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Everything posted by Nasnad

  1. According to the reviews, they can't be used, you can only use RD points only for abilities on OB warscrolls, and Unstoppable Advance
  2. Is it correct that we can't use 50 points to buy relentless discipline? planning on starting with a meeting engagement army, any advice on how to start it? thinking of using a block of 20 guards, and some cavalry, but not sure what else
  3. All the things for preorder next week, and it looks like the guards are indeed in packs of 20: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/10/27/coming-soon-ossiarch-bonereapers-a-new-painting-handle-and-more/
  4. Without a battalion you are kinda stuck with the artifact and command ability anyway
  5. Is it correct that the relentless discipline points don't carry over between battle rounds? have been hearing differently from different reviews of the battletome
  6. They do serve a different role, so hard to compare them. They are more there to protect characters, and be a deterrent for fast character assassin units
  7. But he does get all the spells from the new spell lore
  8. They have some tasty artifacts, but having to take a battalion to get that extra artifact, after taking the mandatory sub-faction artifact, makes it harder to get all the good artifacts
  9. I could see a use for a unit of them to protect a couple of the support characters.
  10. Also no note is that both arkhan and nagash know all the spells from the new spell lore
  11. Deathriders 5/15 180/480 *Battleline* Mortek Guard 10/40 130/440 *Battleline* Mortek Crawler 200 Gothizzar Harverster 200 Arch-Kavalos 220 Katakros 500 Liege-Kavalos 200 Boneshaper 130 Soulmason 140 Soulreaper 120 Vokmortian 180 Arkhan 360 Nagash 880 Immortis Guard 3/12 200 Archai 2/6 210 Harbingers 2/6 210 Necropolis Stalkers 3/6 200 Allies: None
  12. Nagash and arkhan gain the bonereaper keyword if taken, but then you can't take mercenary companies
  13. Review is up: And the aos have been updated with all warscolls
  14. Just hope they drop in points a little, then they might be okay, use them to charge over units to attack support characters
  15. Awesome, the same with Arkham, also love that they bring back 3 wounds of models, instead of d3. Wonder if they get ant legion bonuses, as they don't seems to have any relevant keywords
  16. With the new nagash warscoll, can he cast arcane bolt 8 times?
  17. Was the other 2 effects 2+ deal 1 mortal wound 36" 4+ cannot run and only charge 1d6 wholly within 18"
  18. Terrain and endless spell info: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/10/25/rules-preview-new-endless-spells-and-scenerygw-homepage-post-3/
  19. Anyone think they might look good if painted metallic, silver, copper or maybe oxidated bronze?
  20. 1) not likely, at least another 6 month for a sc! Box 2) preorder for the box this weekend, and preview for next week's preorder. It will properly be bonereapers for the next couple of weeks
  21. Just found another cool example, using the new techinical paints, thinned down 50/50. A little drybrush or highlight on the bone, it could give a nice glowing effect
  22. Anyone got tips on how to paint any of the internal glowing effects, really like the blue and green glow?
  23. Really like this one, might have to go for a similar fel undead look
  24. Don't think nagash will count as part of any af the legions. Imagine nagash as part of the fire legion that blows up when they die 😂
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