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Lich King

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Posts posted by Lich King

  1. 4 hours ago, Ghoooouls said:

    Yea I may be jumping the gun as we have only seen small amounts of info.

    It just seems very immersion-breaking for me. I can now have zombies drag enemies down and tear them apart, then turn them into zombies. Then the opponents commander can shout at the dead guy that is now a zombie and he somehow spawns into a second body and gets back up to fight himself as a zombie... just seems silly.

    Bloodthirsters of insenate rage smashing people into explosions of gore.... but wait the general is shouting at us lads! Quick rebuild your bodies, find your organs and fight as if nothing happened!

    Vampires and ghouls feasting on dead bodies.... but wait no! Come on lads get back up! Fight!

    I totally agree with you - I guess their ownly reasoning would be those guys never truly died , were just harshly injured. And somehow muster up the spirit to fight - although yeah I am using your body now as my zombie … weird ..

  2. 51 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

    A little worried about these snippets of into we've seen. Predominantly the heal d3 heroic ability. This seems to be able to be done in each hero phase. So some heroes are going to be impossibly hard to kill.

    Cast a spell on a hero and do d3 mortals? Oh well he can now heal those d3 mortals and then on his turn heal another d3 mortals. So an average of healing 4 wounds each battle round. Imagine that on something like kragnos etc. or even our own heroes like mannfred, average healing 4 wounds on top of d3 from killing and negating 1 wound each phase?

    I feel like a lot of these commands/heroic actions should be once per battle. I guess we are yet to see a lot of rules, but some of them just seem silly.

    I believe the heroic healing is done at the top of Hero phase where the rest of your hero stuff would be in the middle of it 

  3. 9 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    So, I kind of threw this together real quick, and certainly haven't worked the kinks out, but I was wondering if a list like this would be viable?

    Kastelai Dynasty

    Coven throne-310
    10 Blood Knights-390
    5 Blood Knights-195
    5 Blood Knights-195
    10 Skeletons-85
    Red Banqueters-100

    I haven't even begun to think about artifacts or command traits yet, as I just got the book.

    And yes, this was an attempt to make an all vampire army! 😄

    Drop Vlozd for Vhordrai 

  4. If you take a Named Character - they still get the bloodline’s keyword and therefore Battle Traits right? They just don’t have access to Command trait and artefacts. I see for example Legion of Night for Mannfred but if he goes in the Kastellai Bloodline he gets access to Kastellai keyword in addition to those two battle traits ?

  5. 15 minutes ago, El Antiguo Guardián said:

    New BK seems to be amazing. It´s a pity their base size, they´re like ossiarch cavalry and big units are soo god. 


    I´m so excited with this army.

    Yeah I’m bummed about base sizes. I recently finished 5 of the Finecast ones to a decent quality and they are on the standard 60mm by 35 cav. Really am not going to rebase because they’re pinned down and all - if worse comes to worse if someone needs to face mine on 75s then I can slap them on top but for most games shouldn’t matter so much...

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