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Posts posted by Doko

  1. Only the darkshards are good.

    The chariot isnt bad but neiter great.

    Dreadspears a dreadblade are 100% useless,as objetive holder they are too much expensive and his damage is a joke for 90 points. They must have 2 attacks


    The cold one knigth are great for his cost as tanks,but his damage is low for his cost,they would need more damage to be good.

    The black dragon have the stats of others armys 220\50 points behemots. He isnt bad but is overcosted for 50\80 points

  2. As dispossessed player and fyreslayer player im 100% with the idea of a combined duardin book.

    This would give me the chance of star to collecting kharadrons also.

    A great idea that could save fyreslayers and dispossesed while is a 0 effort of gw because dont have to do new kits,only a book.


    I would like that the book would have the back of umgrin together  a dual box of old dwarfs in clasic armor but being slayers(as umgrin a slayer but at the same time a full armor dwarf),so this could be the halfway of the two factions

    • Like 3
  3. Look out sir doing imposible shooting to heroes.

    Also something as totalwar where units with shields get less damage from shooting.

    That every army get the same deal that idoneth,in aos3 you only can shoot to the closest target,so we have any form of play around it.

    Not all this,but some of these changes would do the game funnier.

    I played tau in 40k 5 year ago and i yet remember how everyone hated tau and many people didnt played if you bring tau. Due to be a 100% shooting army and dont let the rival play.

    This is 100% the same problem with kharadrons and lumineths. The shooting isnt the problem, these two armys are the problem due to the movility of kharadrons and the 0 counterplay of lumineths

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Ok, do the maths with sentinels being 160 points and doing mw on a 6 to wound (because nobody will waste a spell to get the 5 to wound).

    Next step, look for a replacement to that garbage in the army.

    I don't know why people try to hide the desire about deleting some armies they don't like by calling it “balancing”.

    Sure why not.

    At 160 points doing mortals with wounds:

    At 36" --1'7mortals wounds and 0'85 regular damage

    At 24" --2'2 mortals and 1'1 rend 1 damage

    So now they are balanced per example stormcast silimar unit of vanguard raptors with longstrike ballest cost 170 that is expensiver

    At 30" because they cant move --3'3 rend2 damage or 2 mortals and 1 rend 2 damage.


    So it is the same numbers,but stormcast are expnsiver,cant cancel magic,dont ignore vision,less wounds,less range.


    Why when people have units umbalanced and broken in their tome are happy with that free win and dont want have a balanced tome?

  5. I dont know others people,but for me the price is veeeery big factor.

    Per example i started a full dwarf city of sigmar army,but when i had 2000 points of dwarfs then i started to buy other units that i never liked.

    Now i have around 4000 points,because at a start per example free people are old models and i tougth were ugly when i started........but when i can buy 10 free peoples for only 22€ vs the 40€ of dispossesed units.....then the ugly and old free peoole seems more beautiful and this same is the reason that i bougth 2000 points of non dwarfs units for half money than i spent in my 1800 points dispossesed army

    10 free people for 22€

    Big behemoths as phoenyx or black dragons for 45\50€


    5 lumineths hammerers for 45€

    Teclis 130€

    I know people arent as me,but when the money is a big factor for me it is imposible compare these prices and buy lumineths and not citys.

    Even if i liked more lumineths,i feel that im being stolen my money with that price tag.


    I really hope that gravelord have similar prices to bonereapers or slanesh and not the ****** that was done with lumineths

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, Koala said:

    Fyreslayers are no surprise. I keep hearing they sell really badly. Which can of course become a self fulfilling prophecy.. sell badly => no new models => sell even worse..  but that is another debate.

    Yes as fyreslayer player im concerned with this.

    We wont get new units because we dont sell enougth,but we dont sell enougth because we only have two non heroes kits. And in future we gonna get the bretonia and khemri deal due to low sales.......

    I really hope after all the daemoms and elfs millions releases the dwarfs get finnally any new

  7. 7 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    For 300 points in CoS army 20 Freeguild Crossbows and a general put out 11.1 unsaved damage against a 4+ save target, at 29" with 1 CP spent.  

