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Posts posted by Kirby

  1. This is one of the best game mechanics GW has ever created...

    A ongoing wish-listing post for 3rd Ed got me thinking. What are the best current or oop game mechanics from GW? This could be in AOS, 40K, or any of the specialist games.

    The original post talks about innovations in 40K Apoc.

    “40K's Apoc rule set actually delays all damage dealt until the end of the game round, not the phase. This means your opponent gets to "reply" with attacks from their models during their turn because the wholeround isn't over.”

    I’d also nominate the Initiative Dice from Warcry whereby you roll 5d6 and the result indicates, first,  which player has initiative and, second, the quantity and nature of special abilities available to each player.    

    i think a similar system could be an interesting way to generate cmd points in future. 

    What other mechanics would you add to the list?

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  2. 17 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    @Landohammer I really liked in Fantasy (at least in 6th ed.) how the unit would use the general's leadership value instead of their own. It gave reason for leadership being included in their profile and also made it something to consider in terms of inclusion for certain heroes. I feel like inspiring presence being changed to having a unit use the heroes' leadership value as opposed to an auto pass might be an interesting change? 

    Although, I have a feeling it would rarely get used it is cost a CP...

    At the very least it would make Skaven and Goblins seem more appropriately cowardly.

    I’d be in favour of an an additional “bravery range” attribute for all units.  Any unit could inspire one unit in range per battleround (not turn).

    I dont believe the general should have a greater bravery range by default.   Lesser generals may be supported by more similar level heroes.  Whereas taking Nagash will limit the number of support heroes nearby simply due to his points value.  An army may be a coalition, rather than a  dictatorship.

    Also, while most units would have a range value “-“   Veteran units like everchosen could provide leadership to lesser units.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I’d like to use a shadowblade assassin as my general in an Anvilgard COS army. Secretive Warlord Cmd Trait with Vitriolic Spray, and the Venomfang Blade Artefact would make my Assassin general an absolute beast.

    Is it possible to set him up hidden (in reserve) to maintain an element of surprise too?


    This question was already answered, but didnt come up in my initial search.


  4. Thanks for the feedback. 

    8 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    ... Scourge Privateers are not allies of Cities, so you can't take them at all. Neither are Stormcast, or Kharadron in TE, or Sylvaneth in LC.

    GW really doesn't want Cities to have choices, by setting the realm and only allowing one batallion.

    I get it. But, SP  have always been a outlier faction. Im not going to get too hung up on a single battalion that could disappear with next weeks new GHB. 🤷

    Tbh, It kinds of makes sense to me that we can’t ally in units that are already a part of the faction.  GW may have  produced weakened Cos battalions deliberately in order to limit the possibilty of OP multifaction soup.  There is a trade-off: a vast range of units vs factional synergies.

    If we compare CoS with LoN - an all encompassing soup that contained most of the Death GA - CoS could feel restrictive.  But i guess they just werent designed that way. 

    2 hours ago, dekay said:

    If you want some battalion benefits, you're 10 corsairs away from being able to field Charrwind Beasthunters from CoS book. Won't fit in your current 1000 points without some rebuilding, but it's something to think about when developing the army further. It's not particularily good battalion, but hey, lower drops, extra command point, artifact and curse. Battalion ability is pretty situational, but not bad, too. Its basically realm reavers 2.0, but it can fit more Scourgerunners in, which is always a plus ; )

    Yeah,  i will definitely be picking up some more.  So Charrwind Raiders will be an option.    I want to build a group of Order Serpentis too.  So, SC Anvilguard will cover my bases for a  drakespawn  chariot and hydra too. 😀

    Maybe  the Scourge Privateer will seem super effective when compared with Order Serpentis!!!

    In the end, my corsairs and drakespawn may well get steamrollered by their new Lumineth cousins, but the will look awesome while they drop like flies .  


  5. 6 hours ago, readercolin said:

    The Realm Reavers battalion is not a Cities of Sigmar battalion.  This means that you can take it, but all units in the battalion are no longer counted as Cities of Sigmar, because they take the allegience of the battalion, which is grand alliance order.  This means that the battalion and all units inside of it have to fit into your allies allotment (basically, not happening).  For a more thorough discussion on this, I recommend this thread: 



    Thanks 🙏🏻

    For the benefit of any future searchs.  The core book FAQ Designer’s Commentary, p10 addresses this.


