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Posts posted by bsharitt

  1. 17 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    what do you think there'd be in the moonclan range?


    - monclan gob

    - fanatics

    - monclan flying catapult (don't rememeber the name of the flying guys catapoulted, look fun)

    - mounted moonclan gobs (on wolves? or spiders? and/or mounted squigs)

    - squigs (normals)

    - giant squigs

    Will they include the normal gobs as in a LoN way? then we'd have catapult, archers, trolls,...

    I don't think a Moonclan release will be pulling in the Gitmobs, spider fang or any other goblins. I'm expecting them to lean into squigs, mushrooms, and the cave dwelling aspect. If @LLV's information is right, plastic squigs and I would guess plastic squig riders to bring them in line with any new squigs might be a good guess, especially if they overhaul the general squig design. All the current plastic will probably remain unchanged. Of the fine cast stuff, I expect the the Mangler Squigs to stick around, and maybe the squig herders, though that they come with the current find cast squigs does complicate that. New warboss options wouldn't surprise me, at least for the mounted version and maybe a replacement for the metal on foot guy.  The metal stuff seems like it would be a prime candidate to replace, but I don't know if I could see them replacing the metal shamans with yet another shaman with the fungoid cave shaman being around. Maybe the current shaman warscroll goes away and the cave shaman warscroll be comes THE shaman warscroll for old and new alike, but that seems messy.

    For brand new stuff, that's a tough one. There's all kinds of ways they could do "specialist" goblin squads, and I wouldn't be suprised to see one or two different kinds.  Even though I don't think they'll bring in gitmobs, I could see them borrowing ideas from them and doing maybe some kind of sneak assassin squad thing, but not in a hide in a unit way like the nasty skulkers(we have fanatics already), but maybe like the the skaven gutter runners. While goblins aren't usually know for having elite troops, but something fun might be to have a squad that eats special mushrooms to give them super strength. Do something like the shamans where at the beginning of the combat phase you choose to have them eat a mushroom and roll a die and on a 2+ they get an superpowered(for a goblin) stat line, but on a one, they have normal goblin stats(they have these if they don't eat the mushroom) and can't be chosen to fight. There's tones of ways GW could do specialist squads and I hope they get really creative. 

  2. 7 hours ago, LLV said:

    I guess I should get back to rumours rather than facts. Plastic Squigs anyone?

    I hope so and my hope is keeping me from going full squig army right now. I just got in one more pack of the current squigs to hold me over. I'm just hoping any new squigs fit in nicely with the current ones.

  3. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah, well I was  joking.

    my guess is, that skaven will probably see a mixed release early 2020 (the year of the rat (from the Chinesen calendar) or late 2019.

    maybe if we’re lucky in the middle of 2019.


    I have it from a reliable source* that there's a 37% chance Skaven will see an update before 2039.


    *Not reliable with rumors, just a guy I can count on

  4. 2 hours ago, scrollbuilderdude said:

    Just as an FYI, I consolidated all of the chaos factions into Blades of Khorne, Maggotkin, etc in an attempt to make list building easier.

    If there is anything else I missed, either options missing or units that should be there, please let me know! Thanks!

    My edited to nothing post above was asking about that, then I noticed the change.

  5. 40 minutes ago, michu said:

    Both options are good. True WAAAGH! doesn't know borders of universes and game systems. :) 

    40k Orks or Moonclan Grots, I just hope which ever it is, we get add on squigs in the quantity that Nurgle kits get Nurglings. That really needs to be a thing.

    • Like 4
  6. So the rumor is that Chainrasps are $40 for a box of 10, and the price seems confirmed from a couple of sources and while there's some disagreement , but there's some  does that affect anyone's future army construction? I wasn't going to go full maximum horde, but I was thinking of running two or three units of 20, but since I already have the spirit hosts and hexwraiths who are battleline, I might be keeping a more elite army. It's not a major issue and might be for the best since the command abilities that bring back models bring back whole models rather than just wounds worth of models and much more valuable on Hexwraiths and Spirit Hosts.  What it does kill for me though is any idea of going back to  a LoN army with chainrasps replacing all the zombies.

