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Everything posted by bsharitt

  1. Nooooo..... we don't get models until tomorrow. But at least we know there's new models. So a troll was shown and he talked about spiderfang and non-Badmoon worshiping grots, wonder if that's important.
  2. Curious how revealing tomorrow's trailer will be. If it really is getting actually released soon, I'm guessing/hoping that it'll be views of actual models and we should see most of the new models.
  3. That could be the case. Does anyone remember if they repacked any of the Beasts of Chaos stuff before they got a new book? I didn't think they did and I have a box of Gors I bought after the book came out and it's the new packaging with round bases and even the current darker AoS logo(I think that just started this year?), but the faction is listed as Brayherds, but current box pictures on GWs website has Beasts of Chaos on the Gors box.
  4. One thing that seems to be cropping up between the new squig herder in the Underworlds warband and this cover is more armor in the newer goblins, which helps tie together the gitmob stuff who have a bit more armor going on than the robes of the Moonclan.
  5. Yeah, if that's fake, somebody put a lot of work into it.
  6. Yeah, I can't imagine them creating a new faction name and keep it as just Moonclan.
  7. Looks like we'll know a lot more tomorrow. That is an interesting name, meaning they probably are rolling some new stuff in, probably trolls(meaning the Underworlds mushroom troll is probably in this faction, but not Moonclan). There's no spiders on the cover, but it wouldn't preclude spiderfang either, they may even bring in all the grots and give them a Beasts of Chaos treatment where they can all be in one army and have an overall keyword(unlike LoN), but they still have their sub groups with their own faction with their own synergies and certain battlelines with certain generals. That cover would also suggest at least a couple new models as I can't imagine them making the two most prominent characters on the cover being something you cann't get a model for.
  8. Moon clan becomes official first week of January. I bet the actual release(or first release, if there's new models beyond endless spells) doesn't actually hit shelves until the first will of February with preorders starting Jan 26th.
  9. There's definitely enough obvious teases out there to safely get hyped about Moonclan.
  10. Greenskinz and Gitmob will get combined faction stuff in White Dwarf 4 years from now.
  11. Eh, it could be a low level customer service rep who sees the same thing on the web site, "no longer available", which does usually mean it won't be coming back, but then we've seen few kits do the exact same thing the past few weeks and then come back. Unless it goes away, away completely and stays away for a while or we get confirmation from someone reliable, I wouldn't bet in it being gone for good yet
  12. There's was mention of Skirmish for White Dwarf, but not details about what it is. It could easily be an article that says "Hey guys, skirmish is still a thing".
  13. Similar to what they did before BoC came out, little teasers of "moon" stuff.
  14. Today's rumor engine is clearly a Moonclan tote for carrying Mushrooms. It's even got hoses for temperature and air control to keep them fresh.
  15. I'm guessing neither since the WHC post says its the next in the Horus Heresy Character Series.
  16. Okay, I'm really going to try to stretch nothing into something, but I think there's yet another Slaanesh tease in the WarhammerTV 205k subscriber studio tour video. At one point in the walk through, there's two guys looking at something they're amazed by that isn't shown on screen, but is giving off a pinkish/purplish glow which is of course the color ususally associated with Slaanesh. Of course they're dropping hints about Slaaneshish armies left and right, but just one more instance of GW tipping their hand(on purpose, since none have been actual leaks). I'll bet Emperor's Children very early in the year, and AoS and Daemons mid year or after.
  17. Oh nice, I need to look that up. But my original point still stands that it's not uncommon for GW to dump semi significant rules in White Dwarf, and now with the added bonus that they may drop for free later once that issue isn't available for general purchase.
  18. Since it's showing up in White Dwarf without an announcement, it's probably safe to say we won't be getting a proper skirmish scale game set in the AoS universe. Let be honest, the current AoS books is basically garbage. They took the unoriginal idea of treating models as individual units, something people have been doing for AoS skirmish scale games from day one, and threw it in a book with a few scenarios and not much else and skirmish AoS games still need the level of home brew and house rules with the book than they did before the book. My guess is that best case(for now at least) we get "semi-offical" home brew and house rules in White Dwarf next month, probably a campaign system and perhaps some new suggested rules and maybe it becomes a semi regular thing that new scenarios come out in WD(if they don't already). It's not unheard of for GW to put a chuck of a side game in WD only. I think it's still the only place to find GSC rules for Necromunda(unless they're in the new book). Of course worst case it's a flimsy article of "Hey, AoS skirmish is still a thing, here's some warbands people have built, go buy the book and some models today!".
  19. I'm thinking these scales are a for a new troll or possibly a larger squiggly beast.
  20. Look like Wrath and Rapture will finally be up for preorder next week just barely squeaking in this year.
  21. It's weird. They're one of the most complete destruction armies, but GW is trying its hardest to forget they exist.
  22. Personally I'm not sure if this is a hint towards upcoming battletomes or just convenient way to clean up what was a set of messy store listings. Even though they have their new trademarkable names of Grots and Aelves, with recent naming, I have a hard time seeing books just called Battletome Grots or Battletome Aelves or any other just racial names except for maybe skaven, but I will leave a little opening for this in general if they just want to get books out. Now it is interesting that they put all lot of extra stuff Free Peoples and Gutbusters and I can certainly see those being battletome names. Even though I don't think a Battletome Grots is likely, the presence of trolls under grots seems to cement their place going forward. Everchosen and Slaves to Darkness makes a ton of sense and even before this I would have been surprised if a Slaves to Darkness book came out and didn't rolling Everchosen. That was just a weird book and faction to be stand alone.The Creatures of Chaos subsection is weird. It's basically non *gor beasts of chaos with the couple of left over daemons thrown in.
  23. Yeah, they really dropped the ball on SW:A and they know it. They were very adamant that Kill Team was going a full game and continue to be supported and that the box set was going to be a long term part of the line up. Hopefully if a skirmish game ever comes out for AoS will have the full line up of support for box sets that Kill Team has gotten and of course a real skirmish ruleset this time. I just hope GW doesn't see the Underworlds board game as a skirmish game.
  24. Today's rumor engine. Torch on a new chaos chariot?
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