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Posts posted by pixieproxy

  1. 19 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    I definitely think that if Command Points are more plentiful our book is a lot better off, since so much of the buffs revolve around Command Abilities. I HAVE to think that "generals" will play a role in some form or fashion in regards to command points.

    Which makes Vyrkos even stronger if that's the case

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  2. 1 minute ago, Drakensgreed said:

    One thing I really hope they do is show the „smaller“ versions of the launch box as well. Leaving those out of the preview would disappoint many and stress out others who can‘t guarantee getting the limited box while stocks last.

    On another note, I also hope the full Core Book is included in the set, like with Soul Wars.

    If it's anything like Indomitus the core book will be in the Limited box with a special cover, while the bigger core box will have the normal rule book

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I don't know if this is leaked or not:


    Honestly, a surprisingly few amount of models for these? Like what is in the skaven box?? Drycha's is very obviously 10 revenants and Drycha but I'm having a hard time seeing what is in the others

  4. 28 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Big F for all my Matched Play friends. I guess it was too much to expect an update to that rule so soon.

    But to look at things on a slightly more positive note, how would you proxy them?

    Torgillius and Gorslav are obvious Necromancers and Halgrim works fine as a Wight King.

    If the Vargskyr is big enough and you have the right base, then you might be able to get away with using it as a Vengorian Lord, or if you stick two of the Blood-Born on then it could work as Radukar the Beast, with the third being a generic Vampire Lord.

    That just leaves the Kosargi without a clear proxy. X-Tra thicc Wight Kings?


    Honestly I wish I could find a good way to use the Blood-borne as proxies somehow. 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    On a mostly unrelated note: whichever arm you don't end up using with Annika would probably work as a replacement for that Necromunda model people were talking about using as a Vampire Lord.


    Can anyone tell if those "cancelled Cursed City expansions" models are ETB kits? That should give  a pretty definitive answer as whether they are or not.

    They aren't, in fact, easy to build. They're just vyrkos and thus have relations to Radukar and Ulfenkarn. I don't think they were ever meant to be part of expansions

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    Sam (the AoS Labs guy) mentioned in his video that in 3.0 there'd be rules to try and prevent spamming units. A hard cap on using the same type of units, and some kind of system that limits unit size depending on how large other units are.

    This could change list building for the game for the better, but some factions are gonna be real different after this kind of change

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  7. 1 minute ago, Aren73 said:

    For sure, completely agree. I think they could be fun to run and I'll try them out :) 

    On that note, you guys up for helping me figure out the faction to go with? 

    Units I like:

    Blood Knights
    Vengorian Lords
    Vampire Lords
    Fell Bats
    Grave Guard

    I am not a fan of one-dimensional armies so I don't like to run just Blood Knights or just monsters. Going by that, I probably won't get most use out of Avengorii (sadly), Legion of Blood doesn't interest me much either. Legion of Night likewise seems a bit meh. 

    Between Kastellai and Vyrkos, which one do you think benefits the above units most? 

    Kastelai could be a cool all-vamp army with a mix of Varcheists and Blood knights with general heroes, since everything is a vampire they get bonuses on their kills!

  8. 1 minute ago, Kadeton said:

    What makes you think they can't charge again? As far as I can tell, this ability all but guarantees that they'll be charging on every one of your turns even if your opponent tries to tie them up with chaff.

    No, way more of this please. We don't need meaningless weapon choices where one is clearly superior, which only results in people being able to assemble their models "wrong". Just make every unit's weapons generic like this so the unit does what it's supposed to and we can build them in whatever way looks cool.

    God, this. It's already a paint to assemble and play with/against KO with their million weapon options. 

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