    For 280 20 Sentinels do 7.08 dmg at 36" with 1 spell cast, or 4.72 dmg without the spell cast. In the bracket I will put 2 units of 10 Sentinels, with two spell casts (6.71/4.49)

    For 320 20 Sisters of the Watch do 10.56 dmg at 24"

    First,sisters if you count 24" then she shooting only one shoot,so at 24" vs a -1 hit hero the sisters have only 6 damage(1 mortal and 5 no rend damage)

    Vs the less points sentinels at 36" doing 7 mortals wound and 1 or 2 no rend damage.

    Very good balanced units

    Now this damage vs a 3 save hero(heroes with natural 3 save as every melle hero or weak heroes in cover)

    320 points sisters do a total of 3 damage(1 mortal and 2 regular)

    280 sentinels do a total of 8 damage(7 mortals and 1 regular)

    So cheapers,extra 8" range,ignore vision and can dispell enemy magic and have almost 300% more damage vs heroes.....good comparation

    Even if you count the sisters with 2 shoots as you did,then his range is only 18" and cant move neither have enemy in melle and even at 18" vs the 36" of sentinels and being expensiver the sisters loose

    The sisters with only 18" range have 6 damage vs a hero thar is lower than sentinels with double range and ignore vision.

    And crssbowmens at 28" as you said is imposible because they cant move if you use the cp,so only 24" range and does 22 no rend damage vs heroes that with save 3 gonna be 7'3 damage that is the same than the sentinels,BUT at 24" cant move and spending 1 cp vs the 36" ignore vision of sentinels

    So if you want compare crossbowmen vs sentinels you must do it with the 18" profile of sentinels that with the move is 24" as thecrossbowmens.

    So im sorry but its imposible the comparation,sentinels are waaaaaaaay better than any city of sigmar unit sniping heroes, and with the double range and ignore vision.


    Sentinels must only does mortals with wound rolls and cost 160 to only start to be balanced

    • Thanks 1
  8. Every shooting unit must get the city of sigmar deal,very short range(16\18). only do the 50% of damage if moved or in melle and does 0 damage in melle.


    That would balance the game,and not these shooting 35+" ignore visions spam mortal,or teleport where they want each turn with0 penalty and ignore units in melle.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, TheCovenLord said:

    Absolutely this. How much do Cygors/Ghorgons/Hydra/Kharibdyss need to be reduced before they're just such a bargain for the wounds chaff? This mostly needs GW to be unafraid of warscroll re-writes and not much to do with a new ED. though.


    I have some hope though with the broken realms revealing pretty significant warscroll updates. However, the winter FAQ immediately reminded me it was GW at the helm.

    I dont know others behemot.

    But war hydra have low movement,and only does around 6\7 damage.

    To me even at 100 points would be a hard choice when for that cost others units have the same damage and havent degrading stats. But 170 seems a big joke

    • Like 1
  10. That never gonna happen due to the huge powercreep of gw.

    Maybe we have that unit that 100% wins you the game,but then next tome come with a even better unit and then the powercreep continue....


    Per example you have that unit with the rule: if put on the table you win the game.

    Next tome have a unit with the rule:the enemy cant put in the table units with the rule "win the game"

    Next tome: you army ignore the rule "win the game" and all your units have the rule"autowin the game"

    Then the cicle continue......

  11. Only saying that fyreslayers are one of the best(maybe the best) melle armys......and they have big problems to cover that 18" move in first turn and 100% charge.

    Sure if we use the vostarg alegiance we can run6 and charge(even then it is 10" move and a charge that have as 44% sucess at 18").

    And the most used alegiance is hermdar where we have a melle army with 4" move and only can have a +2 move in one turn in all the game.so the best melle army of the meta with the best list have at best 6" move one turn and 4 the other 4 turns.

    So it is false that every melle army can move 18" in one turn and that armys that cant do it are weak.

