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Everything posted by bsharitt

  1. I think it's likely Nagash recruiting a Knight of Shrouds.
  2. I was hoping that battalion costs would come down, but with this I think this might make their current costs more appropriate.
  3. Okay, so completely ignoring the picture where somebody stitched together all the GW current released photos and called it a starter set leak, it's probably still safe bet that a new starter is coming. I wonder if we'll see the three tiered starter set of tiny, medium and huge. Dark Imperium came out with three and they even relased Thunder and Blood to retroactively give AoS the same thing. If the medium and huge have odd sized units for troops(something GW seems fond of in starter sets for what ever reason), hopefully they will also follow the same pattern in the mini starter that has some complementary odd sizes. Of course the issue with that and the individula easy to build boxes is that they always have an extra sergeant you don't need.
  4. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if there are things in the starter we haven't seen yet.
  5. This doesn't look to be anything more substantial than the guessturbating people(myself included) are doing around here.
  6. Not necessarily always. Might be worth it to give away a turn 1/2 double turn to avoid a 2/3 double turn(or perhaps set up your own).
  7. It sounds like the tactical depth may be coming later with more rule interacting with the turn order.
  8. That's where the elf gods are/were storing Slaanesh, right?
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/16/16th-may-faction-focus-everchosen-and-slaves-to-darknessgw-homepage-post-3/ Not a ton of hard info there. Points reductions, a warscroll battalion that affects the priority roll(perhaps to be an ability seen across the game?), and Archaeon getting an updated warscroll, perhaps indicating that warscroll updates may be common for more power stuff.
  10. Have their been any solid rumors on what the release schedule will look like beyond the vague June time frame? We know Harlequins go on preorder on the 19th. Imperial Knights are in the queue with a codex and new models that could be stretched over two weeks, but being 40k, they won't necessarily interfere with a possible AoS release. Lets say knights get out in one week(or two and they don't care that the second week overlaps with AoS) on the the 26th for preorder. June 2nd for AoS preorders(GW seems to count preorders starting as the release, which is why I don't think they'll start in the 26th and ship on the second) and going through the whole month? If they're going to do articles everyday, it seems like anything past 2 June would be stretching things pretty thin.
  11. It sounds like the Sequitors might be some form of battleline. If they are, I suspect they won't be universal battleline, but I wonder if they'd be more likely to be Stormcast only battleline like liberators, or require a specific general like the Vanguard Hunters.
  12. Agreed, there are a few claw looking things to be found in the Rogue Trader stuff, but does also look like it could be pretty slaneshi. Maybe even Tyranid, even though that seems less likely.
  13. Yeah, I think this is the case. The current colossal squig is still on a rectangle base, so this us just and updated paint job on a round. Even if they did do a colossal squig in plastic, it wouldn't be the exact same design as the FW one. But we can do fun conjecture and rumormongering like they're redoing featured paint jobs on rounds because AoS second edition is going to require round bases and GW is going to start packing circle bases with anything.
  14. So Nighthaunts have a wizard now, I guess my allied vampire lord won't be needed. Wonder if we'll still have the artifact for cheap cairnwraith wizards(admittedly their value went down with the new ethereal rule removing mystic shield) . Looks like we'll be getting so much new stuff my vampire allies will be relegated to the shelf(being too small a force for a standalone army). I really only ran the vampire stuff because of the limit amounts of models and I only want to see so many spirit hosts and hexwraiths on the table before it gets boring. Really looking forward to having a varied pure Nighthaunt army.
  15. So I've not bought a lot of GW starter sets in general(only being in the GW side of the hobby for a couple of years), but is it common for the starter sets launching with a new game to include the full rulebook. When Dark Imperium came out for 40k 8th, a lot of reviewers made a big deal about the book in the box, but that may have been because it was the full hard cover version. The only other GW starter set I bought was Kill Team and it came with the mini 7th ed rule book(paperback and I think missing the lore book that was sold in the set). Just wondering what the odds are that the new Core rulebook will come in the starter.
  16. I've literally never seen either of those two used.
  17. That's been about the wait for new expansion armies. The Kharadron Overlords, Fyreslayers, and Stormcast Vanguard.
  18. A bit off topic for this forum, but is GW proper still doing the new Middle earth models, or have they moved to FW?
  19. Yeah, with the more core rule stuff getting it's own book, lets hope the GHB this year is just stuffed with allegiance stuff. Probably everything pre-Nurgle would like at least a little something, even if it's a just some improved warscrolls that mesh better with the rules updates.
  20. Between the new books and new Nighthaunt and Stormcast stuff, June and July are going to be busy months for my wallet. I almost ordered a Start Collecting Skeleton Horde to add Manfred along with some skeletons and Black Knights to my mostly Nighthaunt Legion of Night. Glad I didn't. I think my death army for the near future will be full Nighthaunt for the near future. Now I just hope for Soulblight stuff eventually so I can do something with those mostly vampire leftovers. I won't miss my Zombie battle line tax.
  21. So on the rule book. I'm guessing it's going to be like the 40k 8th ed rule book where you don't technically need it, but really it's needed for all but the mot basic games. Interestingly it looks like it will have a lot of the "ways to play" stuff the GHB has. So I wonder how the GHB will change now that it won't need to be a core rules supplement any more. For this first go round with 2nd edition, I suspect it might be full of updated warscrolls and even more allegiance stuff than the 2017 edition.
  22. Yeah, if someone made it this far with now allegiance abilities, I can't image you'll have much trouble ignoring them now.
  23. So terrain stuff seem to be a big things recently with Gnarlmaws and Shipswrecks, and even the grave site markers for Nighthaunt. The way he has to be animatedand give AoE buffs, you could almost put the Avatar of Khaine in the same category(except he does count as a model in your army and can be destroyed). So I wonder what if anything Nighthaunt and perhaps now Stormcasts will get.
  24. Neat, too bad I really don't like the green glowy color GW has for their ghostly stuff, but I might find a place for it somewhere.
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