    In my case, Realm Reavers is a Scourge Privateers battalion in the GA Order book.  So, it can be used freely in a SP allegiance or GA Order allegiance army.  How if i wish to use it in a Cities of Sigmar allegiance the whole battalion and all it’s units count as allies.

  6. 9 hours ago, Icegoat said:

    I mean gw are never going to make a zombie unit of too many reforged stormcast so it's just always invincible supermen vs thing about to get killed.

    I would think its very likely they will at some point.  It's just waaaaaaay to early in the narrative life cycle.

    Look at Space Marines in 40K -  Blood Angels have the Red Thirst;   Space Wolves have the Wulfen;   Dark Angels have the Fallen etc.  There is no reason this wouldnt happen to individual Stormhosts.    The thing is that GW have had 30 years  to diversify the SM chapters.  AOS is still only 5 years old (with a somewhat rocky start).  The most, i believe, that we have got so far is a collection of named SE characters from the Hammers of Sigmar.

    My guess is that Sigmar will hit that big red button one more time and release a fourth SE chamber, before they diversify stormhosts.  Until then, loose ends are left hanging in the fiction and lore for possible development in future.  If the lore moves forward too quickly, many players wont have enough time / resources / money to enjoy the story as it proceeds.  Again, looking at 40K, the 9Ed boxset shows that the Primaris are changing, too.  They were the clean cut new boys, but as of this summer they will be sporting crusade honors. 

    There is still lots of design room in SE.   Personally, I'd like to see a couple of units of  lightning gheist released.  Perhaps, something goes wrong with reforging when the Orruks smash their way into Azyr. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Evantas said:

    Are you even able to take Realm Reavers Battalion in COS?  

    I'm not aware that you can take battalions other than the ones printed in the army book. 

    I assume so.  There is nothing in the core rules to suggest you can’t.  

    Realm Reavers is in the original Order book, and is listed in GHB 2019.  So, I thought it was okay for matched play.

    Can anyone show me to the contrary 🧐

    I expect the battalion will leave GHB this year, however.  Charrwind Beasthunters from CoS seems to be a (rather lacklustre imho) replacement.


  8. 6 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Do note that the "wariors of the great cities" boxes predate the Cities book quite a bit. At least one of the kits in them is no longer an option (general on horse, with pistol, war banner or shield)

    Yeah,  i was aware of this.   No problems in the Anvilgard box luckily.    All up-to-date, and I wanted everything in there ^^

    7 hours ago, Rune said:

    Naa sorry. If you ally one in, it will still have the Stormcast keyword, and thus break the limit. You can't have more than 1/4.

    Guess I’ll have drop the battalion and pick up a battlemage for the time being. That will give me a 2/8 SE ratio and take me in under 1000pts too~~

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Anvilgard (Illicit Dealings: Hidden Agents)
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Black Ark Fleetmaster (60)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Blackfang Crimelord  
    - Artefact: Drakescale Cloak  
    Battlemage (90)
    - Lore of Dark Sorcerery: Vitriolic Spray
    - Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    Knight-Vexillor (120)
    - Meteoric Standard

    10 x Black Ark Corsairs (80)
    - Vicious Blade & Repeater Handbow
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)
    10 x Black Ark Corsairs (80)
    - Vicious Blade & Wicked Cutlass
    1 x Scourgerunner Chariots (60)
    Kharibdyss (170)

    10 x Judicators (320)
    - Skybolt Bows

    Total: 980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 73

  9. I recently picked up one of the Warriors of the Great Cities: Anvilgard boxes. 

    Im aware that its not a very competitive set up, but it doesnt appear to be match play legal out-of-the-box because there are 7 units, 2 of which are Stormcast.


    According to the CoS battletome:

    “1 in every 4 units in a Cities of Sigmar army can be a <STORMCAST ETERNALS> unit.  Those units gain the <CITIES OF SIGMAR> keyword and the city keyword chosen for your army.” (Stormkeeps, CoS, p63)


    Can i set the Lord-Vexillor as an ally in order to overcome the 1/4 rule? The only negative seems to that i would missout on a second Artefact if i chose Anvilgard: Black Market Bounties for my Battle Trait.


