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Posts posted by TimeToWaste85

  1. Anyone else excited for Bladeborn? Looks like we can essentially use the Dread Pagent in WarCry-lite. I see no reason why we can’t pit them against existing WarCry bands as the cards look identical in style to me. $50 Barnes and Noble pickup. Day-one purchase for me. Let’s me use a Sphyrinx, Spire Tyrants, Untamed Beasts, Dread Pagent, Eyes of 9, Garrek’s Reavers, krugah’s Ravagers, Godsworn Hunt and Ghasrak’s all in a tiny standalone game. Super exited. 

  2. Next up is gonna be a Doombull with two axes made out of Bloodthirster leftover bits with modified bullgor torso. Not as hard as it sounds, if you have a Skarbrand box you have extra legs which is the tough bit. 

    oh, and this is going to be for sale when it’s finished. 

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  3. I must be in the minority, because I actually think the Blades of Khorne book is very well designed. You can go INSANE horde, monster mash, or elite troops. The problem isn’t that book, it’s books like Luminoth, Seraphon or Tzeentch that pulled out the hallucinogens when writing. 

    I’m primarily a Slaanesh fan. But I can admit our book, in a vacuum, doesn’t have the internal synergy of BoK. 


    also, the new app is up in beta and it’s awesome. 

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  4. So I’ve had to take a hobby break from Slaanesh (I keep multiple projects to avoid army burnout). Finally finished sculpting my Valkia the Bloody conversion since an awesome guy on FB sent me some DoK wings. Shameless plug of my work (painted pictures to follow soon). Just have to sand down some edges that were sculpted last night. 



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  5. On 9/9/2021 at 11:47 AM, TimeToWaste85 said:

    Is there any use to Valkia under new rules? Currently finishing up a conversion of her


    edit: kind of answered my own question. Debuffs to hit and wound, has an innate 3+ and can give morale refills (risky). Definitely have a place for this Valkyrie. 

    Next picture will be fully painted. Sculpting is done, made a few small changes to feet area and the shield. Had to fix the horns 



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  6. Is there any use to Valkia under new rules? Currently finishing up a conversion of her


    edit: kind of answered my own question. Debuffs to hit and wound, has an innate 3+ and can give morale refills (risky). Definitely have a place for this Valkyrie. 

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  7. On 8/29/2021 at 7:04 AM, nurglish said:

    Is here anyone using bullgors as their main key hammer in competitive game?

    Frankly, for me, it seems like there isn't any main dealing unit for pure nurgle. 

    plague drones could be one of the candidates, but I felt it is quite hard to keep it 7'' of nurgle daemon hero except Lord of Afflictions. AND LOA isn't also stable dealing hero. 

    Daemon Prince of Nurgle or Verminlord Corruptor can both stay close by with ease. Between the new rules for Spoilpox and Bilepiper, followed by staying close to a prince or Verminlord (or both), Plague Drones get a metric ton of attacks. 

  8. I  posted this in the Slaanesh side (they were talking about it, and I’m mostly a Slaanesh player). You can’t pick to wound blues if there are pinks left. You can’t damage brims if blues are left. What if the unit is purchased only with pinks and brims? Wipe the brims first, have the pinks survive. Ablative wounds until the end. Can make the unit last a lot longer. And if brims die and you bring models back…why not bring back pinks? Loophole? I think so. And RAW, i think it works 

  9. So, I know Be’Lakor and Archaon go into Slaanesh lists all the time…but how about a crazy idea of sending Synessa into a S2D army: led by Be’Lakor (no Archaon), two Marauder bombs of 30, a sorcerer, a third small unit of Marauders, a Hypno-Cat, Synessa and a Bloodstoker allied in. Marauders marked Khorne and whipped, Synessa can command them from anywhere and has access to all Slaanesh spells, even as an ally. The Marauders are 100% guaranteed to hit with the teleport spell, buffed by sorcerer


    oh and a Khorne Warshrine is a must too. 

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  10. Update on Be’Lakor time! Since he’s in my HoS list, I can plug him. Lol. Between Archaon and Be’Lakor taking up so many points, having the other stuff painted afterwards should be cake. All the Greater Daemons for the other god-centric lists are painted (BT unfettered, Kairos, GUO w/Bell), but Synessa is only primed to stand in for a Keeper as she’s far better. Cogs are painted though!!



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