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Posts posted by pixieproxy

  1. 14 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Did someone else also heard March the 13th as a possible date for Warhammer Quest Cursed City release ?

    That'd be great. 

    I wish we'll get expansions (MOAR Explorers, please !).

    And that the Silver Tower gang could be used as Heroes too. 

    BTW why aren't the Beastgrave Season 3 warbands yet repackaged in Easy-to-build sets without the cards ??

    That'd certainly be sooner than we thought but then again they also did reveal EVERYTHING sooner than we thought. So Uh. Huh. I still want to know the pricing, any half decent rumours there?

  2. Just now, Joseph Mackay said:

    Yeah, unfortunately the 40K app is more important to them and apparently they don’t have enough people to work on both ;/

    I'm sure we'll get our update in the app when DoK 3.0 comes out! :D Didn't they used to be real good about updating? Battlescribe isn't even that great at AoS updates 😢

  3. 3 minutes ago, xking said:

    I'm calling it know, Broken Realms Alarielle will bring back(or lead to)  the wanderers/kurnothi  as their own faction. 

    This might be a sign that they're not going to be put into the sylvaneth, rather their own faction with new models + current wanderers models?

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