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Everything posted by bsharitt

  1. There were skaven shown, they just happened to be dead. Stop being so picky ?
  2. Releasing a Nighthaunt battletome and then telling current Nighthaunt players to get bent because your stuff doesn't work here would be a level of a-hole that I don't know even even bad old GW would do. I'm sure the old models will be fine, even if they get one-to-one replacements(possibly new tomb banshees and hexwraiths in the video). I just wonder what army composition would look like as the new stuff has more stuff that looks like traditional battleline. I would expect Spirit Hosts at least to get dropped. There's a enough cavalry out there that has some kind of battle line that I could see hexwraiths sticking around.
  3. I wonder what all these new units will do for Nighthaunt battleline. I wouldn't be surprised to see them drop either or both of Spirithosts and/or Hexwraiths. Also, I wonder of the(apparent) Night of Shrouds on a mount will be the same war scroll as the current one, but be updated to add additional attack and movement if he has the mount.
  4. RIP my Legion of Night army, Feb 2018- June 2018. Back to Nighthaunts for me. All the new models look amazing. It looks like they might be updating some of the older models(as none of the old ones were even shown, and many look similar). I think I can safely say where my June gaming budget will go. Should be a quick army to get on the table, plenty of black spray paints and light grey drybrushing. A starter set with those Stormcasts would also fit right into my master plan of army building. I'm at around 1100 points in Stormcast right now, so they Stormcast half of such a box would go a long way towards wrapping up that army. While I'll try to keep a positive attitude, I'm really hoping there's some big allegiance other counter balancing changes to make up for shooting nerfs as my KO army can barely hold their own as it is. Grundstock Thunderers might become the new KO MVP unit with their ability to fall out of combat in the combat phase(setting you up to shoot if your turn is next). They did say warscroll updates, so I'm going to wish list much longer range on the boats that makes them feel more like warmachine. Now that we have confirmation that the Lord Ordinantor and Knight of Shrouds were harbingers of stuff to come, I'm not going to let myself get hyped about my Moonclan. A couple of weeks ago I began to doubt, so I picked up some some spider riders and bonesplitters for a 2000 point mixed destruction army. Oh well, now I have the seeds to three destruction armies of Moonclan happens this year.
  5. Nice, they're not going to make us wait and are going to Announce new mainline stuff before noon and then the FW, specialists and middle earth stuff trickles out later. So I should be waking up to new stuff over here in the states.
  6. It doesn't really look like either and it's really been too long since we've had proper new squigs that we don't have much to work with for comparison. The protruding openness of the mouth is what has me doubting it's actually and orc of some flavor.
  7. Interesting to hear the rumors about the Ironjawz, I didn't think we'd see GW circle back to early AoS releases(other than Stormcast of course) until late next year or even 2020. There's been rumbling that the reason the 40k Orks codex is one of the last ones to come out is that it's going to be a big release with new models. Even though Orks/Orruks don't cross universes like the Chaos stuff, I wonder if GW will be doing a big release for all things Or* across 40k and AoS.
  8. I think it may be a safe bet to assume at the very least that the compendium stuff will phase out of the current game and go Legends only and will no no longer have matched play points(I'm really expecting this to happen with GHB18, but it could take longer). I don't know that the wording necessarily foreshadows any kind major house cleaning of current stuff in the near term, but just that as models go out of print and get left behind with new editions(which has already happened from time to time with WHFB and 40k in the past), they'll always have some kind of rules. I wonder if they'll wait to do build to order runs before putting out the rules for future factions, or if they will start trickling out soon. EDIT: I just checked and this does for sure replace the old dark elf compendium. Another interesting note is that they've removed the AoSy stuff from the keywords like Order and Aelf.
  9. Yeah, I definitely don't want the roll off for turn to go away, but I wouldn't mind see first to turn become a roll off with +1 for who finished deploying first. If first to drop doesn't become a 100% first to go, maybe we could also see battalion points go back down since the GHB2017 price jumps were most likely geared at factoring in the cost of "buying" the first turn.
