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Posts posted by Gistradagis

  1. 9 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Could well be because the the design team who write the FAQ aren't in yet or running on a skeleton crew.  I don't know what their work loads are like - I can't imagine they've reduced over lockdown.

    I may have missed something, but what are we waiting for in the FAQ that's stopping people playing (whilst socially distancing and taking necessary precautions)?

    The date for the FAQ is the same as it has been for the past two years too, all being well it'll be available in July.

    Yeah, and it's not like I'm outraged or saying "good lord how could GW mismanaged this so badly!," but I do find odd that they can't give us any sort of update or heads up about the situation. You don't really need the team for that.

  2. 19 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:


    Still got a couple weeks of July left folks.


    You're talking about GW as if it's a small three or four person company, where everybody has a hand in everything.  People involved in 40k are different from those involved in AoS.  We don't currently know what the situation is at GW either - the design teams may not even be back in the company yet.  I've not seen anything that stated we'd be getting the FAQ when the new handbook dropped?

    No, it's the exact opposite. I'm talking about GW like it's NOT a small three or four person company. There's no reasonable way for them to be so swamped with work they can't even tell their fans anything about the online FAQ. How is smth like the GHB released as normal but then this missing piece is just mia.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The GHB just had bad luck landing when GW had to focus on 40K for 9th edition which has taken them by a storm - they've had to put their new launch box on made to order (delivery in around 4 months) because of the vast number of orders. GW is in a very good place for companies right now, but that's still not a good place for them. Structurally their release pattern is messed up and 9th edition is a bit of a hammer that they can't realistically shift. 


    I'd wager we will have a few weeks of 40K content before things shift back to AoS. It's a shame, but really this is nothing that is GW's fault and chances are many of their plans are currently not set in stone and running day to day. Don't forget they've also got risks like staff being locked down or even the town being locked down over their heads. 

    How is it not their fault? GW decides their releases, and most people want as little as just a message saying "due to how busy we are, the FAQ in pdf is indeed coming in late" and whether they have an ETA or not.

    I don't see how this lack of communication can be defended. "They are so busy with 40k they just can't spare 1h of their time for the AoS fans." The latest info we have on this is also the first we got: There exists an online FAQ to complement the GHB and it's coming "in the very near future."

    • Like 3
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  4. 2 minutes ago, Dongilles said:

    Ow nice thanks for the explanation. its like the newer books subfractions.

    Weird that this is in a competely different book. 

    Well, Maggotkin is really old, so we straight up had 0 sub-factions until this book, while most if not all new armies have at least a few.

  5. Just now, Dongilles said:

    And this is tournament/matched play legal?

    How do these subfactions work? is it just like Rotbringer/Deamon/Mortal, you just pick one of these?

    100% legal. It's not like Rotbringers/Daemon since you don't really ever choose that, they are not actual sub-factions.

    When making a list, you can choose a sub-faction (there's 4). If you do, then your general's trait and your first artefact are fixed (the sub-faction tells you what they are and forces you to use them), but you also gain an extra ability for free. For example, the daemon-based sub-factions give your daemons an "aura" that gives -1 rend to enemy units within 3" in the fight phase, while the rotbringers-based sub-factions make it so losing a model has you roll a dice. On a 2+ you give 1MW to the enemy unit.

  6. 38 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Don't forget that when AoS 2 got released 40k went without any major releases for a decent chunk of time - we even had the whole of a Warhammer Fest pretty much dedicated to AoS!

    I'm pretty sure that had GW been up and running fully, we'd have seen something exciting happen for the anniversary, but they're currently not all back to work yet.  I know the WarCom team are working shifts to keep the number of staff in the building down and guess that the rest of the company are in a similar boat.  Makes it pretty difficult especially as they're now running 3 months behind.

    That's fair enough, but I guess it's also why the main problem people have right now is that GW is simply not talking to us. We don't really know the FAQ is coming late, we guessed so because Saturday came and there was nothing about the online pdf. They expressed that the changes would come late for Azyr, but nothing about posting the changes.

    Now it's Monday (maybe even Tuesday) and we still don't really know if the online FAQ is dropping today, this Saturday, a couple weeks after the GHB 2020 or Nurgle knows when.

    I do understand delays existing due to how busy 40k is right now, but I don't see how any of that explains them just not saying anything to the AoS fans about the FAQ.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Dongilles said:

    With all the point changes I hear alot of people saying that Nurgle in combination with Wrath of the Everchosen has gotten a huge buff.

    But what is Wrath of the Everchosen? This is a just a story book right?

    It's a sort of campaign book, but it introduce 4 sub-factions for us to use (and others for the other Chaos factions).

  8. 49 minutes ago, Riavan said:

    Yeah I was talking about before this. It seems weird it isn't just a permanent box set for 9th Ed. Also even if you say it isn't the starter, when have they released a big army box with the rulebook at launch of a new Ed which wasn't the starter set?

