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Everything posted by Mr2spyderguy

  1. I second that, I want to have copious amounts of dragons to paint.... burninating the country side is just a bonus for me!
  2. Naw I dont want it to be a chopper, I want it to be a sleek flying machine, maybe like a bomber or a fighter jet lol.... and I agree, I think it is very likely we will get an lumineth take on a bolt thrower. Also if we do get them I will be painting and using them, I just dont particularly prefer them, and would rather they go something more high fantasy.
  3. Not interested. Make it a flying chariot that drops magic bombs... that sounds cool!
  4. I know I will be in the minority on this one, I really hope that they do not include the bolt thrower, I know I said they would probably, but I have always loathed the bolt throwers from WHFB. I want to see something more fantastic than a bolt thrower.... yes I know that the sigmarines have bolt throwers...
  5. I kind of thought that Vanari was going to be something kind of like namarti, like the caste they come from, or maybe a city/region of hyrish that they hail from. Something more lore-ish and less mechanical in significance. As far as the dual kits and names, I hope, as Lucur stated, that we are not restricted to either playing with one half or the other, unless we have both BBGG models in our army. That being said Think it might be cool to have dual kits with sun vs moon aspect as long as we can play with them all together in legal matched play. Venari moon riders - could be the opposite half of the dawn riders kit and be archers with spears kind of like the old reavers. Did they specifically name them Auralan sentinels, I dont remember and have been trying to stay away from reading the same info over and over again on the community page. really want to see some new models, but I guess we wont until they have placed out all the lore bits they want to for the current models
  6. I Know your not talking about lumineth and instead commenting on IDK, I just hope we do not have a 5+ save armored phalanx style elves with shields who are supposed to be a defensive wall. I just dont trust GW to give us better than a 5+ even with the shield due to how frail they always make elven archetype models.... plus they are absolutely horrible about story matching rules for the games.
  7. I do agree with you, as much as I would love to see that stat line, I dont see it happening. GW has a tendency for their elvan style armies to be skill full, yet weak. so my guess on accurate not what I want will be a 3+/4+ maybe a rend 1. You do have to admit though a 3+/3+ -2R 2D 3+save unit would make a unit you might think twice about charging into it. I would put money down we will not have that stat line.
  8. I now cannot unsee this.... I wonder if its just bad lens. but this is pretty hilarious.
  9. Yes, I have seen them spoil rules. I haven't followed new early releases detailed enough though to know if they will spoil brand new units and army rules though. I have seen them spoiled eldar rules, and undead rules. When they have, as I remember it, it has always been very close to pre-release or release though. I know that I may be wrongly believing this... but I will be surprised if Tyrion isn't in the release. I know that probably isn't the popular opinion. I just cant see them waiting 2 or so years to release him, when they can have all the revenue he can generate now. I also feel that while they will make then conform to the high fantasy AoS. They will toe the line of trying to hit as much nostalgia as possible. HE was one of the more popular armies in WHFB if I remember correctly... and James workshop is in the business of making monies.
  10. I second this acid_Nine, for a unit like the Morrsarr guard which are basically a cavalry unit meant to be on the move and hitting a valuable target hard vs a unit that is designed to hold a line and have heavy staying power against "waves of enemies crashing into them" having a once per battle ability would be kind of silly. I know James workshop will often make very silly decisions for the game. That said, I hope that they don't give them a flash in the pan style ability like that.
  11. agreed, I think that the spears will just be profile, and the swords will be either their for decorations or be a separate profile. I am ok with a separate profile if, they have a different purpose in the actual game and consequently have a differing stat line that is worse in some ways and better in others. Being as in game mechanic it doesnt matter outside of your range if your using a spear with 2" range or a sword with 1" range if your within 1" of the model. I also hope that the spears are special in their own right without having a CP cost or Casting cost from a leader. the eldar I feel suffer from this, where the leader is the only one that gets to do special stuff and so you hide them to try to keep the squad exarch alive which often means he cant use his special stuff. I am ok with them having an option for a mage leader or melee leader, give the mage something separate but allow the unit to still function well without a leader. also that could divide the units up in battle line differently, mage leader you are teclian, and battle line for teclis... melee leader and your Tyrian, and battle line for Tyrion.
  12. I know a lot of theories are going around about the spears having the power of the sun based on the article but to me, I feel like 1 GW is very bad about actual game matching fluff. 2 I would think that their metals are forged from this material and not just be powered by magic or CP abilities. I think if they go that route whatever rend the spears have the swords should have also. Also someone mentioning ASF, I doubt that will make it into the game. I havent played yet (waiting to get some high elves to play) but I thought it was activation based. ASF would be hard to design and be fair or fun to play against. you would either have to do it, your opponent can only combat with models that have already fought (not fun or fair). or the other way I could see them doing it is you get all your activation before the opposing army gets them (also not fun or fair at all). I just can not think of a way that ASF could be implemented into the game with my knowledge of how AoS works. I do agree with the comments though I hope our army is elite, and while I dont want battle line to be able to destroy everything I think a high 2" 3+/3+ 2R 1Damage (maybe 2) wouldnt be obscene, even if it was very strong. I also get the feeling we will be very high bravery, if we are unmoving and unemotional you figure we have to be at least 7 or more bravery, although since they cant make our toughness 3 like they love doing to elves, I am sure we will have lower save armors on most of our armors and lower wounds than other factions to represent the fact that we are thin frilly elves.
  13. I agree, my eldar army is completely female, the men dont fight. I hope all the units or at least most are gender mixed so I can do the same thing if I want to.
  14. speaking of the upper halves, my one complaint is the head dresses.... I always think James workshop really sucks at making helmets.... they always put dumb toppers on them, I like the birds eye view we got, i think those plumes are pretty wide at the base so I will probably use the Custodes "Plume" and I should have enough base for it to seat on and actually sit instead of the silly plumes they currently have.
