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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. Strange that we don't get any discount-sets with Broken Realms Kragnos, would have really liked a Sylvaneth one
  2. (Is there a way so tga wont distort images like that?)
  3. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/04/25/sunday-preview-prepare-for-hive-war-on-warhammer-community/ No preview announced but a teaser for tomorrows model
  4. Don't think so that would only be a one week pause, also whenever the next preorder will be it will be Adeptus Mechanicus as they where supposed to be in April which won't happen now
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/04/18/our-pre-order-schedules-changing-a-bit-heres-how/ No pre-orders the next few weeks but at least "Big Model reveals for 40k and AoS" next week
  6. Does the Black Library Celebration + Uriel Ventris miniature count as a normal release week? If so we are already back on weekly as last week was Slaanesh and DoK next will be BL and the one after that will be Kill Team
  7. What's interesting is that this rumour engine wasn't solved by the Bonesplitterz Warband (And I also don't see this one anywhere on the Quest miniatures) Wrong, one of the objective markers Also these
  8. There are some guys in the background here but too blurred to see anything
  9. Those are an expansion pack not from the core box
  10. Which units do you mean? As far as I know none of the Blackstone Fortress models where releases separately, sure they got rules so you could use them but so separate release as far as I know
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