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Posts posted by pixieproxy

  1. 6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I wonder what will be Previewed today? More 40K no doubt but perhaps theyll drop the Treeman for Blood Bowl or the Undead Team?

    Fingers crossed for an announcement of another Preview next weekend.

    Another preview weekend would be great. I would also love if they announced the Catacombs box this weekend!

    • Like 1
  2. On 10/7/2020 at 10:52 AM, zilberfrid said:

    I need to get me a boat, but am still torn.

    On one hand, I like the design of the Frigate better, on the other hand, the Ironclad is a lot more impressive.

    Which ship do people prefer building and painting?

    I'd also like to know people's opinions on this

  3. 24 minutes ago, Beastmaster said:

    Ok, I may be a bit of a special case, since I started with Ogors, which can be built as one of the cheapest armies in the game, and compare from there.

    For comparison, I recently calculated the Euro/point ratio for different common units. With Ogors it’s about 8. Idoneth are somewhere between 3 and 4. The Lumineth battleline is under 3.

    I know many buyers won’t calculate the ratio. But as far as I’ve heard, most start with setting a first points goal before they start collecting. And it does make a huge difference if I get to, say, 1000 p with 130 € or with 350 €. I would do the first, MAYBE the second, but definitely not both.

    If this goes on I’m sure there will be a point where sales will go down for new kits, because more people decide they’re just not worth it, or at least only buy what’s absolutely necessary for playing at all. Maybe we are already at that point.

    And, as can be seen in all those pile of shame discussions, a lot of GW sales depends on people not only buying what is absolutely needed... 😎

    This is in part why I've started, and then not continued a DoK army. The ridiculousness of the ratio is just something else. Maybe the Khainite Shadowstalkers will alleviate some of it but given the other warcry bands... not exactly hopeful? I even like painting skin so it's not the size of the units that's the issue let me tell you x.x

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  4. Yo, I'm getting a fantastic deal on the following:

    1. Aether Wars Kharadron half.
    2. 3x Arkanaut Company
    3. Start Collecting Kharadron
    4. Thundriks Profiteers Box
    5. Latest Kharadron Battletome
    6. Gotrek

    What would be a good expansion from these, or a solid 1000 point list from this? Is Thundrik and his bois any good in AoS?

  5. 1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

    Im super keen for the Morathi book!! I was hesitant until they said it was a Narrative book chock full of lore and now I cannot wait!! I do hope that the Broken Realms series doesnt have a book for each Faction though, for monetary reasons. So perhaps there will be 4? Maybe one for each Alliance in a sense? Regardless I'm hyped as hell for it an excited to see when this will release!!

    My guess is November seeing as it is stated it will affect all the Factions and that would put it after the Lumineth and Sons of Behemat releases.



    Sounds like the book will have lore and rules for multiple factions, so not likely to be one for each faction. Probably just big characters, wouldn't be surprised if the last one is Slaanesh

  6. Personally one of my vain hopes for the new GHB is getting large points drops across the board for the Underworlds warbands, all of them are just a bit too high atm and they're some gorgeous models, especially the Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt ones.

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