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Posts posted by Roark

  1. 15 hours ago, KoalaSnok said:

    Try comparing them to Bestigors and Grimghast reapers or even Graveguard and you might see why.

    The screenshot below assumes a frontage of 10, no buffs whatsoever for the Chosen, and favourable conditions for all the Chosen's rivals (Bestigors charge and face Order, Grimghasts face unit of 5 or more).

    But with an Undivided Shrine blessing and a Bloodsecrator ally for the Chosen (and nearby Marauders), they are doing about 30 damage to a 4+ enemy.

    I think Chosen are awesome, and I'm really confused as to why people don't seem to have cottoned on yet. They're reasonably fast infantry that do MWs, buff other units and have easy access to rerolls to fish for more MWs. What am I missing?


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  2. 2 minutes ago, Saxon said:

    enjoy playing against the variety khorne offers. I'd imagine they'd be frustrating to play with given the reliance on synergy

    Yeah, the two most frustrating things for me in that respect are: very shooty armies who can just knock out support characters one after the other, and a couple of very tight "wholly within" buffing ranges.

    For the first, I'm relying more on resilient buffing units (eg: Warshrines and Wrathmongers). For the second, well... Khorne has almost always been an army that requires careful positioning and movement. I guess I'm fairly used to it now. It still feels restrictive though, when sometimes you just want to roar mindlessly into the fray per the lore haha.

  3. 1 minute ago, Saxon said:

    Nighthaunt. Good game but those judgements were so powerful. My opponent rolled well to get them and keep them. 

    Managed to kill my Reiknor the Grimhailer in 1 turn!

    Yeah, that's kind of the thing with them: they're a bit "swingy". The Hexgorger Skulls can actually dissipate without having a chance to do anything at all. On the upside (for us) there's nothing the opponent can do to dispel or remove them. I imagine that might be frustrating sometimes...

  4. 11 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    Shield Tzaangors still have 4. Sword + shield, 2 weapon mutants (since the dual blades have to be rolled separate from the singles due to different hit values), greatblades, beaks.

    Whoa. Wow. When BoK was released, I thought the extreme simplification that occurred with Skullreapers flagged a new direction in simpler faster play for the game. Haha, nope.

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  5. 3 hours ago, kahadin said:

    Do you guys have any hopes for the Khorne stuff that's coming in Wrath of the Everchosen?

    None whatsoever... which means I may be pleasantly surprised! Has anything been hinted at beyond a Khorne battalion?

    I'd love to see a battalion that binds units simply through the Khorne keyword (eg: Bloodbound, Khorne Mortals and Monsters) but I don't hold hope for that.

    To be honest though, any battalion that includes more units, or more flexible units, would be great.

  6. On 1/26/2020 at 12:14 AM, ArmyOfGrodd said:

    How do people prefer to run the Daemon Prince?

    With the Crimson Crown. He has the best command in our whole roster IMO. He loves to be a Goretide general (because of Hew the Foe and his double weapon profile) but his command is so good that I think it's worth including him in an army just for that...

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/26/2020 at 10:34 PM, ArmyOfGrodd said:

    Whats the consensus on the Bloodmad Warband incidentally?

    I'm not sure there is much of any consensus apart from it being one of our better battalions due to being unreliant on range to a fragile Hero (like Bloodforged, Skulltake and Dark Feast). I personally think it needs Goretide, 1x10 Skullreapers and Thermalrider Cloak on the Secrator to be optimal. Hew the Foe on an Aspiring Deathbringer is not ideal but, hell, he can chew hordes and force them to spend CPs to prevent an aggravated battleshock because of his warscroll. I don't think you want to spend 600pts on Blood Warriors though. Maybe 3x5 instead, or 1x10 and 2x5. Reapers with rerolls are the star of that particular show for sure...

  8. 4 hours ago, Lhurgoyf said:

    Do any of these events have live coverage to follow?

    The Honest Wargamer is at CanCon (the tournament is actually called Call to Glory 2020) and there have been cameras and streaming all weekend. I don't know the actual channels/websites though.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, KhorgusCool said:

    So maybe you guys can help me with something. I have a pretty wide collection of Khorne. I am looking to create a list, as competitive as it can be, around one unit. Bloodreavers. I know this isn’t optimal. But I painted 120 of these freaks and I intend to use them. I actually think they could be a headache in groups of 40 as they start with bravery 5, plus 1 for banner, plus the size of unit. What do you guys think about where to go from here.

    I'm at CanCon right now and just saw an Archaon + Furythirster + Dark Feast Reavers list absolutely stomp a Gordrakk Big Waagh list in the upper tables. It only had 50 Reavers though. I know it's said a lot, but I reckon you're better off with small units due to their base size and Blood Tithe generation. Dark Feast allows quite a few in one deployment drop. Just my two cents.

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  10. 18 minutes ago, Render said:

    I'd be interested to hear any further observations you have as you get more games with it.

    Couple of observations I'll make now are:

    - the usual Khorne flexibility that I would normally get from the Tithe table is stymied by the fact that I find myself spending it on CPs (Lvl1) a fair bit (totally worth it for me though).

