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Everything posted by Nasnad

  1. God I hope you are right, I am way too hyped for a new death release, and only setting myself up for disappointment
  2. It might set the stage for the vampires to rebel against nagash
  3. Now I am worried that the soulblight release will be nothing put a new vampire, and some rules in broken realms
  4. "whirlwind of new content" sounds like a fox spirit
  5. From the twitter, it looks like that the divine part will at least be sisters of battle
  6. the leak is fake, made by someone on reddit
  7. They have said it will be out by the end of January
  8. Luckily we know from the leaked picture, that there will be a new vampire army, with the bat hair model, soulblight gravelords
  9. That is why I hope we get some more info on the show, just some info on, if the skeletons and what not will be part of the faction, so that I can get started right away.
  10. will get that warband, at least to have some more vampire lord models, and the next warband does indeed look like bonespliters
  11. That sure does look like the twirling ribbons from the rumor engine, and matches the lore of the fox
  12. they already got endless spells, have seen some saying that it could be the fox spirit for the wind temple
  13. hopefully they have a lot more vampire stuff, and other info on the show this weekend! .. At least just a little more info, on how they will fit in to the grand alliance of death and legion of Nagash. There is still the skeleton, and the axe zombie from the new year video, and the zombie thingy from the halloween picture
  14. Hope they will show more than the single vampire model for the gravelords! .. just a little hint at what existing models can be used, so that I can get startet
  15. There is another rumor engine, that looks like it got an icicle:
  16. please, it is about time we get some ranged units! .. not just screaming units
  17. Just went back to look at the teaser, and you are right. It have a bone leg. Looks a little like the same style as the old skeleton underworlds warband
  18. Still not sure what the halloween tease was about, do you all think it will tie in with the new vampires?
  19. Still think the axe zombie and witch hunter are for a warhammer quest game - Either that, or a new starter box
  20. You might be right, could be either. The funny thing is that it got no wings, as they all usually have
  21. I would be fine with that, just new zombies please, and blood knights. But more vampire units/troops would also be lovely. And a ranged unit! .. God I am way to hyped, only setting myself up for disappointment
  22. So if elves get battle cows and kangaroosas mounts, what strange and awesome stuff could vampires get? .. like if we get new blood knights, what mounts would they have? .. GW tends to stray away from horses
  23. Really makes me wonder of the axe zombie is part of the same soulblight faction, or if he is for something else. It does not seem to fit the same style as the vampire
  24. Why am I always setting myself up for dissapointment with these reviels. I so want a new death faction/LoN update, byt it juse seems more and more unlikely.
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