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Posts posted by Roark

  1. 3 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    From a modeling/equipment perspective, for Bloodreavers, if you’re “stuck” with (or happen to have) the models with Reaver Blades is that a seriously worse combination than Meatripper axes?

    Is there a significant benefit to Blood Warriors with paired Axes? As opposed to Axe and Gorefist?

    RE: Reavers: people generally prefer to have Rend than reroll 1s to hit. It is mathematically better for scoring unsaved wounds. Having said that, I've still got 40 starters with blades, and I don't think it's worth losing sleep over. Also, you could maybe take that Secrator special banner that turns reroll 1s into reroll all hits, and take advantage of having a huge unit with 32mm bases that can camp near him for that bonus while simultaneously stretching out toward the enemy.

    RE: Blood Warriors: I think the difference is negligible. Sometimes those Gorefists produce  mortal wounds, and sometimes double axes will give you rerolled 1s that translate into successful wounds.

  2. 17 minutes ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

    Putting Khorne being good or bad aside.

    Murderhost: in the bloodletter hero slot, what is more survivable or useful, a blood throne or a skulltaker?

    7wounds, possibility of regen with maw vs 5 wounds, rr failed saves?

    Then, Armour of scorn of crimson crown

    Blood throne has a big base so extra range to buff stuff

    Skulltaker can give a surprising good punch if the dice are right

    I really dig Skulltaker. He's very nasty for 100pts. But you can't put a Crown on him coz he's named. Never played a Throne before, but I'd like to.

  3. 10 minutes ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

    Be'lakor could be a good shout to shut him down for a turn. Not sure how well pointed he is to be worth taking in just a standard face all foes list though

    Sadly, we can't ally Be'lakor...

  4. 9 minutes ago, Xasz said:

    the only one remotely worthwhile is the 8 wounds weapon for daemons

    Hmm, strongly disagree with this. The Blade of Endless Bloodshed generates Tithe way easier than the Mark of the Bloodreaper.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Hounsou83 said:

    Lord on manticore improved?  Will it be on gh 2018? 

    He will be valid for Matched Play (points in GHB3) but I don't know when the warscroll changes will happen, or even whether it's certain. I'm only going off things the designers have hinted at over the past month or so. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Any rumours on changes to the allegiance ability or points?

    Shrine -20 to 160

    Lord of Chaos +40 to 140 (free apotheosis to Daemon Prince, free Spawn upon death)

    Marauders now minimum 20

    Improvements to Chaos Lord on Manticore warscroll (Marks abilities)

  7. 1 hour ago, Black_Fortress_Immortal said:

    Anyone have a 2.0 wishlist?  I'll start ;) :

    + Free K'daai summoning
    + Points decrease on battalions
    + New battalion for Bull Centaurs
    + Points decrease on Shar'tor to 200
    + Drazhoath Command Ability (is he the only named hero WITHOUT a command ability?.... aside from Scylla and Valkia...)

    Hm, that's about it.  I know we're not getting new allegiance/spell lore/artifacts, so I'm not even gonna put it on there... 

    + The Battle Standard Bearer is pretty mediocre for my money (the new Stormcast foot mage is better in combat lol)

    + Both the existing battalions are quite worthless, and these warscrolls didn't get reviewed last year like all our other stuff. It would be very nice to have useable, effective battalions.

    + For 180pts, I don't think it would break the game for Bulls to have movement 8. Seems like a bit of a "#@*$ you" that they are slower than some Aelven foot units.

    + Allegiance ability, traits, artifacts. This is like a few sentences, an army rule or two, and two small tables. Maybe I'm naive, but FW may pleasantly surprise us (they did last year!). I imagine they want people to buy their minis as part of a supported army...

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, tamthethird said:

    How would you add to that selection?

    Personally, I would add Iron Daemons towing Magma Cannons.

    But you should maybe also wait and see what the new scenarios are like in GHB3 before committing big bucks or modelling time.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    I admire you for staying positive but perhaps you haven't fully considered all of the implications the new edition brings? Yes all the tools are there for Khorne to be competitive, however the in built limitations of the game and our allegiance ability mean we can't ever access all of the tools at once and therefore will struggle to compete. 

    Yeah, I did some extensive math/theoryhammering  myself last night and, while I've tried to have faith and be solutions-focused, it doesn't look good at all.

    Khorne players have encountered a few frustrating situations over the years where it seems that not a lot of thought has been put into our rules/tables/warscrolls and their interactions and implications. I'm sad to say that, unless there are some major mechanics or warscroll changes we haven't yet seen, Endless Spell unbinding and Blood Tithe Summoning can be added to that list.

    I'm still hoping there are further balancing elements that are yet to come... Hope I'm not being naive.

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  10. Both Dwarf Wars and Shieldwolf Miniatures do a war mammoth with howdah, but availability is patchy for both (from memory).

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