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Posts posted by Doko

  1. 1 hour ago, Random said:

    I'd happily pay more for modern metal minis. I've seen what incredible detail can be etched into molds with lasers firsthand before. I still can't get used to how flimsy plastic minis feel, even after decades of playing...

    100% the oposite,metal minis allways have worse details than plastic,it is a fact. The metal cant get in little crevices so good as plastic, i saw a designer in youtuve saying it.

    Also metal is the worst material for build models,hard to remove seam lanes and nubs,have huge gaps everywhere,need pinning or break with nothing etc.

    Also painting,have so poor detail that even masterclass paintjobs seems only average due to the zero detail of the metal,the paint rub off very easy and chiping with any touch.

    And moreover the metal is toxic.....

    Glad that gw never release more ****** metal never. Worst material never seen for a miniature ever,i gladdly prefer chinnese recast in resin or even resin of finecat before metal

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  2. I have dispossesed and fyreslayers.  Im a dwarf lover but i cant buy kharadrons because i hate steampunk style so to me they are soooo ugly.


    So i would be happy to have a big wagg tome with dispossesed alegiance,fyreslayer alegiance and a joined alegiance of dispossesed and fyreslayer.


    Also new units:

    Ungrim reborn,as the avatar of fire

    New units half dispossesed half fyreslayers(as umgrin was)

    • Like 1
  3. Gw have forgotten us in the aspect of battleforces or dualbox.

    But in releases......really every non daemon,elf or stormcast have got the same number of new units than us(0), because the new hero of dual box dont count.

    And we have got scenary,endless spells,shadespire warband and even we have fyreslayers in the soulbund rpg game.

    So even if some dwarf hater in other post want us deleted seems gw hadnt forgotten us.


    I really hope new releases soon after all this spam of elfs

  4. Hard to know,we allready have free guild heroes on foot buffing melle and ranged units.

    The witch hunter if gonna be a only combat hero with no aura or nothing special there is a 90% chance that he gonna be useless(i think i only have used the grinwrath berzerker of that style heroes because others as the stormcast of blightwar are useless)

    The paladin\knigth i guess a dwarf king stats with some ability to do her special

    The badass kislev captain i guess something special against vampires as the last stormcast of broken realm?

    I hope they are ok and not useless so i have other reason to buy the box

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I actually ahve no clue how much Euros you can put in the basket...so I went with 300@ max.

    I put in all the models I wouldn't buy due to their price:

    4x Symbaresh Twinsouls
    2x Blissbarb Seekers

    and a flight stand to get closer to 300€ XD

    The cap is 300 libras,so i just changed to delivery to england and i got to 300, then i changed to my country(spain) and chose these same items and it was 370€ i think

    • Like 1
  6. I prefer 2000 because i have more room for more units.

    But i have played some 1000 points against new players and i usually just run my 2000 lists but cutting heroes and elite units.

    Also we never tougth reduce the objetives,we played with the measures of meeting engagement that are smaller than regular 2000 points maps.

  7. Very easy,the game plans are balanced with 2000 points.

    At 1000 points if you use the same battleplans that for 2000 points wont be balanced.

    You have to defend and get the same number of objetives but you have the half units to do.

    So at 1000 points expensive units are useless and horde is even better than it is at 2000 points allready.


    Example at 2000 points a elite army with 6 units can use 3 to defend and other 3 to attack but at 1000 points only have 3 units and now or defend or attack but cant do both.

    But a horde army have around 14 units at 2000, 3 to defend and 11 to attack,at 1000 points gonna have 7 units,enough to defend and attack with 3 units.


    At 2000 its balanced,at 1000 is umbalanced and it is autowin for the horde army.

    Also at 2000 points models as nagash,archain etc are around 50% of you list but at 1000 almost all you list.


    Even at 2000 we would call it umbalanced if we had 4000 points games,

  8. My changes to do good vulkites are:

    Unit of 5 for 60 points(so the box is now two units for same money)

    Range extended to 2" as a base of 30 makes them useless in big numbers

    Delete the throwing axe and give them a extra attack with the double axe or pick(as fyreslayer player the 90% of the time i even dont use them,i dont wanna do 1 or damage and so the rival remove closest models to me and i have a worse chance of charge now)

    Also the auric hearthguard could use the same buff than the snakes got and double his damage because they are useless out of bodyguard duty.


