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Lich King

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Posts posted by Lich King

  1. We’ve completely quit as well. Moved over to OPR’s Age of Fantasy for a much more sound and tactical (and fun ) experience . I couldn’t imagine myself going back to a GW game with all these books and now you guys have GHBs every 6 months?! Insane…

    it wasn’t Covid which hurt AOS because other game systems are far more alive - especially 40K ( also poor rules system ). So there’s something wrong with the community - maybe too many people split over things like meta chasers , then Narrative guys over there - then hobby/ casual guys over there. It’s not focused and it never had the appeal of Fantasy - so when that re releases i fear it will have an even more negative impact on AOS. 
    as a former fantasy guy myself I may try TOW but it won’t replace Age of Fantasy or Age of Fantasy Regiments due to GW always incorporating sales into their rules which destroys their games.

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  2. Yeah I mean - do you really think GW care about bad PA? They’re the kings of the miniature hobby. Does anyone remember the destruction of the Old World just a few years ago ? That was terrible - and AOS absolutely sucked back then didn’t even have any cohesive play system ( some still argue there isn’t). So I think they’re not afraid of just pulling plugs or switching things around. 

        As for the Cities debacle : they had a chance to put Dispossessed into a united Dwarf book but didn’t. Same thing with Sylvaneth. Didn’t put wanderers back in or new Kurnothi or anything. So unfortunately , to my disliking , seems like only humans are being redone but they may in fact keep some of the other races together.

  3. Eternus - as cool as this model is - seems to be the same “mounted on large beast “ pose as the original Stormcast guy, Ossiarch guy, other Std guy etc… It’s almost as if they use the same core plastic of these models and reshape the textures. 
          He still looks cool though .

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