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Posts posted by Doko

  1. 4 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    €45 for 20, quite probably more expensive than that.

    Yes more possible 40€ for 10 and lucky if it isnt 45€ following the trend.

    Btw i dont mind the price because these new zombies are so ugly that i dont want them even if they are free,the grave and the pose are horrible and uglier than actual zombies

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  2. Setlers gain sems 100% the same than har kuron

    Gonna be the new city of sigmar city,with only humans and 1 of each 4 units lumineths.

    Also sems the batallion box if we gonna get again boxes i think is free people for sure,my idea is something as luminark+flagellants+big swords or demigryps

  3. Hey guys,i have been using for 5 years the gamesworkshops nipplers and they are a bit too big and blunt for me.

    I mean,i usually i cut with nipper in oposite position than recomended,with the gap toward the mini,so i have some milimeters spare from the nub.

    Then i use again the nipper with the intented use,with the flush head toward the mini and i cut closer and i end the job with the knife.


    But this is too much work,usually takes as 5\8 minutes for nub(every piece have as 3 or nubs so its many time)

    Moreover it is too much blunt and some pieces have been bend or broken even with many care and only using the tip of the nipper it push the piece and break it or bend if it is very tiny.


    So i am looking the web and the feedback on games workshop nipplers are HORIBLE,overcosted and very bad.

    But the good nipper as godhand are very fragile and i have fear that with gw kits with nubs or gates 300 or 500% bigger than gumpla or tamiya kits gonna break or damage the blade.


    So plz someome have experience with these nippers and gw kits??

    Godhand or others. Any examples




  4. 11 hours ago, rosa said:

    I personally don't like this new vamp model.

    Don't get me wrong... It is a great sculpt and I understand everyone who likes it.

    It's just that I like the more "high fantasy" way and this rather looks boring and bland. 

    But it's just me🤷🏻‍♂️

    You arent alone,i dont like any of these ulfenkard vampires.

    I want vampires with armor and not mongol vampires or vampires with butcher cloths

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  5. Seems a joke this post omg.

    Idoneths are the top army rigth now tied to seraphons.

    Got overpower new scrolls in br morathi.

    Have 6 diferent units + heroes when armys with 3 years older as fyreslayer only have 3 units.......

    Oh also in 6 years fyreslayer got 0 boxes where idineths in 2 years got one battleforce and one broken realm box.


    People are allready tired of all the elf attention and post as these dont help


  6. Lucky me,i eddited the original post one minute later that wrote i bet you my army that you wont find one lol

    But pretty sure that must be alone lol

    Btw i also find anoying that every buff is tied to factions,but i dont think be so bad. I usually run dwarf themed lists,but have room for the hurricanum and others 700 points for other faction combo.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Doko said:

    But this post is about our behemoths and not as broken are other factions as idoneths.

    The answer is in my post,and yes i hate idoneths because they have 0 counterplay and are too much easy to play(reason of the high win rate)

    Only put eels tanks with 2 save invulnerable(turtle +1 and the free cover or bonus when charge)ahead of your units and laugh of your oponent shooting while then charge with the dps eels and delete all.

    The concept was supposed to be a glass cannon army that needed survive 2 turns to then come back at turn 3 with the wave and change the game.

    But now the concept is far away,they are the most sturdy army of the game (betwen the free cover in turn1 and the turtle have a +2 save in all the army doing them save2 in every model not thall)inmune to shooting meanwhile being the fastest and deadly army of the game.

    My problem isnt that i hated idoneths,i hate umbalanced armys and a army with 0 counterplays is broken and i hate that


    But last time that i mention idoneths,as i said in my other post this is about our behemoths and not idoneths

  8. I really think people are overacting with shooting.

    Only we need some fix:

    -lumineths changed from mortals on hit to wound

    -kharadron a rework or big nerf to the fly high(his shooting isnt the problem)

    -tzenth nerfs in points to horrors and flamers

    -daugther of khaine again the same than lumineths,changed the mortal wound of snakes in hit to wound.


    The shooting is fine,the problem are these overpowers units.



  9. 12 hours ago, Zeblasky said:

    The last time I've checked Idoneth Meta (like a few moth ago) it was Eels, then Eels, followed my... More Eels? Oh, and Aetherwings, of course. And no turtle in sight. Perhaps my knowledge if out of date... *looks up warscroll* oh god it's pure +1 to save now, how did I miss it, Turn 1 Idoneth must be so broken now.

     you need see warscroll first,he got as extra 6 more damage AND +1 save  himself and aura +1 save.


