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Posts posted by TimeToWaste85

  1. Bloodthirsters, from what I read online, are the most competitive option in the book (280 for the Insensate Rage one is a STEAL!) Skarbrand benefits from Baleful Lords/Tyrants of Blood because it allows him to run and charge, which he sorely needs due to no flight. If he’s your only behemoth, he’ll get shot off the board fast. Nobody wants him in combat with them. He will smoke any horde unit and/or any hero without reliable saves against MWs. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Charsiupao said:

    Are Enlightened on foot a good choice for melee, or should you always put them on disc? It seems tempting to save points and playing 9 of them on foot rather than 6 of them on disc, and still have 60 points leftover for something else, but is that something Tzeentch players do, or are they only on foot when you have no room for the discs?

    I personally used my Silver Tower Tzaangors to make Enlightened on foot, so I bought the following:

    1 box Tzaangors, 1 Aether Wars, Silver Tower, Eyes of the Nine Shadespire band. 
    it gives me: 2 units of Skyfires, 2 units of Enlightened on foot, 1 unit of Tzaangors with the Eyes Tzaangor as a unit champ and one leftover to be converted to a Shaman. Gives you 920pts of Tzaangors that way. Haven’t played with it (Thanks, Covid!), but minimal box set purchases for maximum value. 

  3. Honestly? Best way to deal with a gun line with this book is to have as few drops as possible and make sure you get turn 1 with as much speed as possible. Epitome+Chronomatic Cogs is essential when half your army runs & charges. Go Godseekers for a further +1. You’ll have M+3D6+5. Keepers start at 14 so you have an average run & charge of 29” w/the general. Get another with the thermalrider cloak and you have M+2D6+9 for an average of 30”. Then hellstriders put em all into two battalions (Seeker cavalcade and the character one). Two drops, high mobility. 

    That’s how I’d suggest handling a gun line. 

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  4. Just want to ask quickly; 2 in 5 Tzaangors can have great weapons. One Tzaangor can be a twistbray (champion). One of the great weapon ones can be the twistbray right? Unless an FAQ/errata killed that and I missed it. I was planning on using the Eyes of the 9 Tzaangor as the unit champ and turning another one from the box into a shaman. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, demonlizardfromouterspace said:

    To have a demon army that looks at least a little bit like a combined force.

    I get it, that the several demon factions each have their distinct colour scheme (Khorne red, etc.), however I think it woul look nice, if theer was a shared element in them all.

    What I have in mind is something like a combined demon force where every mini has an orange colour feature on it, no matter  if it's a Nurgle Daemon, Slaanesh, etc.

    Make the weapons the same color? The bloodletters’ swords, Daemonettes’ claws, horrors’ flames and plaguebearers’ swords all one matching color?

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Gwendar said:

    I like it and have planned on doing something similar.. but I feel the Fearfold Blade would be better here since it doesn't discriminate against Heroes\Behemoths if I recall?

    You’re right, just looked and it’s WAY better; Unmodified 5+ for D3 is better than 6+ for D6, all the way. 

    and Shalaxi is a hero killer. Against hordes, he’s wasted. Which is why Kairos, the GS and Verminlord can neuter hordes at a distance. Skarbrand and the Verminlord deal with hordes close up, and Shalaxi has been math-hammered to smoke most heroes. 

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  7. Thought about this earlier. Wanted to put my own list in:

    Verminlord corrupter w/SoJ




    gaunt summoner on foot

    10 plaguebearers 

    10 Daemonettes or bloodletters

    10 Daemonettes or bloodletters

    Gaunt can summon horrors, and all 4 ruinous powers represented to summon their bodies in. Corrupter has Nurgle keyword (For PBS) and is the general, he, gaunt and kairos can kill swarms at a distance, Skarbrand kills everything close, shalaxi kills heroes. 1990

    edit. My numbers are off trying to figure out how I whoopsed!

    edit: numbers fixed!

  8. Hey, just musing...has anyone tried putting Archaon into a Despoilers group? I mean, him being immune to anything needing LOS by having any part of him obscured by any amount of terrain...rotten? Honestly, gonna try it. I know he has to chill w/DPs to work. But still a very rotten thought process. 

  9. 1 hour ago, AresX8 said:

    @KhorgusCool You're going to have big issues maneuvering that 30 man Blood Warrior block around. Even more so to keep all the of the models wholly within all of the auras you have, with the Whipped to Fury wholly within 8" of the Bloodstoker in turns after they charge/get into combat. I'd seriously suggest try reducing the unit to 20 man instead and it'll be a world of a difference.

    I second this. I wanted the 30man block as well, but I’ve been told it’s too unwieldy. My secondary list is two units of 20, couple Bloodstokers in the Goretide for a huge R&C combat monster. Don’t send them in at the same time though. One at a time is perfect. 