    Why? It's a limited special box, so obviously it's not going to be permanently in sale. Little point to a limited product if it's not, well, limited.

    And there's no use in comparing it with previous instances. GW has explicitly said the Indomitus box is NOT the starter box for 9th, but a sort of "celebration box" for 40k.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Qrow said:

    The warhammer community article simply states "in the very near future", so they may not come out today. Given that the new 40K edition has slowed azyr updates, the pdfs may be delayed as well.

    Well that's both awful and silly lol. I mean, these changes have been done for months now, right (for most of the armies at least)? So taking extra time to post a pdf with a list or whatever due to 40k...

    I get updating Azyr, but I hope they at least publish the changes asap.

  10. 3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I don’t know!

    at a certain point it’ll just repeat itself with units that function the same.

    in the end stormcast will be overloaded with a ton of models, which only 2-3 units and 2-5heroes might see play and everything else may be considered dead, since the cost as mich as these nw models that do exactly the same thing but are better.

    overhauling rules and warscrolls would be mich better for the stormcast then giving them another loud of too shiny not yet dead-things.

    and the hate for them would be less (probably not sure though).

    And models that haven’t seen an update for the last 20-30Years will definitely thank gw for it, if they choose a different path this time

    You don't play 40k, do you? 😅

    Basically what they did (do) with Space Marines is the opposite of everything you're saying. They keep adding more and more, and some time ago they actually introduced a new type of unit which made the older ones completely obsolete, all of this cuz they know that SM sell (to give you a better idea, SM have received more stuff and new kits than every single other faction combined together; actually I think they have twice all the others combined together).

    I don't know if Stormcast are for AoS as popular and representative as SM are for 40k, but they definitely wanted them to be, so it wouldn't be too odd if AoS 3.0 doubled down on SC vs someone.

    • Like 3
  11. 15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I think they are too cowardly with the ghbs and change too much with a new edition. A ghb with 20 or so warscroll updates and some allegiance ability changes would be much preferable to a new edition. A new edition feels like going back to square one in the search for a balanced game. 

    The problem is that if you need to start fixing factions and rules of the game, it wouldn't be 20 extra pages, but many more. How many factions need updates and overall fixes? Things that come with the army's design and not changing a couple details on a warscroll? Add to that pages with new/different rules.

    It becomes an obligatory extra book, and similar to 40k you start needing to buy several books just to play properly. Now, this does beg the question, would that be better or worse? Sure, we'd need more books and it'd be more convoluted, but it could also be better than having several factions become horribly outdated until they finally get an update, then begin anew.

  12. 8 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    how soon do you think? I know any date we can guess will be pushed back 3-6 months because of pandemic stuff. I had figured Q2 or 3 2021 for AOS 3.0 originally; it gets both Lumineth and Gargants out for a while while giving GW room to update any lagging tomes before a larger change.

    Judging by the 9th Edition move to digital content, AOS 3.0 should be following suit. I can only hope there are two separate programming teams to both lighten the load and keep release schedule(s) on time...

    At least another year, I'd say, and it has probably not been impacted by the Covid situation. Most of this kind of work can be continued during quarantine, in the end.

    No, they are not separate teams. One of the GHB articles explained that the AoS stuff will be updated late in Azyr and the like due to the devs being busy with 9th.

    • Sad 1
  13. I guess the question becomes, how close is AoS 3.0, and does that mean getting a battletome now would ****** us up in the longer run? As a Maggotkin player I'm reaaaally looking forward to an update, but I'd hate to see a half-assed update *cough StD cough* and then be forgotten until late AoS 3.0.

    Or, do they even want to update a faction with AoS 3.0 in the works? (if AoS 3.0 releases next year, it's safe to assume they're already working on it).

  14. What I'm hearing quite a bit now is that the whole "armies after Cities will get their points changes in an online FAQ" isn't true, and I can't quite remember if any Community post said anything or hinted at it, or if this is really smth the community made up or "theorised."

    Although it still makes sense to me for this online points changes to happen, with so many armies that have come out after the GHB was "done."

    Edit: Yeah, I believe we did get a Community post telling us we were getting an online update. Carry on, peeps.


  15. 2 minutes ago, Kurrilino said:

    What the heck are destiny points supposed to do?

    Character creation isn't legal in matched play anyways

    Someone has more input?

    You use them to buy the different options, weapons and abilities for your hero.

    It is legal in matched play, as long as you get your opponent's permission.

    • Like 2
  16. Just now, Zplash said:

    Really hope with a new book they adjust the menagerie battalion and our summoning. 

    I don't see how you can do any dmg with such a list. The only ability is a better summoning and blocking with trees and plaguebearers but besides that every offensive army will chew through the list pretty fast I fear :(

    It'll definitely help if they fix our overcosted summoning, although the Menagerie does give you tons of corruption points.