    And yes you need see more tournaments because since br morathi EVERY idoneth lists are 100% the same.

    3\4 tank units of eels tanks

    3\4 dps unit of eels dps

    3\6 sharks






    You can see results in this web,i dare you  if you can find only ONE idoneth list in any 20+ people tournament and top 10 that havent the turtle


    But this post is about our behemoths and not as broken are other factions as idoneths.

    you are rigth i said anvilgard when i meant living city. And in the living city post we have many posts showing as durthu is better than dreadlord with items etc,even  no heroes units as stormcast deacoths are better than dreadlord.

    Sure durthu is slower,but that it is all, he does so much more damage(as 7 damage gap with items) and its more tanky(dreadlord without shield if you are bringing in living is for the bow). 

    I myself only use the black dragon in fun games vs undepowered enemys or starting players with anvilgard,he have a spell,a 5 special save and gives back 7 mortal wounds in melle when killed,he isnt great as other armys behemoths but is fun.

    I really miss the aos1 feeling when i fielded my dragonlord,the enemy feared him,i could snipe heroes with the breath, killing behemoths 1vs 1 and tank for ages, now the enemy only laugth if i field him as black dragon and gives me thanks for the handicap

  10. We have many old world heroes back:tyrion,teclis,eltharion,malekith,morathi,allarielle,durthu,sigval etc


    So why cant dwarfs have some old heroe back??? Umgrim seems 100% the perfect option,he is rebornt because he become a god when he got the fyre wind in end times(the same reason that tyrion have been rebirthed in his tome).

    Also he is a half dispossesed and a fyreslayer and he got the fyre wind so is great if he come back as the avatar of fyre,or grimnir and he is the hero that unite dispossesed and fyreslayers in a new tome.


    • Thanks 1
  11. I agree with you,win rate is useless because can be skewed. But that web show also the tournament results.


    So as you said we have many mono armys in citys that dont use the potential of have 62 warscrolls, but many others top tournament players are triying tye best comp with the best unit of cos and even then:


    Seraphons: 25 top 10 results

    Idoneths: 12 top 10

    City: 5 top 10 and 0 1 st and 0 second positions.


    So as i said i agree with you that win rate isnt very usefull, but tournament top results are 100% only showing the tops lists of every army and with this the gap is huge betwen citys and the top. In win rate citys are t4 and i said we are t3 because i ignored the win rate table and i only see the tournament results.

    Even then,to me citys tome is great,very competitive and have huge options,in general i LOVE the book, but the behemots are too much useless.

    Yes we have some niche lists as sorceres with the portal and the delete save of enemy with a block of darkshards, but for tournaments are useless because have to much counters or arent reliable to can go beyond 2\3 and so middle tier.

    I said in other post,the title is a clickbait, our behemots arent useless(hydras,steam tank and behemot mages i think are useless) but are underpower vs every other army behemot.

    Yes have any use and can be buffed,but other armys behemots can also be buffed and are better than us unbufed.

    This wasnt a rant about how bad is city tome as army because as i said city is competitive and fun to play. Was a post only showing tye gap betwen our behemots and others behemots.

    Even bad behemoths as magmadroths are better than our

  12. Yes the turtle inside of idoneths is worse than our sorceress in our city list........but seems that every tournament player dont know this because idoneths are THE BEST army rigth now at the level of seraphons and the 100% of list bring the turtle.

    But wonders citys are a t3 army and the sorceress have 0% playrate.

    Your example is useless and tournament data show the reasons.

    Also yes the dragonlord is great in anvilgard.........but a no city behemot as durthu is 100% better than him doing his role inside of anvilgard.otyer example of as dragonlord is useless when a supossed bad behemot as durthu out of his army is better than our behemot.

    Im not crying,are data showing as 2 is less than 3.

    Btw i wont take my time showing you the same example but with turtle+eels because tournament data shows it allready



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  13. We have 1 unit and magmadroth in our sc. Total fyreslayers units are 3

    Kharadrons have 3 units and one hero in their sc. Total khara units are 6

    So in our sc we have the 25% of our units and ko have the 50%(or 65% if we take in count that they can build the ballon as two versions)

    But ko have got two battleforced and one dual box.

    Even the dual box is almost 100% the same units that the start collecting.

    Very posible have a battleforce with:


    10 hearthguard berzerkers

    10 hearthguard shooting

    Yes same box but diferent unit,and many battleforce repeat same box but showed as diferent builds.