  7. 3 hours ago, michu said:

    econd is a squig maw

    I think the odds of it being a squig or squig adjacent beast are good, but if if is, I'd say there's a 50/50 chance it's either Moonclan or 40k Ork(who are rumored to be getting new kits too).

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    The flexibility of the new 40k kits is great and I hope aos gets something similar. 

    Yeah, I've been seeing the new Sector Imperialis terrain in the Kill Team reviews, and that modularity is pretty nice. There's a few gears and wheels and stuff on it, but I'll probably still use is with AoS, it's not that far removed from KO stuff I guess, but azyrite ruins(or other fantasy terrain in general) with that kind of easy stackability would be pretty great. Of course I guess thematically it makes a little less sense in AoS since you don't have that sniper hiding in the second floor of the ruins for most armies, where as it's an easy thing to do in most of AoS.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Not a rumour but more of a wish. I really  hope the new killteam is a succes and they do a similar version for AoS. I'm really missing a cool skirmish game for AoS. Current Skirmish is cool but lacks a bit of depth. So maybe next year around the same time :) 

    Yes this. Even though I think current Skirmish is a bit shallow and needs lots of house rules and homebrew to be worth much more than a  small filler game, I still built out a lot of warbands for it because I liked the opportunity to grab a few models from factions that I'll never realistically build whole armies for(except my goblin and Nighthaunt warbands grew into armies). I mostly stopped that because the lack of long term satisfaction with the Skirmish system, but Kill Team looks to be bringing me that way with 40k stuff as I'm planning to paint up some of my unused Space Marines and grab some ork and necron kill teams. I'd really love for something to open up small scale collecting of AoS minis again too since my current armies are filling out and short of new Kharadron or Goblin model releases, I don't see myself really expanding my current ones much and I don't really care to start a whole new army.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

    You can still buy the giant in the single model box set.  The same goes for the Spiderfang units.

    It sucks to lose the heavily discounted box sets, but the models themselves are still available for sale.  But, if these boxes are going away then I ought to get the 2 Spiderfang box sets I was putting off now while I can still get them.

    Same here, and I might as well get the Giants box off of miniature market or Amazon while it's still there too. I didn't realize things were disappearing.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I think specialist games (Bloodbowl, Nekromunda, Titanicus) will be at FW Open. I would not expect much for the main lines.

    Yeah, I think the odds of those at GenCon are small except for the new mini version of BloodBowl which is likely aimed at the board game crowd.

  12. 1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    GW have produced stuff within a month in the past - the Rogue Trader style Space Marine apparently had a 4 week turn around, but that's the exception to the rule.  The scheduling team also plays a massive part, if you look at the date on sprues you get an idea of how long models have been lurking around.

    People seem to forget that the 2 years or so that's typically mentioned is, if accurate, justa production schedule and that it doesn't physically take two years to produce a miniature. The two years probably accounts for a lot of iterations and versions and tweaking to get it just right and I would imagine like many projects with lots of teams involved there might be some down time as it waits in that teams queue.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Aryann said:

    What are your expectations for this year's GenCon? As much as I'd love to see some new minis I don't hype myself too much. It's probably still too early for anything new but if the rumours were true, and they are lately, we are still two factions short for this year and that would be a perfect event for that. But still I'd rather expect something small, like 1 new unit per GA. 

    I don't really them doing big model releases at GenCon. I know there is some wargaming there, but it's still largely a board and card game thing and I could see GW playing to that crowd. That's the release weekend for AoS Champions, so I could see them pushing that hard there with maybe demos, giveaways, etc. Then probably boardgame and boardgame adjacent games with new announcements or new stuff for existing like Shadespire and Bloodbowl, or more info on stuff that's announced but otherwise we've heard nothing about like Blood Bowl Blitz. In fact I think this is probably the perfect venue to an unveil of BBB. On the more traditional wargaming side, if they do announce stuff, I could see them giving more info on Adeptis Titanticus maybe maybe the Rogue Trader expansion for Kill Team. But Aos, I'm guessing Shadespire and Champions are the best chances of new stuff.

