pickup game? No you can't and I am likely to meet some resistance in some of those scenarios.


    "Warhammer compatible" is a blatant lie and being a small time seller, or model creator or studio doesn't absolve you of bad business practices. Maybe listing what the model actually is and bothering to provide actual details about the model would let potential buyers know it's suitable if they are looking for non-GW alternatives. It's actually the thing i hate most about buying non-GW proxies, no one ever provides decent details on models so you never know if it's going to be the right scale or not.

    • Like 7
  15. 29 minutes ago, Superninja said:

    If you field multiple Lord Imperatants and you drop multiple units from the heavens, can you drop more than 1 unit within 7"?

    Nope. "Once per turn, at the end of your movement phase, if any friendly units with this ability are on the battlefield" 

    Once per turn "if any" , not per imperitant. 

    Edit: I'm answering this assuming you mean drop multiple per turn. You can definitely drop multiple per game. 

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Lucentia said:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the perfect game genre for AoS would be one of those musou/dynasty warriors things, a playable cast of flashy, over the top heroes ploughing through armies over fantastical battlefields seems like an ideal match.

    I've always thought a souls like would be perfect, you already have an in universe reason for a stormcast to continue coming back over and over upon death. 

    • Like 8
    • Confused 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Does AoS have the 'specific overrides the general' principal like 40k does (or did in the past?).  If so my Boulderhead army is relieved.

    Guess we'll probably see some more Hunters in the field to fill out the Hero requirements for the Core Battalions.  Shame Frost Sabres are minimum 2 instead of 4 though.  A Butcher and 2 Slaughtermasters for a Command Entourage and then a FLoSH plus whichever Troops for a Battle Regiment works out nicely.

    Yep, warscrolls and battletome overwrite core rules unless otherwise notes

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Hmmm, that stinks!   More of concern is will Boulderhead armies still be able to take multiple mount traits if mount traits are enhancements and we can’t fill out enough battalions for extra enhancements ?

    Boulderhead should be fine as it specifically gives ever hero a mount trait, it's non Boulderhead lists that are the problem as it's tough to get more than 1 enhancement. 

  19. Hi guy's im creating just a central thread to post up my new videos rather than just creating a new one everytime, i think that's more forum friendly. Please feedback anything you would like to see on the channel, all constructive criticism taken and im happy to explore any ideas you have. Thanks


    New video on IDK:


  20. We'll never know but I'd be interested to see what effect scalpers had on this launch. At least where I am stores and GW really cracked down on scalpers with most places I saw limiting stock to 1 or 2 and since I've barely seen anyone selling models from the sets, I wonder if effectively reducing scalpers hurt the first weekend sale push? I'm not saying it's a bad thing because those of us who wanted the set got it but I do wonder about the long term effects. 

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