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Posts posted by TimeToWaste85

  1. 2 hours ago, frenk_castle said:

    No idea. I converted one Magore and Riptooth into Mighty Lord of Khorne and another into Exalted Deathbringer. I love the sculpts but I think their rules are relatively bad. I would not play them.

    Riptooth gives you a cheap dispel and the rest of the unit is small enough to fly under the radar (especially in Goretide with a ‘Stoker) where they can be flung across the map into a squishy target that will hopefully net you a few BT points. All the underworld units have a place at Khorne’a table; small and relatively squishy BT points. 

  2. just spoke with a friend who owns a store and he said it’s the tightest rule set GW has made since AoS came out (including 40k during that time). Excited to give it a go. 

    oh, and prior to owning a store he traveled to the Vegas tourneys that used to run. So not just someone random. I trust his judgement on it. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Pyrk said:

    Huh, I hadn't seen that aspect of the GHB. Carry on then!

    My list has 20 potential BT points. The only big stuff has a serious threat range and can dish it out in ranged or melee. No reason between my units and their’s that I can’t summon up to 3 ‘Thirsters if I wanted to. And I’m pretty confident that it’s one of those lists where the cohesion isn’t immediately obvious and will catch opponents with their pants down. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Pyrk said:

    Can you explain where you see this? Magore's Fiends I get, since Riptooth and Fiends are specifically called out as being separate warscrolls/units that have to be bought as a set, but I'm looking at the Ravager warscroll and it says one unit with four models.

    Yup, look on the points page in general’s handbook; second sentence says “although taken as a set, each is a separate unit”. Until they change it, RAW it works. And MAN will I spam that 35pt Sorc and 30pt warrior BT points!

  5. I’m gonna make Slaanesh my elite army and my Khorne army is full of chaff, shooting and magic (don’t judge)! If you don’t believe me, head to the Blades of Khorne page and see my list. It’s obnoxious and all over the place enough that it just might work!

    Slaanesh is going to focus on an Invaders list with Sigvald, Dex, three units of Hellstriders, a unit of 10 Twinsouls, a contorted epitome, and I’m not sure what else to round out with yet. Gotta see where I’m at. I want that keeper. I just don’t know if it works…

    • Like 2
  6. Ok, got my list:




    2 skull cannons

    2 soul grinders

    3 units of Bloodreavers


    Garrek’s Reavers

    Magore’s Fiends

    Khagra’s Ravagers




    I may consider dropping the Wrathmongers to get Soulsnare Shackles and still have 100pts left; maybe a Mindstealer Sphyrinx. Just have to figure out how to drop into Battalions, but it focuses on the big monsters shooting, shackles to stop charges, speed bump reavers, Scyla works around anti-charge/Sentinel hunting, and all those tiny units give Blood Tithe points easily (as written, the Ravagers are bought as a single unit but split into 4 upon hitting the table). And Fecula is nigh-unkillable with her bodyguards and bigger threats. Three access points to +1 to save (two wizards, one priest). Summon Bloodthirsters when possible. 

    • Like 1
  7. I paint my Khorne stuff in red and gold. If I got told I could only play one specific Khorne army when those have always been the chosen colors…I’d laugh my ass off at the person and tell them to get stuffed. 

    I know my local GW has no issue with paint colors and applauds well-painted stuff, no matter the scheme. 

  8. I actually think Khorne is in a decent spot: we have priests to give one unit a +1 to save and can ally wizards to give a second unit. I believe bronzed flesh only works on Khorne, so that’s it. Or double-tap Archaon with MS/BF so he needs -3 rend to even lower his armor. 

  9. 1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

    Yepp, from their perspective Painbringers have the an always-on 1+ save CA in combat now. That's the perspective I'm taking as well and with that, how can I make the most of that.

    Have you checked other armies? S2D lost their re-rolls to saves too. It is a universal thing as GW does not want super buffed up units in either offence or defence. Haven't really gone into many other FAQs but there's some stuff shaking things up. LotFP lost their VLC mortal wound combat monster, for example, as they can only pick from the big four + S2D (but not everchosen stuff).