    - One Marauder swarm is almost certainly abandoned by the Shrine (and Bronzed Flesh Priest) from mid-game. This requires care and attention! Marauders are incredibly offensive, but they die like flies when not protected obviously. Not a problem for your list.

    - I need the Aqshy cloak on my Secrator because of awesome Marauder charging. Not a problem for your list. You can take something more impactful.

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  11. 20 minutes ago, Sneeto said:

    Looks fun - your extra command point I assume you save for inspiring presence?  First point for chaos lord CA then inspiring so they don’t flee? Otherwise you could consider dropping a priest, maybe one with blood sac and pick up an aspiring deathbringer for a third extra attack! 

    Yeah, the paid CP is to mitigate enemy Turn 1 charges. All other command points are for the Chaos Lord command or for when Brazen Fury doesn't go off. I tend to spend Blood Tithe on Level 1 in the early game to take the fangs out of my opponent with double activations.

    I do have a version with a Deathbringer, but I think he goes a bit better with Gore Pilgrims + paid CP + just one swarm of Marauders to focus buffs on. Otherwise it gets a bit CP-hungry. But yeah, Marauders fighting in two ranks with +3 attacks and double activation is truly fearsome.

    I've settled on the Bloodstoker coz he synergizes really well with Marauder charging. Another fantastic option is to have Violent Urgency on the Lord in addition. The charges just never fail. But in my list, the most important thing about the Lord is his command, so I've made him more survivable with the Berzerker trait.

  12. This is a very non-traditional list that I'm enjoying a lot lately. It has a million drops, but that's fine if everything is deployed properly coz of passive auras.  The crux of it is a sea of bodies and resilient buff networks for the Marauders and Chosen, both of whom are absolutely brutal with +2 attacks and rerolls. Attacking twice in a phase just tends to utterly wipe out whatever they confront.

    Allegiance: Khorne
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    Chaos Lord (110)
    - General
    - Reaperblade & Daemonbound Steel
    - Trait: Berzerker Lord
    Bloodsecrator (120)
    - Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak
    Bloodstoker (80)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice
    40 x Chaos Marauders (300)
    - Axes & Shields
    40 x Chaos Marauders (300)
    - Axes & Shields
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    - Meatripper Axes
    10 x Chaos Chosen (280)
    5 x Wrathmongers (140)
    5 x Wrathmongers (140)
    Chaos Warshrine (170)
    - Blood Blessing: Brazen Fury
    Extra Command Point (50)
    Hexgorger Skulls (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 180

    • Like 3
  13. 3 hours ago, ColsBols said:

    My Azyr app says that the Bloodsecrator exudes the Aura of Khorne, do all marked allied heroes do that?

    It's an error. Battletome says that Heroes need to be Slaves to Darkness to exude an aura. The Bloodsecrator doesn't have that keyword.

  14. 2 hours ago, ogarrah said:

    Are there any FAQ's about the Blood Tithe reward Murdelust? I'm tired of arguing with my opponents when I use Murderlust to cycle charge my Skullcrushers or something and I was wondering if there is an FAQ that I can point to as evidence.

    What even is the argument? It doesn't get much clearer. Are they  suggesting you can't do what it explicitly says you can do? Apologies if I'm missing something...

    • Like 1
  15. 10 hours ago, 123lac said:

    You don't rate the mighty lord of khorne, the priests or the khorgoraths for damage?

    The Mighty Lord is occasionally a game-changer, with his axe able to kill any one model instantly (except Gotrek), but he's slow and won't do much against larger units. The Slaughterpriests are good for ranged mortal wounds but not combat. The Khorgies hit fine but there's a lot in the game that will melt monsters, and they won't cap objectives.

    One of our best assault units is Skullreapers IMHO. 10 of those guys with buffed attacks can rip through whole armies.

    EDIT: plus the units Smooth Criminal mentioned.

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  16. 6 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    wholly within 12 and only after killing something. That's going to be pretty tricky to pull off, especially if you're taking a big unit of marauders. Plus if you're trying to trigger the buff your opponent will have a chance to hit the marauders first and they die to a stiff breeze.

    I definitely take your point, however I think they're worth it even without seeking to activate the buff, with Warshrine rerolls for MWs. If you did want to activate it though, I think you would make it dependent on whether you got Bronzed Flesh off on the big unit of Marauders so they are saving on 4+ 6++. 

    Even with just 3 attacks each and a frontage of only 8 (to conservatively manage the buff range), the Marauders are gonna be coming in with 49 very high quality attacks. They are worth investing in IMO, and the Chosen serve as really reliable redundancy for a Bloodstoker.

    6 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    you have to either buy those unattractive, massively overpriced, finecast miniatures... Or you have to go through a lot of work and extra kits to bash together a custom unit. A decent hobby challenge if that's what you want I guess

    For me, this is the really hard bit. I've got 10 Skullcrusher heads on standby, and I've been looking at Stormcast parts, non-GW third party, 40K Chaos Possessed parts, heaps and heaps of different combos and options and I still can't come up with something feasible satisfactory. It's extremely frustrating.  😞

    Model aesthetics are kinda important to me, which is why I don't use GW Marauders either.

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