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Posts posted by Oak7603

  1. Change is never good when it goes against what you wanted or expected but it's always a good thing when it benefits. 

    My decision to go head first into this hobby, especially into an older army and the added risk that entails, is that pound for pound there isn't a hobby out there gives you as much bang for your buck. 

    I get to read a huge and evolving lore and watch countless videos. I get to choose from hundreds of options and then build the models I want to. I get to paint them how I want. I get to play with them in a multitude of ways, in a game that is different every single time, and then even if they lose value in the game for whatever reason, I can play with them still anyway in open games with my mates anyway. 

    I've had lots of hobbies, some more expensive and most a lot cheaper, but none have given me all  those things and that why I don't think it's expensive relative to what I get back and if a unit does get changed, then I've had a lot of fun out of it and will continue to despite the changes. 

    Will I want more armies in the future? Yep. Will I want more units and models, or at least the ones I have already for my current armies, to be updated? Yep. Will I get frustrated when it doesn't happen? Yep.

    But I'll have a great time in the mean time 😁

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  2. Also remember that unless also specifically stated in the battleplan, you don't need to leave your models in the 6" area. You can leave it and still get the points until the enemy put more units than you on it.

    E.G. Turn 1 - I put 6 models on an objective and get 1 point. Turn 2 I move those 6 away but no enemy turn up. I still control it and get the points at the end of turn 2. Turn 3 the enemy moves 1 model in the 6" and I don't get any back to it. They now control it  and get the points.

  3. The point I was making which I didn't actually put in my post is that to a new player, like me, all of the armies are new. It doesn't matter who it is, whether it's new to Aos 2.0 or an army from WFB ported over in dribs and drabs. The new players reference point is zero so its all new. 

    In terms of attracting new players, I don't think new armies or new units is the draw. Maybe the advertising of a new army makes you aware of the world but if GW had advertised a new boxset with BoC against DoK with all the old models and with all the old Battletomes and lore I still would have bought it because it was new to me and the army attracted me. Despite the outcry there would be from existing players. 

    I think that the new armies, units and Battletomes are more for the existing player base to try and tempt you into starting a whole new army and forking out a few hundred quid. 

    • Like 8
  4. Not all new players are drawn to new armies though. I am new and after being given the Nighthaunt half of SoulWars and building that up, I have now gone the other way and have started a Beasts of Chaos one. I'm mindful that they need an update, I'm aware that this may mean that some units may be lost and I knew that that they don't seem to be particularly popular, or meta, but none of these things stopped me. I wanted Beasts and so I bought them.

    So in my case, their old army has been financially better for them than the Nighthaunt one was.

    • Like 9
  5. This would be a great help for me, anything to build up my knowledge of this Army would be great. I feel that I have a good grasp of my Nighthaunt, mainly because there is so much to read and watch to fill in the blanks and build up on the nuances that bring out the abilities but with BoC, it just seems a huge mish mash that IMO is unwieldy for a beginner. I've got the Battletome but that doesn't seem enough. I feel like I need the Battletomes of StD, Slaanesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch too!

    After watching the AoS Coach doing the BoC video, which was basically an advert for Desolating, I realised that I could build up a big army, all in one Battalion and then I could learn all the other bits as time goes on. Playing against my son helps but I'm looking forward to testing it on new people and different armies.... And also bear in mind, that up until 4 months ago I didnt even know what AoS was!!!

    I definitely think its playable but having one eye on not buying models that may be obsolete with a new GHB or Battletome is a little distracting.

  6. So this is what you meant yesterday. Am i right in thinking that the Battalion gives you the Slaanesh keyword so then the Chaos Lord and Sorcerer Lord are also given the same one so they are no longer an ally?

    The Sorcerer and the Lord can then buff the Spawns with 2 combats and re-rolling saves on top of any buffs.

  7. I skipped over that part of the Battletome as I wanted a pure BoC army, and by concentrating on the Desolating Beastherd I havent looked at Bullgors or Doombulls either.

    I think I'll stick with my Gavespawn Desolating Beastherd and either run or summon in the Ghorgon, Cygor, Shamen and Chimera. By the time I've managed to pay for and paint that lot maybe they'll be some changes like you say. And if not, I'll start at looking at the Chaos Gods.

    Thanks for taking the time to chat this through.

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks. I have seen a load of battle reports and they make out everything else is ****** for BoC and only ever seem to ally into one of the Chaos Gods. You never know, maybe a new battletome and units will come one day too 🤪

  9. I was going to go for 30 ungors, 30 raiders and 30 Bestigors with 10 Gors, a Beastlord, 2 Shamens and the Ghorgon in the battalion and I'll have a spare Ghorgon, Shamen and Cygor from the sets. I also have 2 spawn and I was planning on a Chimera to summon with the call points.

    I don't want to go with a Chaos God and ally to any of those so I was just wondering what else is worth getting.

  10. Just ordered another Start Collecting Box 😂. So once I have the last 30 Ungors, I'm all set for my Desolating Beastherd and then I'll venture out to some other beasts... 

    What should I go for next?

  11. 25 minutes ago, Maddpainting said:

    But for me, i don't are if my Ungors even does 1 point of D, so i just have spears which now i wish I didn't for 1 reason.... they poke me.

    Haha now there is a real world answer!

    Getting stuff out of my box always causes me a stab or two so I'm going to save myself 30 more and stick with blades.

    Many thanks. 

    • Like 2
  12. I'm building a BoC list starting with the Desolating Beastherd Battalion. I've got 10 Ungors and 10 Raiders so I've got 20 of each to get sorted out. The Ungors I built have the blades but now I'm wondering if they should have been spears. With a target of 30 Ungors and 30 Raiders, would spears or blades be better? 

  13. I've just sat down to play this (solo Glymmsforge) and in its current state its unplayable using just the Soul Wars set alone and also due to various other mistakes in the rules if taken how they are printed.

    Recommends a board 22 inches wide but the units have to be set up 12 inches away from the middle.

    Recommends terrain placement that can't be made on the recommended board size, meaning that you can't have any terrain.

    The Adversary Army is made up of D3 number of units from a table but depending on the roll, the Soul Wars set doesn't have enough models (e.g. There are only 5 Grimghast Reapers and Gloucesteraivewraith Stalkers but recommended Party size is 3 so 3 units x 3 models would be 9) 

    The Boss Behaviour Table says it is for a d6 but only has 4 options. (Previous posts suggest that this should be 4+)

    And that's all I've noticed just trying to play two battle rounds let alone the exploration table that gives you more healing opportunities than fighting. I get these could be ignored or changed but I was hoping for an easy to follow solo campaign. 

    I think I read that there are some alternative rules being bandied around on here so I'll post a link to them if I can find them for anyone else that is looking to play this solo version and come across this thread. 


    So I couldn't find the other posts but played with the rules myself and taken some changes from a YouTube video and then changed the unit rules to fit what I have, so for the Minion Unit Table it now says:

    1 chainrasp horde unit with a number of models triple the size of the Adventure party

    1 Spirit Host unit with a number of wounds equal to the size of the adventure party (rounding up) 

     1 Bladegheist revenant unit with a number of models equal +1 to the adventure party. 

    All in all I had a quick go and it was much harder and more enjoyable. If anyone wants the full changes, send me a PM or ask on here and I'll post them all. 

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