    Where did you find that? I looked in the WotE and Skaven FAQs. Didn’t see anything of the sort


    Never mind. It’s in the broken realms book. Sigh…skaven Verminlords…I hardly knew ye. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

    Oh, you totally misunderstand me. I would ABSOLUTELY run that. I enjoy list-crafting. And something that goes nuts with Blood Tithe points would be fun. I’d LIKE to run this. 

    Also, I make mention of using war bands: since things like Thedra and the Godsworn Hunt must be taken together, same as Wurmspat, are they a single drop? Or two drops for allies? I can’t find the rule anywhere, but on WarCom they talk about the beastgrave band being two separate things but AN ally to a chaos army. So sounds like each underworld band is a single item? I see Godsworn and Wurmspat in my Khorne army’s future and assume its 2 drops not 4, but it’ll give up 4 Blood Tithe points if they all die. Along with the 3 more from Garrek and Magore/Riptooth. 7 cheap and easy BTs, along with that shooting castle in the back that can hit like a freight train in combat too. 

    it’ll be the most bizarre Khorne army ever seen. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Charleston said:

    You sound quite upset about this theorycraft which makes me wonder why? It may sound like an obnoxious combination but we have experienced even worse during a long duration of AoS 2.

    While Wrathmongers are a very potent force multiplier to the few shooting attacks we have, they die quite fast against ranged attacks. Also Soulgrinders are not the most reliable shooters with a 4+ to hit. While I agree on Skullcannons beeing really doped up by this I don't expect people to play more than a unit of 3 of them as they have a huge footprint and can be easy tied down. Also concider that in casual games people have a feeling for what is obnoxious and for competetive noone should bat an eye.

    Oh, you totally misunderstand me. I would ABSOLUTELY run that. I enjoy list-crafting. And something that goes nuts with Blood Tithe points would be fun. I’d LIKE to run this. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Charleston said:

    Actually that is more awesome the longer I am thinking about it. I always loved Bestigors and wanted to run some, also a Ghorgon has exactly the punch we lack (-1 Rend 3D Profile). Ungors may be a nice meatshield althrough they really compete with bloodreivers for the slot. But all in all, It looks like a BoC SC! is on the way to me :D Actually, with the option to play BoC and StD as part of the alligience and with the reverted Wrathmonger FAQ BoK would turn back into a damn enjoyable faction for 3.0. Feels almost like having a new Battletome 

    Wrathmongers babysitting two skull cannons and two soul grinders, say what? Fill in with cheap Bloodreavers, underworld bands (oh, cheap blood tithe points and a dispel from Magore’s doggy) a slaughter priest for the bronzed flesh and one of the Underworld bands with a sorcerer (ew) for mystic shield. Well hello there, obnoxiousness. Throw in Scyla for his 8” pile-in attack to work around Unleash Hell. Sound about right?

  13. 6 hours ago, Perturbato said:

    I don't like the model but he's like a faster khorgorath with different abilities. Could be fun with korghos khul to p*ss off of enemy use of unleash hell.

    I hate the current model myself, but I really liked the previous version. Build it up on a pile of rocks and give it a 50mm base, good to go. 

  14. On 6/7/2021 at 6:10 PM, Fuxxx said:

    I'm torn on the new rule. I really like blocks of models. My favorite systems are Kings of War and Warhammer 8th Edition. But the quote on quote encirclement you could to with AoS was quite nice and it's a bit sad to see it gone. Looks more like armies in formations though I think :)

    I don't know if we're missing something. Might be that we get a rule for second ranks and such and than that's that :)

    Round bases with rank and file? I think they’re gonna give us a month or two like this and then “introduce” the movement trays that LOTR uses. Meet the AoS 3.0 boss. Same as the WHFB boss (mind you, WHFB is what got me into miniatures in the first place and I have zero regrets). 

