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Posts posted by Matrindur

  1. 48 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    We also should see what what that Zombie thing Johann was fleeing from really is. Maybe the "Decay" part, if it's indeed a Zombie ? For WHU ?

    Thats actually a really good point if its for Underworlds it doesn't have to be a big concept you can base a full army around it can just be something like Bloodbowls Necromantic Horror Team as a small Underworlds Warband

  2. for comparison the 40k boxes:


    1x T'au Empire Commander, £35.5

    3x XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team, £45

    1x XV88 Broadside Battlesuit, £32.5

    1x TX4 Piranha, £22.5

    10x Fire Warriors, £30

    10x Pathfinder Team, £25


    Total: £190.5


    For comparison last Tau box was £157.5 which retailed for £100


    Astra Militarum:

    1x Hydra, £35

    1x Chimera, £30

    1x Sentinel, £22.5

    5x Cadian Command Squad, £22.5

    3x Cadian Heavy Weapon Squad, £25

    20x Cadian Shock Troops, £45 (21 shown but you can only get them in multiples of 5 so has to be 20)


    Total: £180


    For comparison last Guard box was £187.5 which retailed for £100

    Or the Cadian Defense Force still available: £157.5 which for £110



  3. Price comparison:


    1x Dankhold Troggoth, £40

    6x Rockgut Troggoths, £70

    15x Squig Hoppers, £45 (Thought there are only 14 shown in the image but the sprues are in multiples of 5 so it has to be 15)

    1x Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, £22.5


    Total: £177.5




    1x Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant, £20

    1x Ironblaster, £22.5

    12x Ogor Gluttons, £60

    4x Ironguts, £25

    4x Leadbelchers, £25

    1x Mancrusher Gargant, £37.5


    Total: £190


    Compared to last years Gitz box:


    1x Mangler Squigs, £50

    3x Rockgut Troggoths, £35

    1x Loonboss, £17.5

    10x Squig Hoppers, £30

    5x Fanatics, £25


    Total: £157.5 which retailed for £110


    So either the discount is way bigger (not likely) or the Battleforces will be way more expensive this year


  4. 12 minutes ago, SleeperAgent said:

    Death: OBR for sure
    Order:  Lumineth possibly?
    Chaos: Slaanesh
    Destruction: BCR box with 3 stonehorns and the underworlds hunter with 4-8 new sculpt frost sabres?

    Armies normally only appear in Battleforces one year after release so I would expect Lumineth next year and I don't think they are gonna out a underworlds mini in there let alone new models, the rest seems likely thought

  5. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    If we're going to get battleforces I would imagine they would be announced today. 

    With Bloodbowl on a 2 week preorder they have given themselves a weeks breathing room I'm guessing to prep for Xmas. 

    I'm fairly sure they did the same last year. 

    If we get Battleforces they should be announced on the 22th for release on the 5th (Battleforces normally get released on the first Saturday of Dezember)

  6. 11 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    Should I get an Ossiarch Bonereaper army individually or wait for a battleforce? Not sure what to do 

    IF there are Battleforces this year there will probably be a OBR one same as the Gloomspite Gitz one last year when they got their army refresh so I would would wait until the 22th which should be the preorder preview date if there will be any this year

  7. RVwymYyqfUEmmVcM-560x360.jpg

    This image of the coins you can get in Warhammer stores was on the storefinder website so it seems the next free minis will be Slannesh and Death Guard? (Death Guard could be the Sorcerer which was originally part of the SM Heroes Series 3 but wasn't released with them today, no idea about slannesh thought maybe just some Deamonettes?)

  8. 8 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Store managers are likely going to just snip them and put them in a little sealed plastic bag. Chances are they won't build them, but some in key areas might build some for younger or very new customers to entice them in. 

    It's not even out of the way since in the past GW stores have done similar things, often on painting or welcoming days to help try and get new people in. The only difference this time around is you won't be able to stay at the store and build/paint your free model. 

    Didn't know they did something like that before, just seemed strange to me

  9. 5 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I should note that model is a default model from the Witch Aelf pack. So I'm guessing the free model is just a model from the Witch Aelf pack, which would make sense, GW takes existing boxes and the store manage spends half an hour snipping the parts off to give to customers. 


    Paint set system sounds very neat and its nice that the free pot is the most expensive not the cheapest (as many multibuys often are).

    The coins are a bit of a pain, they look nice, but at the same time you've got to spend £60 to get them and its only in person in the store. Which is a problem if you're avoiding shops/going into town in general even when regions are not on lockdown. So this makes them rather tricky to get from "loot groups" and the like because you've got to up front spend a fair bit to get your one coin. 

    It's really strange that they are existing models because the store manager has to snip them out and probably even build them before giving them out as it would be even stranger to just give us random snippets of the sprues.

    But I also can't believe thats just a mistake on WarComs side because they for sure don't have enough secret single event models to give out a new one every month

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  10. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    https://ageofsigmar.com/broken-realms/?utm_source=Warhammer Community&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=SundayPreview01112020


    Scroll down to the tab under the "featured factions" which has a halfdozen or so options; scroll across and you can see the battalions. They vary a lot. Slaves to Darkness is just 3 Chariots whilst the Stormcast is a whole host of things. So they vary in how diverse they are and will likely feature different prices; but it remains to be seen on the price side of things.


    I have to say the art showing almost what looks like a DoK rider on a dragon is very annoyin g- cause darn it I want dragons in my DoK forces for real! 

    They actually are all nearly the same price normally with two at 105€ and the other two at 109.5€ so I expect all four of them to be the same. Now how much they actually will be thats another question

  11. 12 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:


    - The Clobbering short story

    IMO it confirms the Siege of Excelsis story arc will be the start of AOS 3rd edition. All books and articles about Destructions have recently shown a concentration of power currently taking place in Ghur. 

    Looking forward to the next installment in two weeks then !

    - Broken Realm : Morathi 

    Really pleased with the advancing narrative, the variety of factions included and the new rules ! Potential bundles are cool too. 

    For now it's a really close to Psychic Awakening in terms of releases, because we have the confirmation this book will come with 2 new models in a boxed set, and maybe bundles.

    P.-S. ; @michu from the Soulbound RPG, Mishåvn is apparently a Free City in Ulgu (a collections of boats linked together that can moves across the Penumbral Sea - a bit like the floating market of Bataar but litteraly floating this time :P ) I hope that means... A MAP OF ULGU WILL BE INCLUDED ❤️ 

    Personally I think its actually better than Psychic awakening as those only had a single hero with the occasional battlebox but it looks like Broken Realms will have bundles for every faction in the book so even if you won't get a new model you at least can get the ones you would need to use your new rules cheaper

  12. 24 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    It would be pretty weird if they replaced the existing deepkin start collecting set with a box that contains 2 sharks and a king. Unless sharks are becoming battleline with their new warscroll / battlion (I actually think this may happen as GW have introduced a lot of unusual battleline options since the deepkin tome first came out).

    Also seems a bit odd to me that the first box set is DoK vs Slaanesh but not Slaanesh in the book. I'm guessing it means waiting until 3rd edition for any new main line models for deepkin too. Personally I'm ok with that as I'd rather see a focus on getting good rules for the existing range.

    Going to call it now and say the aos 3rd box set will be mortal slaanesh vs umbraneth with the narrative announcing that Slaanesh broke free.

    If they happen those won't be replacements for the SC sets just limited time bundles

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Aleser said:

    Or maybe just shows Battallions

    As written on the Website: "Combine this set with the rules found in Broken Realm: Morathi, and you can use the various Warscroll Battalions for your army" which to me sound like bundles which include all models you would need to play one of the Battalions

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