  14. 1 hour ago, Bloodmaster said:

    Those prices are all over the place. Ghost winged-horse dude is 25 $ but cat-dragonlady of roughly the same amount of plastic is 40 bucks. And the hoverthrone guy is even 5 bucks more.... Either bols messed up, again, or gw rolled dice for their prices this time. 

    I think the price difference here is easy to build vs multipart. GW has never done prices based on plastic amount.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Envyus said:

    Oh the Made to Order stuff. I can't for the life of me understand why they discontinued Gorbad there.

    Like he fits in really well with the current Orc line, it just makes no sense to me that they kept this Orc Warboss.




    Yet this much better looking Orc Warboss was discontinuedPUlRRBG.jpg.


    I'm guessing the better looking one was resin? I've been expanding my mixed destruction armies, so I think I'll be getting him and if I every pick up the Greenskinz start collecting, that warboss will probably go to ebay.

    They said new Legends rules were coming. So based on the models, we'll be getting Tomb Kings for sure and maybe Orcs and Goblins and Ogre Kingdoms? Looks like technically the Orcs and Goblins units are still playable in regular AoS(Orc Warboss and Grot Wolf Chariot), but probably still getting Legends rules too.

  16. I assembled the Mortarch of Grief the other night and have decide that her name is a reference to both the grief you'll feel when she inevitably breaks. She's probably the most fragile of the Nighthaunt stuff so far. And while not quite as bad as a Spirit Host, she's probably the most annoying one to build of the new stuff, from the delicate rose vines to holding the banshees long enough so the bond with the relative to their size amount of glue is strong enough to hold them one. I definitely misjudged one of the banshees and had to add her a second time.

    • Sad 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Urauloth said:

    Glaivewraiths are really kind of depressing when you hold them up next to Bladegheists, huh. The revenants do everything the stalkers do, but more reliably, with better stats, and faster, and they're not even that much more expensive. Ouch. I'm not sure what we're meant to do with stalkers, honestly. I really want them to be salvageable because I like the minis so much, but they're a terrible investment in points.

    On the other hand, I got my Grimghasts today and I couldn't be happier with them. Amazing models, really good unit. Maybe my favourite lore, too. The calculating precise assassin and orchestrator of murderous plots who never gets blood on his own hands being punished with unlife as a blind berserker is my favourite take on Nagash's sense of justice; it is a genuinely ironic punishment, and he's punishing genuine misdeeds, but punishing "you did some murders" with "eternity of indiscriminate murders" is... well. Who am I to gainsay Nagash's wisdom? 

    Speaking of lore, I'm not very satisfied with the Bladegheists. I think there's a plenty of mileage in vengeful ghosts that are worked up in a thrashing frenzy because they drowned or died of premature burials, don't get me wrong. I just don't think that meshes well with the masked, sword-wielding elite of the army - these look like miniature Shroud Knights and act as their bodyguards, and I was kinda hoping that, like the Dreadblades, they'd be linked to them in some way. I guess you can always write your own lore for your army's unit and so on, but still.

    Also kinda disappointed that Hexwraiths and the other pre-battletome haunts don't seem to have curses. Are there no new Hexwraiths being created? Is being a Hexwraith actually a blast? It's kinda hard to tell.

    A final note: that timeline piece about the Deepkin accidentally releasing nighthaunts from a dungeon Nagash had stuck them in, and now they hate the living and undead that are loyal to Nagash? I'm sure that's just a throwaway snippet, but wow, I really want to know more about these guys. A horde of foul-tempered renegade spectres indiscriminately haunting the place up is so damn cool it would sway me to theme my army around that snippet if I wasn't so invested in running a couple of the named characters.


    Yeah, I've got the stalkers and even bought the ETB kit to get the drum(will be running as units of 8), but they could be easily replaced by bladegeists. I'll probably keep the stalkers for reasons that aren't optimal for the game. While I like that the new stuff has taken from the design of the Cairn Wraith, the bladegeists and the grimghats have the design pretty much on lock to the point that I think they're too similar so I'll pick the Grimghasts first and keep the stalkers because they're fairly unique in not being the standard "human" ghost.

    • Like 1
  18. 5 hours ago, Nevar said:

    Not to derail the topic, but has anyone seen new tables for Skirmish that includes the new Nighthaunt models?