  10. Well, cogs (in this list) only needs to go off once. I figure the ‘Thirsters will hit like a freight train, and then the crushers can line up for impact hits and play cleanup. It’s a two-turn, two hit punch.

    The summoner can pop horrors for a backfield bubble-screen/objective holder, while he fires off realm spells/horde cleanser. If he dies...well, Khorne is happy that a caster dies.

    Actually, I’ll probably ACTIVELY try to get him killed after Cogs are summoned; for the blood tithe point AND fluff reasons. After all, once a caster has worn out his usefulness to Khorne...

    • Like 4
  11. I think I had to make 5 posts (if I read that right) before I could add pics. I can create a gallery page and add some for sure!

    Not everything is painted though. Most are still a work In progress. Archaon and his cronies are fairly new purchases and he’s only base coated and two Varanguard are painted (7 left!)

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    I'm not sure I see the need for the extra movement on the Skullmaster. He has the same movement as the Bloodcrushers to proc their locus. Why does he need to keep up with the Bloodthirsters? they dont buff each other in any way...

    4+ rerolling 1's is OK but 3+ rerolling 1's is better and you want as many chances to rolls 6's to wound as you can get. 

    You are right about summoning the horrors. No reason to summon anything else other than fluff (although I wouldnt rely on their shooting to do much). 

    I’m not worried about him staying near the crushers. The Thirsters get a bonus from being near the general. He’s there to keep up with them. The crushers are the next wave. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    @TimeToWaste85 Yeah the wizard is gross but makes sense in your list and he summons a free unit to hold an objective while the rest of the army surges forward. Biggest weakness is its very light for bodies and after the initial charge Bloodcrushers do next to nothing. You will want to generate bloodtithe fast so you can summon some support. Insensate Rage Thirsters need help with their 4+ hit rolls so any artifact that boosts that is probably the best choice. Amberglaive (from Gur) for +1 hit and +1" reach is my go to but there are other options out there depending on which realm you choose.

    Amberglaive sounds good, but due to Thermalrider cloak (for Slaughtermaster to keep up) I have to go Chamon, I believe (the fire realm). The IRBT’s have re-roll boosts as well, so that helps. But I definitely hear you. Truthfully, the Gaunt should summon Horrors in a competitive game and bloodletters in a friendly game (cuz fluff), but only horrors make actual sense. The army already does CC well, shooting is non-existent. 

  14. Hi guys, so I’m new here (Chaos player since 6th ed WHFB), and I had my own Blades list I wanted to put down. It MIGHT draw some shock, cuz there’s a dirty sorcerer in it, but I’m sure Khorne would forgive one of Archaon’s lieutenants speeding up his ‘thirsters:


    Baleful Lords

    Bloodthunder Stampede
    Skullmaster (thermalrider cloak to keep up w/BTs)
    3 Bloodcrushers
    3 Bloodcrushers
    3 Bloodcrushers

    Tyrants of Blood
    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (required artifact)
    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (unsure of artifact)
    Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster

    Ally: Slaves to Darkness Gaunt Summoner on foot
    Endless Spell: Chronomatic Cogs

    2 Battalions, 3 arcane artifacts, 3 CP to start

    Yes, I know having a caster for Khorne is “ewwww, yucky”. But I think if Archaon petitions to have one of his chosen sorcerers tag along to boost the killing speed of the thirsters, not for murder from afar, I’m pretty sure Khorne would adhere to anything getting his chosen warriors into battle faster. Still working on the items for the ‘thirsters. Skullmaster is general due to Battleline Bloodcrushers. 2k on the dot.

  15. Hi all, I’ve recently chosen to leave DakkaDakka as I have come to prefer AoS over 40k and AoS chatter there is largely lacking. I’m a chaos collector (and occasional player); my display cabinet houses Archaon, 9 Varanguard, 2 Gaunt Summoners, 3 new KoSs and 2 older ones, 4 Bloodthirsters and two LoCs (all of which include their respective special characters). Collection also includes the droves of minions (mortal and Daemonic), Daemon Primarchs and Daemon Princes.

    I’m largely into list crafting, and while I don’t have to WAAC, I consider myself a player hungry to test myself in a game to see how good my list building is. I brought a dual Keeper list in my first HoS game, and have a Baleful Lord Khorne list as well as a Bloodbound Blood Warrior list designed to be in my opponent’s face from jump. I’m also not afraid to have a Gaunt Summoner go pal around with Bloodthirsters to give them an edge (oh hello, run and charge Baleful Lords sped up by Chronomatic Cogs).

    So I’m here to talk shop, see what stuff is coming out, and largely kick ideas around about Chaos!

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