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, KingKull said:

    Speaking of rumors of upcoming factions, I believe that one (the notorious 4chan leak?) said something about a substantial Beastmen release? 

    If so, would anyone be so kind as to remember any further details (if there are any)? 

    The Beastmen rumor got me excited as frankly that would be one of the factions (the other couple being more wild-hunty wood elves and generic human barbarians) that would finally get me into AoS. 

    With Beastmen it would be nice to see a huge plastic Shaggoth (options for Kholek Suneater) and Galrauch the Chaos Dragon (with a generic build) make a return. It would be a great way to bring them back, give two huge kits that have multiple purchase options…yeah, I’d actually get Beastmen at that point (ok, id buy the dragon, Shaggoth and dragon ogors as an army)

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  16. 47 minutes ago, azdimy said:

    So , as I work toward having a legal list again, I am building for the first time some hellstriders and discover that the kit gives you the option for a banner bearer or an icon bear while the rules let you have both. How do you work around this knowing that bits store are a thing of the past where I live and I m not very good at conversions but I can do some simple ones. Any idea?

    Convert using Seeker bits. That’s what I did. You get multiple arms, just might need a touch of green stuff. Might be more doable if you use any Twinsouls bits too (to cross from Hellstriders to Seeker banner arm. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 34 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    I mean... if I'm not mistaken those are... white ... fangs in your profile pic, aren't they? 

    Come on, we all know there are Hedonite and BOC players held captive under GW stores, where the evil overlords are harvesting their salty gamer tears! 

    Actually, from people in the HoS thread (I’m a Slaanesh fan from all the way back 6th Ed WHFB, btw) who have actually played the faction with new points…they’re doing REALLY well against armies like LRL by playing to faction strengths. We’d love to see points come down. But despite two considerate point increases very recently, we’re still strong. A sleeper army, if you will. 

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  18. 3 hours ago, Dreddships said:

    I'd hope we'd get Sigmar over Grungi as the CoS/Stormcast god model.

    I mean - the himbo is right there with his hammer and, frankly, its a travesty I can not make He-Man vs Skeletor happen on the tabletop.

    He'd probably be half the size of the other god centrepieces - I'd imagine about Robute Gulliman size for that Primarch Conversion possibility - but undoubtably it's an Emperor of Mankind situation were the one important guy never shows up...

    I would rather they have Sigmar vs Azazel (instead of Nagash). Bring about the ORIGINAL personal enemy of Sigmar. Plus two new models that way. 

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  19. 3 hours ago, RamsesIII said:

    Honestly I feel like bestigors need an update more than gors do. The latter felt mostly good to assemble for me, they have plenty of options and allow for pretty different poses, meanwhile bestigors are almost all posed in a very similar way with little chance to change their stance or play around with their limbs' positioning, and even then I still found myself having to plan the assembly carefully to avoid leaving gaps in their shoulders. Could also be that I just like the unarmored look better (not that I believe bestigors shouldn't have theirs) but some of their armour bits feels a bit uninspired too, lots of unremarkable chainmail sections in my opinion. I wouldn't be too bothered if they weren't updated though, I feel like there's some things that should come first.

    I gotta say though, the dragon ogor shaggoth  is one that really stands out to me as something in need of an update, I keep forgetting that it's actually quite a bit smaller than the ghorgon and cygor in the tabletop when I feel like in the lore it shouldn't be that way(?) could be wrong though. The sculpt itself is actually pretty nice but unfortunately it's only available in resin.

    100% agree, the Dragon Ogor Shaggoth is the #1 model (IMO) across the entire range of active warscrolls that needs to be updated. Skaven stuff does need it, but at least they’re the right “size”. The Shaggoth is the same-ish size as regular D-Ogors. It should be Kragnos sized. Hence the joke that somebody screwed up Kholek Suneater. 
    I don’t play Beasts (only chaos army I don’t have). I would buy a Dragon Ogor army if they gave us a proper Shaggoth/Kholek update.  

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