  10. My guess is that it's more likely death than goblin. The goblin stuff can be be ramshackle, but usually not decayed.
  11. Oh god those were terrible models, especially for how late in the game they came. My local shop still has a couple of those on the shelf with the old WHFB stuff that I'm sure they'll never sell now. I've looked at the model and wondering if I can redeem them and maybe talk the owner to selling them to me at a discount, but they're so awful I can't think if what to do with them. Maybe use the torsos with the legs and heads of better chaos models, but even then I'm skeptical. But I digress. As far as sun-setting old ranges, I get the feeling from GW as of late that maybe they regret the level of house cleaning they tried to do a few years back(there is a new regime in charge now after all). Between the whatever it was, Wahammer Legends or something, that will be bringing back old models for build to order and rules(probably covering current compendium when it comes out), I feel like GW is honoring their past a bit more. With the latest FAQ for 40k, they actually released a few datasheets for obsolete models for that game for non-matched play(power levels, no points). So while some models may lose full matched play support I think GW is really intent on keeping fans happy these days by keeping stuff playable. Of course them being non-matched play is sort of the compromise between the two new GWs, the one that want's to make fans happy with support for all the models and armies they want to play and the GW that has an unheard of level of support for tournament play across 40k 8th, AoS, and Shadespire. That's kind of my worry with this new official support for old armies(I want to call it Wahammer Legends and I can't recall if that's the right name, and of course the term is way too generic to Google since there are many Wahammer "Legends"), that some of the lesser supported stuff will drop down to it, like my stuff from Spire of Dawn that just isn't sold anymore(which would be a real shame since the Reavers are the only generic battleline to tie together all the old High Elves outside of compendium). But for the most part I don't see stuff currently being sold and supported going away anytime soon. Whether it's through supplements, the GHB or LoN style "catch up" battletomes, I get the feeling that GW wants to get everything up to a vaguely on the same ballpark of effectiveness on the table top.
  12. And on the subject of the black coach, possibly a window?
  13. What does seem a bit weird to me is that Nighthaunt are the death faction that is most rumored to be coming our along side this magic supplement and Stormcast wizards, but they themselves a some of the less magical death. Of course I'm sure the narrative has to be bent to fit the release schedule as much as the other way around, so I'm sure there will be some explanation, or maybe the Nighthaunt will get some more magic. From the glimpses of the new black coach, it looks like like it may be as big of an upgrade model wise as the greater daemons have been, so it may be getting an equally big warscroll update, and maybe some magic.
  14. Yep, I was already of the mind that the next "edition" of AoS would come as Big FAQ items and the GHB, with maybe a reissue of the 4-pages rules that's a roll up of FAQ changes but not really be a second edition. Now that we've seen the first Big FAQ, I'm even more inclined believe that's how they'll go. I suspect we could see GW move to a living rules type of format that incrementally grows so that maybe a few years from now the rules for AoS and 40k may be quite different from how they were on release, but we won't be seeing any single large breaks along the way.
  15. Agreed, I don't see new elves after Idonethfor a while and any ne release being tied to Slaanesh seems like a safe bet for at least one faction. There's chatter that the second half 2018 chaos release for 40k is going to be Abbadon and the Black Legion, and that would mean Slannesh is probably 2019 at the earliest. My thoughts are that narrativly, we're going to Slaanesh return first, then we'll some kind of new elf faction rise out of obscurity to meet them.
  16. That's basically what my thoughts are on rules updates. The third wave battletomes coming out this year seem to have been stretching game mechanics even more than usual for allegiance abilities and traits. While I believe the odds of a reissue of the 4 page rules are good, I think it'll only have minor changes and major mechanical changes will continue to come in battletomes and the GHB. I could see the the GHB 2018 maybe injecting those kinds of new mechanics more generically into either other factions that don't have anything like that as a continuation of the GHB17 giving out allegiance abilities. I could also see them expanding mechanics for GA abilities or even putting new mechanics into specific battle plans. I just don't think we'll see an overhaul of the core rules, but instead see the changes in battletomes, the GHB, and supplements like the rumored magic supplement.
  17. Didn't the new Stormcast on that book cover have a pretty feathery hat? Feathers on new Stormcast wizards. Assuming that the summer release rumors are true, it's about the right time to be adding them to the rumor engine.
