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Posts posted by pixieproxy

  1. I think the main issue on detail for me is entirely model dependent - 40k has this issue more than AoS does, you have three (3) three *HORDE* armies just overlaiden with detail on their basic models you're expected to paint 30-50 of! (Admech, Sisters and Genestealers) and at least one of those is also incredibly hard to speedpaint.

    When it comes to AoS though the only things that come close are the blissbarb archers - I get what GW was going for but damn did we really need for those to be that detailed? The only other things I can think of are the new zombies and skeletons in soulblight but even those are generally three materials and done really. I was really nervous before the clanrat previews that they were gonna be overburdened with detail as well, but thankfully they look easy enough to speedpaint if you want to do that.

    On the other hand if a model like Glutos, Ushoran, or something of similar size? Or even a cavalry hero model is super detailed? I don't mind, those tend to add to the effect when they're painted and you generally are only doing one.

    But Hedonites are absolutely heinous in this department - EVERY non demon model is detailed to the nines and the entire thing is an absolute nightmare to get through. You can't even enjoy the detail on Glutos or a Lord of Pain because your basic troops and cavalry *are just as bad*

    • Like 2
  2. 20 minutes ago, Sception said:

    very similar to current fec rules, which is good for them because the current rules are good.  kind of feels like too much faction trait text, though.  personally I would have preferred they kept the delusions and ditch the noble deeds instead of the other way around, but so be it.

    Hopefully good stuff for the slayers.  I hate on them more than they strictly deserve, but as long as they're staying a thing they might as well be good and fun.

    The push and pull of noble deeds during games and the interesting decisions you have to make because of them is what is making me think that FEC has some of the best gameplay in AoS right now as someone who plays them. Delusions on the other hand are just passive buffs - personally the noble deeds are better designed and make every hero choice interesting. ESPECIALLY now with the way list building is

  3. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    How is it possible that we got 4 or 5 different versions of that picture? Are they deciding changes on the core rules still?

    Its very likely the media team made that picture and got the information incorrect or made typos, rather than the rules team making that picture.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    Not directly, true, but they used the existing SCE Spearhead as an example in the first Spearhead article. It does come across like a suggestion, that this is what Spearhead starter would contain.

    From a marketing and sales perspective why would they release a launch box for a new edition with old models?

    • Like 1
  5. Right! So I recently started a Hedonites army and I want to know where to go from here:

    1 Keeper
    5 Slickblade Seekers
    11 Blisbarb Archers
    20 Demonettes
    5 Seekers
    5 Hellstriders
    1 Lord of Pain
    1 Infernal Enrapturess
    1 Shardspeaker

    (And 3 Slaangor but... yeah)

    Now I know probably should be looking at more Archers and Mortal Seekers, the LGS near me also has a cheap Dexcessa/Synessa kit. Thoughts?

  6. Right got a whole bunch of nighthaunt along with the xmas box.

    Spirit Torment
    Guardian of Souls

    10 Bladegheist
    4 Myrmourn
    10 Dreadscythe
    5 Hexwraiths
    10 Grimghast Reapers

    Where the hell should I go from here? This is already almost 2k points but is a little all over the place. Probably need some spirit hosts, but unsure what else to do.

  7. 15 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Looks like Warcry is going to get rolling updates: only Order downloads have been up and the warcom article basically confirms it.

    I really hope this is a "Monday to Friday" rolling update and not "Once a week until release"

    They said that destruction is tomorrow, so looks like "mon to fri" is it

  8. 2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Filler week again. Just a W+ Loremasters on Ghur.

    Middle-Earth Preview on Saturday, which I didn't expect but no mention of GenCon? Could be they just sprinkle the reveals in throughout the week I guess.

    Will note however, they did confirm the free rules they'll be releasing for warcry will be ALL 800+ fighters and the factions therein, no mention of the compendium either.

    • Like 3
  9. Spite revenants too! Also 3 attacks and mortals on 6s for spites. Kurnoth swords have 2 mortals on sixes but -1 rend, scythes get -3 rend and an anti-pile in mortal wound. Definitely interesting choices here. Revenant seekers are nuts in that they can res any model with 5 wounds or less in a unit, so Kurnoth and other seekers 

  10. 30 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    I think there's also a point to be made about the validity of the Orruk Warclans tome. As I read it it contains a faction which is very creative and flavourful in Kruleboyz who are however being seriously limited by overly complicated rules and a lack of valid options (everyone plays just one of the three subfactions). Ironjawz are really strong but lost some of their previous options and rules. No one seems to play Bonesplitterz, and Big Waagh is a disappointing mess.

    So while Nighthaunt and Maggotkin seem to have been buffed or expanded upon by their new tomes (and Sylvaneth look very promising as well so far), other factions like Fyreslayers, Orruk Warclans and appearantly Skaven have been weakened or limited. So 

    What do Idoneth players think? I don't gear much about them since a glorious crustacean future never came to path. Are they better or more fun now, or just slightly different?

    almost everything in the book is a viable option, there are multiple flavourful and powerful builds, nearly everything can be battleline(Just not all at once) and the options in the book have skyrocketed compared to the last few years of eels. I think Idoneth are pretty happy atm.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Aleser said:

    I just opened my Echoes of Doom box and this is first time I see skaven models in person and they really dont look that bad, not sure if they really need update. New units and models are welcome for any faction and they really had to give them something before Sylvaneths but those units in box really dont need update before some of the worse looking stuff.

    The models in the skaven line most people complain about aren't those ones to be fair. They're the resin/metal stuff that permeates the line, along with models like Gutter Runners

    • Like 16
  12. 18 minutes ago, Domize said:

    Definitely don't grab a second one, as you can only run one copy of the Lady of Vines. You'll be much better off getting a Start Collecting box to get the dryads that Lady of Vines summons, or the Drycha's Spitegrove box for some Tree Revenant battleline. You might want to grab another box of some Kurnoth Hunters too. However all of this is potentially gonna change once the Battletome drops – so could be worth just painting what you've got for now, then buying more once we have more information.

    To be fair even *with* the extra lady, if you can sell off the skaven it's a real good deal. 5 Gossamids, 3 Kurnoth and a Tree Lord are definitely worth more retail than half that box

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  13. I just hope both of the old revenant units get something that makes them relevant, the buff to Namarti thralls was great and I'd love something similar. The current scroll for BowKurnoth is especially bad too when compared to Gossamids tbh.

    • Like 4
  14. With awesome new centrepiece models my main worry is always that the rules mean they'll never hit the table. However I am so glad that LoV here is looking absolutely sharp. My only hope is she isn't completely auto-include, as that's not quite as fun either.

  15. 1 hour ago, maitremage said:

    Concerning Alarielle, I think the only nerf is that she will not knowthe whole lore : in the new Morathi’s warscroll, thé fact that she knows all spells is mentionned.

    Or it is a GW’s mistake but I don’t think so. But the rest of the warscroll is, I think, better so it’s not a big deal ;)

    In the new books warscrolls like hers don't have that line of text on the warscroll, instead its in the spells section in the tome.

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