     Also with the runesmitter on foot and runeson on foot from the magma kit we have a great battleforce is diverse.

    Yes it havent battleline but this last ko box neither had any company.

    I have only 1500 points(really only 1250 or so but with a runemaster proxy and batallion it get to 1500) and i need bring gotrek to play 2000

    Im waiting for any battleforce or other box with any unit to get it to 2000. Or new units but that seem imposible.

    And also i would be very happy to have a joined tome,i have dispossesed and fyreslayers and this would be a great chance to get some khara 


  14. 4 hours ago, yukishiro1 said:

    If you are really committed to fixing shooting not by limiting what can be shot but by giving people reasons they might not want to shoot certain targets, I would just say that any time you shoot at something that is either a hero under 10W OR engaged in combat, each hit on a 4+ can be assigned by the other player to any other target within 3" of what you're targeting. 

    City of sigmar general have this same rule or almost the same and is 100% useless vs kroak and lumineths.

    Look out sir must be a rule that makes imposible to target the hero with shooting and magic

  15. As i said the first sentence,they arent useless,the title was a clickbait.

    But karl franz with the battalilion are 320+140(the batallion) to do 17 damage when others behemots as the idoneths turtle for only a unbufed 340 points do 21 damage allready and moreover bringing a +1 save aura.

    As i said he isnt bad but even buffed with a battallion he is a joke vs others behemots.


    Per example if we add buffs to others behemots,the seraphon trex can skyrocket to some as 30+ damage or the triceraptos to 40+ damage with the insane buffs stacking of seraphons and cost 210 points....


    Our behemots arent useless,but really need a boost(a HUGE boost in case of our mage behemots) to be comparable to every other behemots.

    I think after look other behemots only the magmadroths are so bad as our city behemots

  16. Ok,the they arent useless but they are worse than every other behemot of other armys.


    General on gryfon 320 makes 10 damage

    Black dragon melle 300 makes 11 damage

    War hydra 170 makes 7 damage

    Steam tank better not include because its a joke.

    Mages behemots:


    Black dragon mage 300 makes 8 damage only 1 spell and a joke 5 save and nothing more

    Mage on gryfon even worse than the black dragon.


    Then we have others armys behemots as :


    idoneths turtle 340 for 21damage and a aura of +1 save and 1 hit for thalls

    lumineths avalenor 360 for 17 damage and aura of -1 hit to enemys

    dok slaugther quen on cauldron with the avatar awaken(66% chance turn 1 and 100% in others turns) for 270 makes 17 damage and have prayers and a aura of +1 save

    seraphons saurus scar on trex only 210 and unbufed(they have 9999999 free buffs in every alegiance and everything) for 14'5 damage.


    mages behemots:

    we have almost every mage of 250+ cast 2 spells with save 4 or better and feel no pain of 5 or 4 

    verminlords,keepers of secret,avatar of idoneths,every mortarch(manfred,neferata etc)and a big etc

    Dok bloodwrack shrine around 10 damage if we count ranged etc,1 spell and 2 dispells for 160. So this is the 100% same stats than our black dragon and grifon mages..........that cost 300 but the shrine cost 160.


    So i really never tougth that citys behemots were so bad untill i started to see other tomes behemots.

    As is posible that our melle behemots that dont have any aura of +1 save have similar cost that models as the shrine of dok or the turtle of idoneths that have as a 100% more damage(ours have 10 damage vs 17\21).

    If we compare to other behemot only melle and without auras as the seraphon trex,then the trex does 14 damage for 210 vs the 10 damage of ours behemots that cost 300\320

    or our war hydra that is only 100% damage with 0 utility cost the same than the medusa shrine but the shrine does more damage,can cast one spell and dispell 2


    also as it is posible that our behemoths mages only have 1 spell,with 5 save and 0 fell no pain when every other mage behemot with similar cost cast 2 spells,3\4 save and 4\5 feel no pain.

    Also our debuffer behemot,the phoenyx cost 320 for 8 damage and -1 wound vs avalenor for 360 makes 17 damage(double damage for 40 points lol)and debuff -1 hit


    i dont think our tome is bad,it is great and i think we are pretty competitive,but our behemots are a joke.


    seeing other tomes our cost would be balanced with:

    melle black dragon and gryfon 230

    Frostphoenyx with annointed 220

    war hydra 100

    black dragon and gryfon mage 200 or actual 300 but get 2 cast,save 4 and 4++

    what do you think? Its true or im wrong?

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