  18. GHB16 gave us points, and GHB17 gave us GW's first tepid step towards updates/balancing which was mixed bag overall. I think GHB18 will be interesting to see if/how GW really commits to keeping the game balanced and fresh. I think this years battletomes could be considered almost a third phase with the newest armies getting basically new game mechanics. Don't get me wrong, the new mechanics are great and it does keep the game feeling fresh, but it just adds another tier that makes older armies fall even further behind. Of course codex power creep has been a thing as long as GW has been making army books, but GW at least sounds like they're committed to mitigating that will FAQs erratas and the GHB/Chapter Approved and this year will let us know if they mean it, or if it's just a token effort. Outside of destruction, I think the GHB17 updates were more good than bad.
  19. Would be interesting to maybe allow Grand Alliance armies with only those you can ally with. That is to say that you can us GA allegiance and not worry about point ratio ans mix and match allied factions, or you can do the current allies thing with a specific allegiance and a set amount of allied points. I don't think they'll change the GA system, but it would be interesting to see.
  20. Today's Rumor Engine Probably more likely to be 40k, but nothing about the hatch appears to be more advanced that any Kharadron technology or warmachines is AoS. Too beat up to be the speculated Stormcast warmachine to accompany the Lord Ordinator. Could be a grot sky pirate ship. Realistically I'm guessing somehing 40k, maybe Orks, but doesn't hurt to speculate what it could be for AoS as well.
  21. I wouldn't read to far into "warscrolls in this book" for LoN. I think that was mostly done because it was a "pity" release to give GA Death some new stuff without creating new keyword factions, but excluding Flesh Eater Courts and Tomb Kings. If there are new Death models that aren't rereleases of existing stuff, they'll probably be part of a faction that's getting a book. If anything "warscrolls in this book" requirement is less of an assurance that existing stuff will get updated in place and more that new stuff will get books.
  22. Some times not even that much. I think the last Necromunda made or order batch was what, a week of preorder then a week of being available? Though they seem to be doing it as an almost dedicated side project, so there's no telling how they'll handle it. I'm guessing old WHFB characters may get warscrolls back and maybe some of the old units that in the compendium warscrolls that don't have rules, but have a count as conversion at the bottom. I would assume that this is will be the long term home of the current compendium warscrolls. I believe it was reported that they won't have matched play points, which I'm sure will be a bitter sweet trade off for some. Does anybody know if those models that are in that picture are all metal? From what I understand, metal is a lot easier to do in small batches, so I wonder if all the made to order stuff will be metal. As far as other stuff that was announced or teased, I like the aesthetic of the elves themselves(but not the eyeless ones as much), but something in my brain is still telling me something isn't quite right when ever I look at the flying sea creatures they're riding. Not that they look bad, just feel off. Probably the one I'm most mixed on that others seem to like is water cape guy. Mostly because I've never been a bit fan of staticly modeled smoke, liquid and other similarly dynamically moving stuff. I do like how they're a nice mix of the old high elf and dark elf aesthetic for something new, especially with the more important "elfy" looking ones being more high elf and the thralls looking far more dark elf. Even thought we don't really have any information on the brief death tease, I am excited that it looks like a new black coach so I can stop trying to figure out how to kitbash one that doesn't look terrible. Maybe I'll be going back to my Nighthaunt after all. I don't play Shadespire, but I still want to see what the models looks like. I'd be more interested in the models as drop in replacements for existing models than the warbands similar to how I'm planning to use the Fyreslayer warband leader as a Runefather on foot rather than his character. The big purple moon thing, whether its a death model or something else, I have to say I'm not crazy about it. It's not that bad, but it's going to have to have a some pretty decent lore and rules for me to take a look at it. My only real disappointment is that I was hoping they'd announce some kind of plan to get the AoS battletomes out soon, similar to how they committed to the rapid fire codex release after 40k 8th came out. We do seem to be on a book a month pace this year so far, but who knows what the rest of the year looks like.
  23. Looks like they're going to officially move the compendium stuff out on its own as "Legends" with no matched play going forward, but some old models coming back as made to order.
  24. Okay, I think this might be the new black coach that's been rumored. And the purple moon thing, is a new model too? So new death models confirmed at least.
  25. The spikey bits reporting isn't much to go on, but it sounds like maybe they'll be doing build to order of old models like they do for 40k from time to time and when they release them they may get updated rules?
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