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Everything posted by Matrindur

  1. WarCom really took so long to show us the models that the Warhammer plus team just put them up on their page instead
  2. Its true that newbies will probably not care when buying their first models but it will certainly influence whether they buy more. If you like your first paint job you will go on to paint more and or challenge yourself to more complex models. If you don't like it or don't even finish it because it was too hard to get a satisfying result many won't give it another chance.
  3. The aesthetics have to be kinda bland so they are easy to paint for beginners. Just compare these two and its clear which one would be easier to paint for a beginner
  4. Also since LI was delayed and has to be inserted somewhere those roadmaps aren't necessarily correct anymore. Most of it will likely be the same but even with older roadmaps some stuff was released earlier/later than planned and that was without a whole new game system having to be moved around
  5. As far as I can see the Ardboy Big Boss still doesn't solve any rumour engines
  6. Based on the price and the normal discount in those army sets and the latest releases I would expect about these prices for the individual kits then Freeguild Marshal - 32.5€ Alchemite Warforger - 27.5€ Steelhelms - 47.5€ Cavaliers - 52.5€
  7. I just looked through the old rumour engines and it has been quite a while since one was solved. The last solved rumour engine where two for the Inquisitorial warband solved on the 1st of May. Before that every we had a rumour engine solved every month since November 2021. And that was only a single month pause so three months now is quite a long time Over the whole lifespan of the rumour engine there where only 5 months without solving one which where: 11.2021 08.2021 06.2021 09.2018 06.2017 So three months in a row is quite strange. Wonder if that was planned or if something went wrong?
  8. Already fearing the sprue connection on that sword. Especially since it doesn't have a straight edge
  9. The siege engine gave me the idea of something like the 40k Kill Rig. A siege engine pulled by the pigs, defended by the "Wrekkaz" and with the Weirdbrute on top shooting spells. But since we already got the maw grunta probably not
  10. What the hell happened to those sprues that they ended up at a car boot sale for £1
  11. So probably something like Tyranids at the beginning of September as they are already revealed while the SM get revealed at Nova and get their release later?
  12. Right now we have the 5 Ironjawz units with the second Dawnbringer book, the next Kill team season and potentially the Space marine releases if they don't reveal them until then for NOVA. Not a bad lineup and HH could also get something as the next thing on their roadmap isn't revealed yet
  13. I know its not the case and it wouldn't even fit the price point but it would have fit perfectly if these are the year 3 Warhammer+ minis. Extra marketing for the show and they already said the minis will only be initially exclusives now so not really a problem. But unless they drastically increase the budget for the W+ mini this doesn't really line up with a single Megaboss or a Chaos Sorcerer with some summons
  14. They could leave the old Neave as a Knight Zephyros only while the new one only is Neave
  15. These give me a Warcry vibe and the sculpted bases makes me think Underworlds but as far as I can see they are just a normal AoS unit?
  16. The Gargoylian article links to the reveal article and if they edited it why not yesterdays too?
  17. Thats probably the release date for the full release not the army box right?
  18. Yes everything here leaked this morning Just what I didn't want to hear
  19. Have we seen the bell on the terrain in the back before? Is it part of some other terrain kit? If not, I think that is a pretty intricate piece to make by hand just for a few army pictures
  20. Its very likely we'll get an article , I just don't know if it will be today or maybe they'll wait until Monday and use it for new model Monday. Also no idea if true but from Valraks last video (very trustworthy for 40k rumours) he was told all of these where meant to be revealed at the end of the month at Nova which means the box shouldn't be coming until September
  21. Seems like this still isn't everything (Over in the The "mortals redesign" Discussion)
  22. I bought the Dawnbringers Fyreslayer box a few days ago and just got it delivered. It seems there was a mispackaging because there where two Grimhold Exiles inside. Wonder if that is a sign
  23. Also it was only in the email and not in the article itself so pretty likely to have been a mistake
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