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Anvilgard (Illicit Dealings: Hidden Agents)
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Black Ark Fleetmaster (60)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Blackfang Crimelord  
    - Artefact: Drakescale Cloak  
    Knight-Vexillor (120)
    - Meteoric Standard
    - City Role: General's Adjutant 
    - Allies

    10 x Black Ark Corsairs (80)
    - Vicious Blade & Repeater Handbow
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)
    10 x Black Ark Corsairs (80)
    - Vicious Blade & Wicked Cutlass
    1 x Scourgerunner Chariots (60)
    Kharibdyss (170)

    10 x Judicators (320)
    - Skybolt Bows

    Realm Reavers (150)

    Total: 1040 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 120 / 400
    Wounds: 68

  10. I noticed that my  FLGD still has a copy of Firestorm on the shelves.  So  looked into the Free City Allegiance Abilities.

    Are these extra allegiances match play legal post CoS?

    According to the Firestorm rulebook
     “ when you organise your collection to be an army from a specific city or under the command of a specific warlord, it benefits from additional allegiance abilities ... This does not change their allegiance, and you can still pick other allegiance abilities for the army normally.

    For example, if you had an army from Anvilguard that was made up entirely of Stormcast Eternals it could use the Anvilguard abilities and either the Order or Stormcast Eternals allegiance...” (Firestorm, p59)

    Assuming, im not using CoS as my main allegiance, could i still claim to run Stormcast of Anvilgard, or Nighthaunt of the Wraithfleet for example? 

    Older allegiances arent mentioned in the GB, so im unsure when these rules expire(d).


  11. 32 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    The thing is: can they keep just adding new factions? I think after a while it would be too inflated to be balance-able.

    This cycle took them 25 months to update all armies, either they start dropping/skipping some or every new version will take longer. In that case let’s hope changes between versions are not too big...

    How do the oldest 2.0 battletomes hold up compared to the latest?    

    Are any elements now common place, but missing from the earliest books like Maggotkin of Nurgle book, for example?  Are any 2.0 books in need of review?

    My theory is that, if 2020 sees 40k 9th.  2021 could see AOS 3rd, and then Old World in 2022.   If this happens, id like to see another series similar to Psychic Awakening prior to AOS 3.  But what can we expect in the meantime beyond pointy elves and giants? 

  12. 5 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    With the schedule of every 2 weeks won’t it be at least a month and a half from now till we can play the army?

    I think youre probably right.  Arrival in a couple of months.

    Hope GW dont try to draw this out for as long as they did Sisters of Battle.  Looking back, they were dripfeeding previews for months.  Heaven forbid they launch with a limited edition boxed army.  It seems a lot of 40Kers were unhappy.

    4 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    As they have the "Biggest Warhammer Preview EverTM" there, it's likely that the full reveal of the Lumineth will be part of it.

    I assumed the Biggest Reveal would be the rumored giant faction, Sons of Behemat. Hope you’re right.

    Come on GW!  Is too much to hope for a  plentiful supply of ‘SoB vs Lumineth’ battleboxes in the near future? 

  13. 2 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    And now to the funny part: "I'm now considerably older, married and living in Korea". In my case in Seoul.  I was thinking only about playing a few times per year when I'm back home with my old friends (who mostly made the jump to AOS when it started). But if you are around Seoul - we could see  if we get something going. 

    Wow, i wasn't expecting to find any local players this easily! 

    I’ve sent you a private message with contact details!  

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Ayuvelon said:


    The idea to play narrative games is just gorgeus, even in solo if you cannot find any player for now (or for any other reason). Anyway, think about the chance to involve your wife into AoS! :D


    Thanks for the support, @Ayuvelon

    It might be a bit of challenge persuading my wife - she much prefers simple card and board games.  

    I think I’ll build a couple of starter collecting kits to offer trial games to friends, first. Hopefully, it will encourage them to start their own armies later ^^

    • Like 2
  15. Hi,  Im Kirby.  

    As a kid, i used to play 40K with my older brother.  It was a long time ago - 40K 2nd edition, i think.  The box with 40 identical gretchin and cardboard cut outs of a dreadnaught.  When my brother went to uni, I continued painting some Necron for a while, but eventually stopped for lack of a gaming partner.

    Anyway, im now considerably older, married and living in Korea.  Recently, i discovered a local  GW reseller and the memories of my formative years came flooding back.  Models are so much cooler, and bigger these days.

    Im excited to get started with painting and a little narrative solo play (please, dont judge! ;D). Hoping to pull the trigger on a Stormcast Vanguard box set soon.

    Look forward to hearing how everyone else is playing.

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