    Fyreslayers are the best example of this

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  12. Yes,when i compare my irondrakes with their 9999999 handicaps as cant move,cang have units in melle, only 16" ,very expensive 160 points and only 1 rend to the new broken units as the lumineths archers or the new morathi snake archers......

    Even the sister of the watch have the same mortals at ranged.......but at 18", cant move, cant have units at melle and it is 6 to wound not at 5 rerolling misses with hits.

    I dont get how gw team balance units

    The problem isnt only the mortal damage output(that it is a problem), it is as retarded easy is to do and havent counterplay.

    But after see how they didnt have done nothing to fix lumineths and moreover they have put other same level broken unit as the snakes,i havent hope that they gonna fix it.

    Pretty sure that the new mounted archers of slanesh and cangoos gonna have this same mortal damage and the trend gonna continue.

  13. Fyreslayers are for sure the most needed faction for new models.

    Update can be seraphons or skavens if soulbligth gonna get it now with the new faction


    Btw i bougth a 100% new 4000 points of cities,so not all the cities players are fantasy old players or peoples doing kitbashing etc. And i hope never get squated or for sure i gonna say bye bye to gw

  14. I did a big buy in 20\11\2020. Im spanish and i bougth it at a spanish store. Almost all came in one week, but the box of sister of the thorn no.

    I called to the store and they told me that wasnt his fault that gw didnt send it. Then i waited waited.......today more than two months after and my sisters are lost yet.

    I called again,they told me that gw told them that the sisters were lost in any place betwen england and spain and that in 10 days they gonna send it again.

    So i guess i gonna wait 3 months or more for a simple box lol

    • Sad 1
  15. Seems a good plan.

    Maybe i changed the greatswords to a unit of 20 and then the middle board for dwarfs,the cavalry one side,and then the greatsword the other side.

    Its a good list and gonna be fun for sure.

    I never tried sisters,i built mine as wild riders and i usually bring the hurricanum + stormcast mage for hallowhearth lists

  16. For me the 3 kits that never should have been deleted for cos were

    -white lions: they were new,diferent to clasical high elfs and look amazing

    -skycutter:released in tye last wave of end of times so had a lifespam of around 1\2 years only

    -dragon princes: the best looking cavalry of all fantasy and aos but i suppose was deleted to avoid death players buying them to proxy as vampire cavalry. So they must pay the rip off of finecrap and not the cheap elfs

    • Like 2
  17. So what you think gonna be the vampirelord?

    1- a full only vampires armys,with foot ligh armored females vampires,heavy cavalry,cheap glass cannon unit of the berzerker winged vampire,and maybe one heavy armor infantry

    2-classical old vampire counts,with one foot unit and one cavalry unit of vampires and then some zombi\ghoul\skeletons

    I would like the option 2 because after collect fyreslayers......i think gonna be boring if it is only vampires and also vampires loose his "special and rare" feeling if all your army are vampires.


    But if it is option 2 what gonna happens? New kits?then what happen with the old kits of actual death? New kits that wont replace old?

    So per example new skeletons that gonna be more elites,bulky and come in 32 mm base now

  18. I love them,but nobody can argue that we are the army with less units of all aos.

    And even worse the units that we have are 90% the same model only changing weapons.

    Ironjaws as you said have the same number but they are veeeeery diferent,hardboys small orcs,brutes big orcs and mounted orc. Also they can use bonespliters units so they have now many more units

    We only have naked dwarf melle,same naked dwarf with diferent melle weapon,same naked dwarf with ranged weapon.

    We need any cavalry or monster.

    And idoneths is very wrong ir you think have the same problem that us.

    They have the same units than us only with thalls,melle and ranged(as us naked melle and ranged), but then also have two diferent cavalrys, sharks,turtle......they have as 6 diferents units when we have 3 ....

    Also the playstyle of fyreslayers dont help. Only one playable list that is pretty boring to play.

    If they buff our ranged unit to be playable then we gonna have any diferent to try.

    I have fyreslayers and city of sigmar and the 90% of my games are with cos because they have so many options that every game is new and fun where fyreslayer are allways the same and oponent hate play vs hearthguards

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