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Posts posted by pixieproxy

  1. This is honestly why I'm excited to see what Kritza and Annika are all about. Having too many old world characters reduces the space the new ones need to breathe. Put it in spoilers, but does Radukar die in cursed city? Or is he just driven out?

    There's also the big vamp dude's tomb that was apparently in Ulfenkarn, that was guarded by the double headed wolf Radukar killed. But that is/was probably due for a later Cursed City expansion than directly for the Soulblight

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  2. 23 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

    Definitely looks good a gothic enough to be a CC expansion, whether they still plan to do them is a different case entirely! But a model for soul blight seems super realistic, maybe a hero given it has basing material! 

    Possibly a multi part kit for the vyrkos blood borne?

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  3. Following from the rumour thread discussion, @Il Maestro looked at the Azyr app, which has a Soulblight section now,  and the other section for units had both bat swarms and vargheists. I looked into it myself and in the battleline we have Vargheists and Blood knights! The coven throne, palanquin and both vamp mortarchs were in the leader section as well. 

    Possible confirmations? Or just GW's left tech hand not knowing what the right rules hand is doing?

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Il Maestro said:

    Hey guys, just new over here and loving the rumours so I thought I’d see if I could stir it up too!


    What are your thoughts on this screenshot? It’s from the Azyr app, where there is a new allegiance you can pick: Soulblight Gravelords...


    Looks like a few of the Cursed City models have been added, wonder why those ones in particular?


    So I had a look myself, and in the 'Battleline' section you have the vargheists and Blood Knights, and the leader section you have all vampires currently available. Iiiinteresting if both blood knights and vargheists can be battleline, could lead to being somewhat elite?

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

    Couldn’t there be more soulblights to be revealed? A centrepiece? Maybe kragnos? 

    Possibly, but unlikely to be shown this week. Personally I'm hoping for some sort of elite vamp foot troops or something along the lines of the vyrkos blood borne

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  6. 21 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    If this is true, that's HUGE news for armies such as Skaven. I would love nothing more for this to be true!!

    I would love nothing more for it to be true, but we really should temper expectations here. He'd also be talking about 40k, and the sheer amount of stuff in craftworlds *alone* that would get plastic kits would be enough for a primaris-level ongoing release

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  7. 2 hours ago, lare2 said:

    OK, I'm convinced. AoS 3.0 in the summer and soulblight in autumn.

    This would make me real sad considering we've seen so much of the army already ;-;

    Also considering we've already seen leaks of a unit in blisters? Wouldn't that be REAL early for that?

  8. 4 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    I would suspect that Bloodlines will be the subfactions of the Gravelords. Vampiric Powers I would assume will either be slotted under an Artefact table or potentially a specific table like how Mount Traits/Great Endrinworks work.

    Making them work like Endrinworks but specifically for Vampires would actually be pretty cool. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    However It‘s important to note that the Skeletons are labeled „Skeleton Warriors“ in the points leak (it‘s a photo of the points page, so this is no mistake). The official SGL names is supposed to be „Deathrattle Skeletons“. This brings others and me to the conclusion that the SGL Battletome will rename and rewrite some Warscrolls. (Since Cursed city seems to have always been planned to release before SGL).

    Maybe the cursed city Death heroes will be split up once our BT launches.

    It's also very possible due to the way schedules worked out that cursed city was supposed to release much earlier. I wouldn't be surprised if half the warscrolls are rewritten for the book. Besides, unless you're playing death right now in the pandemic it doesn't really matter till the book comes.

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