    You do damage mainly by being a wall the enemy bounces off of with your command trait, with some support spells and the BoN for extra MWs, all while the Tallyband brings back models and heals the heroes. To be fair, it IS very low damage, but that's why I said you really want to play the mission with this list. And considering that with the GHB 2020 now killing points don't even work for tie-breaks, that's even better. You go to objectives and refuse to move, while doing whatever secondaries are easier to you. Meanwhile, you keep bouncing off MWs and healing, ignoring one point of rend and all.

    It's a meme-ish list as I said before, but I get the feeling it's one of those lists people underestimate until they realize PBs can be a bit tough to chew through when you have many (60), with the support the list brings. Ofc, some super offensive armies will chew through us and break our lines, and then it becomes a "did I get enough points to win anyway?" For a more aggressive army I'll almost always play Rotbringers (until we're updated), cuz I think our daemons are useful for (disgustingly) resilient lists that purely play the mission.

    Nevertheless, I'll give it a try this weekend and see if it surprises me!

  17. 8 minutes ago, hurben said:

    I'll try this "competitive" 2 drops tallyband list in a good local tournament :

    - GUO 340
    - Be'Lakor 240
    - Poxbringer 120
    - 3x30 Plaguebearers 960

    -1x10 Plaguebearers 120
    - Tallyband 160 
    - Geminids 60
    2000 pts / 1 extra CP 

    it will not be really funny to play but it could be a great combo with the Be'Lakor aptitude to take the 1st turn, use its aptitude on a big enemy unit (Alarielle, Changelord, etc ...) and then sit on objectives. After, let the 2nd turn to my opponent to still have the Be'Lakor's aptitude on. Then hope to get the lead on turn 3 and gain more points than my opponent.  

    Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Having played StD for a bit, Be'lakor is just great, and his ethereal save means he'll be difficult to wipe off the board. Just like those 100 PBs lel.

    I might do smth slightly different and play a bit of a meme list in Munificient Wanderers with shenanigan potentials:

    Nurgle's Menagerie 180p

    • Horticulous Slimux 220p
    • Beasts of Nurgle 70p
    • Beasts of Nurgle 70p
    • Beasts of Nurgle 70p

    Tallyband of Nurgle 160p

    • GUO 320p
    • Poxbringer 120p
    • Plague Drones 190p
    • 3x Plaguebearers 300p
    • Plaguebearers 100p
    • Plaguebearers 100p
    • Plaguebearers 100p

    Exactly 2k, 2 drops with the 2 battalions (which sadly means I have one artefact I don't need, although I could drop the Plague Drones and put another hero, perhaps Spoilpox Scrivener to give the PBs re-roll 1s to hit), a mass of walls that bounces of MWs and keeps both healing and bringing back guys from the dead and it just really difficult to move from objectives. Horticulous meanwhile plants trees non-stop to give me tons of corruption points while advancing together with the BoN, mostly to annoy the enemy.

  18. 15 minutes ago, grucha said:

    Actually for 70 pts. Beasts of Nurgle seem playable with thriceshold, especially taking Munificent Wanderers subfaction under consideration.

    At that point I simply take more PGs, who are an actual wall and will reflect MWs anyway with One Last Gift, the spellportal and such. I see the point of taking BoN and try to heal them while you do MWs on retreat, but they aren't that many wounds, it's on a 4+, and the Beasts themselves aren't that resilient anymore (although the rend -1 helps).


    9 minutes ago, hurben said:

    I would try something with Hoticulous and 3 units of BoN around him and integrated in a Tallyband with the Munificent Wanderers host it's 2 drops and 2 Feculent at the start of the game.

    Something like that :

    - GUO 320
    - Horticulous 220
    - Poxbringer 120
    - 3x30 Plaguebearers 900

    -1x10 Plaguebearers 110
    - 2x1 Beast of Nurgle 140 (up to 3 in tallyband)
    - Tallyband 160 
    - Prismatic palissade 30
    2000 pts / 1 extra CP 

    Tried smth similar, and worked in an odd, roundabout way. Horticulus with his battalion did almost nothing, but the sheer amount of trees he planted made it so I actually summoned an extra GuO turn 3 or 4. Although I played it combined with a Blight Cyst, who actually did the work in the game.

    The only problem with that list is that you're sort of hoping the enemy will kill itself hitting you while you play the mission, since you have low damage. At least it's low in drops, though.

  19. 44 minutes ago, Hannibal said:

    With all those points changes a lot of interesting armies can be build. Though the lack of offensive power still hurts.

    Doubt we'll get that until we get updated. Most of our units profiles are just terrible, and we don't really have that many combos or ways to inflict extra damage through MWs.


    I guess the only important change is BKs and PBs. GuO/Rotigus were played anyway, same with LoA. BoN and Nurglings are as useless as before, and Drones and Blightlords are still too situational (and 10p less is nothing).

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