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Lord of the Isle

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Posts posted by Lord of the Isle

  1. Personally I would be surprised if Malerion is not ‘keeping his powder dry for something huge’ rather than ‘being manipulated and usurped by mom’, but I enjoy all speculation on subject. I’d like the Ms to stay related but fractious

    I’m also particularly hoping to learn more about Ulgu humans who by necessity serve / respect big Mal. Soulbound opened up v interesting vista of squabbling petty kingdoms

  2. Going for a list something along these lines; yet to do fine deets like points / equipment but...


    Hallowheart allegiance


    Nomad Prince as general

    Sorceress on Dragon

    Sorceress on foot possibly x 2 if I can wangle it



    White Battlemage on Luminark


    10 Darkshards

    10 Corsairs w handbows

    20 Sisters of the Watch x 2

    40 Corsairs w blades

    5 Sisters of the Thorn x 2

    10 Shadow Warriors

    10 Executioners

    16 Wildwood Rangers

    10 tree revenants

    Couple of Stormcasty things or maybe a Scourgerunner?

    6 Blood Knight Mercs conceivably inc a vamp lord


    Presumably given it's Hallowheart some endless spells


    How does this vaguely look...?

  3. After many adventures on eBay I have what I'm convinced is a cool and battle worthy Cities army. I'd just like help fine-tuning exactly how!



    The Tzarina of Kislev, or, alternatively, an old Witch Elf heroine, mounted on a (smallish but ferocious looking) Manticore.

    Presumably a Freeguild General on a Griffon or a Supreme Sorceress on a Black Dragon. Thematically feels like should be general but tactically suppose need not be.

    High Elf Korhil model, probably a Fleetmaster.

    Old Corsair, possible alternative Fleetmaster.

    Old Izzy von Carstein, Darkling Sorceress.

    Dark Elf Assassin (phew an easy one)

    Arabyan Wizard on Carpet - Battlemage on Hurricanum / Luminark? Have ideas to bulk him out a bit which will be included below.

    Endless options for Nomad Princes, Anointeds, Generals on foot or Battlemages.



    (fairly straightforward ones first)

    16 Freeguild Crossbowmen. No command group as yet though could probably coopt one from elsewhere.

    11 Shadow Warriors, several options for their Walker.

    10 Corsairs with handbows, including command group.

    10 Darkshards. No command group.

    5 6th ed Bretonnian Questing Knights plus Dogs of War Merc General. Musician, standard bearer to be converted / added asap. Going to count as Mercenary Blood Knights.

    (more ambiguous)

    10 Doomfire Warlocks. I got these because I love their models and background. Lorewise they will be escaped rebels. Ruleswise, could be Sisters of the Thorn, Pistoliers or Outriders. Could be two units. No command

    15 cloaked, mostly human, mostly dual wielding miscellaneous models (also includes a panther). Am currently thinking Corsairs with blades but could also be something Freeguild? Command group could be converted / improvised

    18 miscellaneous humans, some dual wielding, some with a single weapon. Combat Freeguild of some kind? Command group also feasible

    (I am slightly reluctant to combine two above items as they rock quite different aesthetics but will hear out advice)

    10 humans dual wielding with pistols. Could be Handgunners or Guard? Could if necessary meld in with the 18?

    10 Swordmasters of Hoeth, command group. Could be executioners or wildwood rangers?

    16 miscellaneous models, mostly human with smattering of elves, wielding double handed weapons. Command group feasible. Would look weird combined with the Swordsmasters. Greatswords? Rangers? More execs?

    6 humans armed with large blackpowder weapons, 6 bowmen, champion options within each group. Make them all handgunners  or archers? Sisters of the Watch?! Meld them with pistol wielders on foot?

    (really out there)

    Eleven Clan Eshin skaven including a leader.

    Mordheim Ogre bodyguard.

    Winged nightmare. 

    Options here include: 

    Make the Skaven my City's secret ally for long term nefarious reasons of their own and count them as more Shadow Warriors

    Convert up the Ogor, the Skaven and or the nightmare into some weird Scourgerunner Chariot proxy

    Put aforementioned Witch Elf or Tzarina? on nightmare and count as Phoenix!

    Use Ogre and nightmare to pimp up Hurricanum / Luminark concept above



    Phew that's it. Still far from sure which city rules to use as I suppose it depends on what decisions I make about proxying. Backgroundwise they're their own thing, lost and godless mercs.

    EDIT: Am open to literally any other ideas, including counts as for Kharadron or Sylvaneth - though I'd need some persuading to include Stormcast beyond possibly the odd solo hero, their lore size makes it feel off

  4. I don’t think the Fyreslayer queens’ pregnancies present a big problem!! Look at medieval history - widows, mothers and mothers-in-law could take control and exercise huge power, especially in the event of male death in battle / disease. Duardin are naturally long lives and/but Fyreslayers are prone to dramatic deaths. Have queens be young widows or seasoned veterans past childbearing years

    or even single valkyries of course!

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