    I play Skirmish, and want to start using Grimghasts and stuff, but I am not sure where those are.  Only Path to Glory is in the Battle tome.

    They'll probably be out in a week or two via an errata for the Skimish book(that's now they did new stuff for Nurgle, DoK, and Deepkin). But in the mean time divide unit cost by five and if the unit size is more than on divide by unit size.

  19. 32 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    I'm currently sat in the "quite optimistic" camp on this.  I think most people agree that Skirmish sized games ideally need their own rule set rather than trying to shoe-horn off the main rules, so if GW are trialling a skirmish ruleset on 40k and then potentially porting it over (with a few changes) to AoS, that could be really good news for us!  It sounds like it's being created with quite a few restrictions in place so that games should be pretty balanced.  Plus the new scenery is amazing - just imagine if we get something similar :o  Duardin halls, Walls of Nagashizzar, Gingerbread City of Ghur - the options are endless!

    Yeah skirmish games definitely need their own rules, of course the trade off is that then we're even more tied to what GW wants to support for the game. Even though they left metal and resin miniatures out of skirmish, the adjustments to the main rules and points were so light, it was easy to add them back in. Assuming we get an "AoS Kill Team" that has it's own rules, I suspect a lot of the non-battletome armies are going to get left out in the cold whether plastic, resin or metal minis. It won't be as easy to bring them back in, probably requiring full homebrew rules, which can be hit or miss, and definitely hard to use outside of a single small static group(i.e. no pick up games).  That being said, I'll take the trade off for a good well designed skirmish game.

  20. 1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    Interesting snippet from the new 40k Kill Team FAQs


    So far(granted we only have GW PR at this point) is sounds like Kill Team is going to be a game that's mostly designed from the ground up to be skirmish and just happens to use existing models rather that taking the army rules and saying "here use the current rules in units of one" like AoS Skirmish and I the previous Kill Team to an extent(maybe SW:A, but I didn't play that one). My biggest wish list item is a well thought out skimish level system for AoS since Skirmish in its current form is broken in lots of places without heavy house rules. 

  21. 24 minutes ago, Raviv said:

    BoLS posted some pictures (I guess they are from July's White Dwarf) of future kits.

    SCE are getting an ETB Celestar Ballista and Astreia Soulbright (could it be a dual kit with Lord Arcanum on Dracoline?).

    There's also a photo of the Evocators box, showing 5 Evocators but with the same weapons as in the ETB kit. They don't show the 2-handed staffs.

    NH are also showing some interesting ETB kits, including heroes.


    Wasn't that already all shown on GW's own posts from the AoS open day?

  22. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    I was poking around the nighthaunt section and it does have the mourngul. None of the non-Soul Wars models though, e.g. the myrmourn banshees, the bladegheists, etc. Presumably these will be added next weekend.

    Weird the myrmourn banshees would be delayed until next weekend as they're already out.

  23. 13 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    I have read that before nighthaunt and stormcast boxes will come the dark elf blood bowl team, and then maybe 40k orcs, codex space wolves, codex orks and maybe codex genestealer cult. Also I have seen the new 40k kill team for 8th edition so maybe after this new AoS edition we have a summer or maybe some weeks of 40k.

     And I'm waiting for that kill team :P

    Well the Dark Elf Blood Bowl team has already been posted on GW's "Next Week's Pre-orders" post with no new Stormcast or Nighthaunt boxes, so that's already set. Kill Team has been announced as coming this month, but very often that can mean pre-orders go up the last Saturday of the month. The rest of the Nighthaunt and Stormcast stuff will trickle out this month. I wouldn't be surprised to see the rest of the new models go out in only two waves with the new ministarters and the new start collectings from the old starter either in their own week or mixed in with the new stuff. I don't think there's any secrets for the new AoS stuff, just waiting on release. New announcements will probably be all 40k and releases for it starting at the end of the month, but of it being stuff announced this month and coming out in August. That seems to be the GW way. Talk about something for a month, release it the next and talk about something the next month while it gets released(depending on the release sizes that window can be compressed down to week or two chunks for a series of smaller releases).

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