  15. that lantern is the same lantern that the original squad leader had, its just painted differently. looks like to me they swapped the head and the sword for the weird staff and bare head. That said commander weapon options, choice of a mage squad commander vs a warrior squad commander with differing command abilities would be neat. even if you had the option of a sword vs some magical weapon might be cool too.
  16. I do like the additional info, don't want to sound ungrateful, I am still on edge about more info. I thought we would see a couple of new models not just hear about how detailed the shield backs are. I hope this isnt all that we get released is every two weeks two paragraphs of info talking about other units and pictures of the same units we have already seen. Cool though that we might have four elemental disciplines, and the spears sound almost kind of light the eldar shock lances. would be cool if we got some rend, and two inch range on them, have a row fighting with sword and board for more defense and a row fighting with spears. still hyped but a bit disappointed this is the level of drip in our drip feed, maybe we will see some models Wed, as they often release a news letter on Wed also. Also with the talk about the auralan wardens/sentinels, I think that they will be a dual kit that you can make either archers or spearmen since they share name wise Edited: for additional thoughts without successively doing three posts.
  17. I cant think of any army that has any war machines with terrain on the base but isn't that a possibility, a bolt thrower or magic bomb lobbing device. they have mentioned that and it could be attached to the base for decoration as we are frilly elves.
  18. I don't really know the ins and outs of games workshops releasing of models but, my guess is that they will do full reveal at Adepticon. What would like to see though is full reveal before adepticon and things go on preorder at adpeticon.... cause you know I want.... NAO! lol None of this is even remotely science based and I am sure someone who has followed GW for long will have better insight. I also worry that they will release the Malerion dragon/shadow Aelf hybrids at adepticon and then I will want both since I am kind of obsessed with dragons. this would be bad for my wallet and my time lol!
  19. I don't really see this screaming hammers, to me it screams phalanx style positioning and strong battle line anvil to hammer against. I think that this could very easily be talking about the Wardens we have already seen. Especially being as they are all very phalanx positioned and almost have a roman-esque look to me. I could very easily see them being the embodiment of earth, and the dawn riders being the embodiment of wind due to swift movement. I also hope that this means we will have strong and more magic choices, let me pick if I want my mage to be earth, light, wind, water focus. I tend to play wizards in TTRPGs so hoping to have the gamut of magic winds would be excellent IMO, although I doubt we will get that much freedom.
  20. I tend to like darker color schemes, I would love to see some photoshopped color schemes from others but I was thinking black armor with gold highlights, and maybe some purple thrown in, I have seen a neat looking scheme with red. I might go lighter not sure I'll do the traditional white or off white.
  21. this is exactly my thoughts, this is why I dont think that those items are hammer weapons for Aelves. I think more likely its a part to something greater or its a staff decoration/adornment.
  22. Thank you Koradrel, I am glad to actually get to play pointy Aelf's proper this time!
  23. Honestly IMO, which I know is just speculation also. that rumour engine picture looks like its a piece to something greater not a hammer. how many hammers have a giant hole in the middle of them, kind of defeats the purpose of a heavy bludgeoning weapon to have a giant chunk out of the middle of it. Also all the other hammers or bludgeoning weapons have the look of a weighty hammer, this rumour engine pic doesnt have that feel to me. That being said I also understand that AoS is super high fantasy and anything could be the case.
  24. New member here and first post, but just figured I would throw my two cents in. I love the new models, the units are incredible, I dabbled in warhammer fantasy and was forced away from the high elves which was the only army I really wanted to play due to a friends campaign when I was getting started. eventually I moved to undead (VC specifically). I stayed away from age of sigmar, waiting for the "high elves" release, this will be my entry into the game as some others have commented. What I would like to see (assuming we get the 9-10 kits in the same vein as previous recent releases.) 1. Wardens being a dual kit (option for spear/swordmen and archers or some hybrid like the old sea guard) 2. dawn riders - dual kit to allow a nice melee cavalry and also a reaver style option. 3 Eltherion is fine as is, he might be our larger "monster unit" 4 Teclis is fine (I am reserving judgement till I see him in person, GW can mess up faces as others have said). I also highly doubt he will be a dual kit unless you have the option to remove Teclis and just have Celennar which I doubt 5 I think they will/hope they have a dual kit melee lord (this mirrors the other releases) Tyrion on a dragon esque mount with generic melee lord option built in. (will probably be our second centerpiece model for those who want more melee and less magic 6 monsterous smaller cavalry something dragon-esque. I am still sad they took away ordo draconis. maybe as a dual kit with the option to put mages on them to have some kind of wizard unit. If this unit could fly it could be part of the Sky unit theme 7 I would love to see some kind of shadows unit, something with some infiltration ability so we can have some tactical options. 8 swordmasters/warrior mage unit, something heavy hitting and heavy armored 9 some kind of magic lobbing or bolt throwing war machine 10 various mage heroes and support wizards. I doubt all of this will happen since shadows are still around for CoS. I do love the aspect elemental style theme. I really think that they can do justice to Tyrion putting him in the release as he is the tactical warrior side to the lumineth gods. I feel like from what they have already released and the name lumineth lord"s" it makes sense. Plus seeing the other releases having two big centerpieces and having a melee leading general and a magic leading general options. I also agree with others based on the rumors I dont think that we will see Tyrion get his own separate release of winged angelic aelves. I think it would make more sense business wise to release him with Teclis. why have your big release for the re imagined "high elves" and push people away by not including him for another year or two. However all in all I am super excited for this release and actually interested in playing AoS now.... now to just find people I know who are willing to get into the game with me LOL!
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