    But all this only gonna bring the competitive players,release a battleforce to bring players that are dubious about start the army due to the cost or new units and fyreslayers gonna be popular and great.

    • Like 1
  9. Hate for stormcast? How i hate stormcast when is my army?

    I dont buy new chambers because i have enough units allready for various diferent lists and i dont wanna buy more stormcast when i can spend that money for new armys.

    Btw following your logic,city of sigmar is so popular as stormcast or more,and had 20+ units deleted with his tome and the reason that was given for the writer was that gw said him that he has to delete units because had too much.

    So stormcast is so popular as city of sigmar and have 62 warscrolls but must get new units.

    But citys have 62 warscrolls and had 20+ units deleted because they had too much also last city model released was at 2013


    So both armys have same popular rate and same warscrolls and city didnt got a model in 8+ years where stormcast got in 2 years ago.


    Following your logic city player deserve new units!

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Feii said:

    Stormcast players deserve a new chamber to be opened

    How? A army with 60 +warscroll deserve more new units when we have others 10+ armys  with less than 15 warscrolls


    Stormcast dont deserve new chamber for others 10 years untill every other army of aos have got a new wave.

    Im a stormcast player,i got the basic chamber and the vanguard chamber,i didnt get any of sacrosant and i wont get any new because i have allready enough. New tome? Sure, new units? Hell no

    • Like 3
  11. Sure lets only focus and release for factions that are best sellers so aos gonna be as 40k where the 70% models are marines, because marines are the best sellers.


    I hope aos never do that,i sold my taus because i got angry with all the marines ******.


    If aos start to only release for the best selling im out. Stormcast had this deal the first years,but we have had luck those last months without stormcast releases

  12. Up to you,some people who knows how read number showed how winnrate dont matter(novices playin the flavour of the month faction and loosing) and lumineths are the second army with more tournaments podiuns.


    Also i dont know because you are everytime saying that elfs are the most popular and dwarf arent popular\must be deleted\are ugly etc etc.

    Plz a respect for dwarf players if you want that people dont take you as a hater of dwarf and only ignore you

    For the record,dwarfs were the 8th more played faction and high elfs 4th. So neither dwarf are last or high elfs were the more popular




    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Feii said:

    that's why the LRL are the most played faction on TTS  and consistently is ranking super high in army surveys (like the TGA poll where it was the first)? Even before the second wave. 

    (about the TTS stats they had the second highest playrate in TTS tournament in time period from february 2020 to february 2021 even though they were released in June 2020) 

    No, fyreslayers are just  a concept that isn't very likeable on its own and where there are armies yet to be released that have already more potential players than fyreslayers the real ones why should GW put effort into a failed project? The development time isn't worth it. We need skaven/seraphon revamp, khorne update,  Malerion/Tirion/KO second wave. Give grugni a real dwarven faction and roll the fyreslayers into them.  They can be the elite warriors/fighters in that army. 

    No,lumineths have that playrate in tts because they are broken and are overpower,in tts where people dont have to build or spend money its obious that who want win only can play with seraphon\lumineth\idoneths.

    And in reallife lumineths got allready his special box even before than his ofitial release.......

    • Like 2
  14. If fyreslayers get a battleforce or dual army box they gonna be at the lvl of the median for sure.

    Every aos faction have got any special box(battleforce,dual army,skirmish,warcry,allys box etc) but fyreslayers.

    Only fyreslayers got 0


    This is the main reason that they are last in play rate.


    Also i dont think gw gonna abandon them when they got shadespire box,terrain and endless spells when many other armys that are in the top of popularity as city of sigmar didnt got.


    They only need a bundle boxe to be popular or new units

  15. 10 hours ago, stratigo said:

    mean... look upon these stats ye mighty and despair in the shooting meta. Deeeespaaaaair (hint, there's no shooting dominance)


    I allready did a post showing how gw overbufed the turtle of idoneths for 340 points when his stats are from 500+ points and idoneths called me liar or cryier......now the tournamenth data show who had the point.

    16+ wounds with save2, aura of +1 save,21 damage,fly and fast,together the also overbufed new shark who many people are starting to abuse and bringing as ally who can.

    Was easy to see how idoneths are the top army together seraphons.

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