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Posts posted by Doko

  1. In the blurry pic i only see zombis and bones in pikes. Only a scenary and not units.

    I dont think dual kits as cavalry or dragon gonna get new kits.

    New big centerpiece for sure,i hope a big badass dragon with aborash

    Vampires on foot in a unit of 3\5 i think,also a unit of berzerkers vampires with wings as we got the shadespire vampires.

    I dont think we gonna get all the wolfys units fron cursed city,i think that is something special done only for the box.

    Also i dont think ghost,arkhan,nagash and morgast gonna stay in this tome,they are bonereapers and nighaunt in my opinion

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm somewhat interested in that double Hurricanum plus Battlemage box. I was looking to pick up one of those and the mage anyway. If the price is good, that might be a nice pick up.

    That is only two hurricanuns box,the mage showed come inside of the hurricanum box.

    It is only they have put the battlemage from the hurricanum out.

    It is the worst box of all br box so far,only 90€ when the median was around 105

    • Thanks 1
  3. Whats wrong with old skellys kit? Im a order armys player and i gonna buy 100% for sure soulbligths,and i really prefer the grave guard to the new skellys.

    I think i gonna try have some as 10 new skellys 10 old skellys and 20 grave guard for my 40 skelly unit.

    It gonna be very dinamic and for sure cheaper than the new skellys.

  4. I have 4 order armys and i gonna buy for first time a no order army.

    But i feel something missing. Many trash units as zombis,skeletons,bata etc and a cavalry unit. But where are the elite infantry units as foot vampires or the wolfman of cursed city? Where is the little monster as the vargulf? Where is the big badass centerpiece as vampirelord on dragon?

    Yes all we have seen is great but something is missing i hope

  5. So far nothing seems special. The weapon of the wich hunter is 0,6 mortals wounds output that is horrible.

    The spell isnt useless but we have many better options in each city.

    Also the zombi seems the same protect skill than the regular necromancer and his damage is lower than every foot hero.

    I hope they have any good as comand skills or auras but i wont buy the box only for the heores so i wont play them if it isnt with proxy

  6. Greatsword dont makes sense at 140, they must cost 20 more than every other elite unit in our tome.

    How is posible that greatsword have the same cost that hammerers per example?

    Have 50% more move

    Does mortals on hit and not on wound

    Have  a +1 hit 

    So all this is better than hammerers  for same cost and the only downside is the inmune to moral ofhammerrs near to hero.

    Really to me would make more sense:

    Rangers 100

    Executioners 100

    Hammerers\black guard 120

    Greatswords 140

    Phoenyx guard 160

    Rigth now dont make sense how the elites are pricee

    • Like 1
  7. We only have one little boardgames\magic store to play where i live and our aos group are around 15 people(but so far in the year that we created it only around 8 of us play)

    The most popular armys are stormcast(everyone have them due to aos cheap starter box or due to mortal realm serie) but even if all us have them only one or two have played them in games.

    Then due to mortal realm nigthaunts are the most popular also,and again almost no games played.

    In actual games,the most played are city of sigmar(almost all us are 30+ years old old lovers of fantasy),seraphon and bonereaper.

    Then some legion of nagash,idoneth,ogors,slanesh and new giants. Or and one fyreslayer(myself)

    Our group is new so usually people are buying battleforces and start collectings and dont try run the meta lists


    • Like 3
  8. I gonna start saying that the balance is bad.

    Before we had one army very broken (fec,slanesh,bonereapers,dok,nagash etc)and then the rest were more or less balanced.

    Rigth now we have many broken armys(seraphon,idoneths,dok,kharadrons,lumineth and tzenth) and the gap with the other armys is huge and umplayable.

    Gw balance is almost non existent,faqs(when we have......) That only nerf 10 points are useless,no nerfs in scrolls etc.

    Seems they prefer balance the game releasing more broken armys,new tomes,new overpowers warscrolls as idoneths or morathi got,etc 

    So balance a game only releasing more broken things in fact is a indirect nerf to the old overpower army but due to this we have the situation that you described.

    That is the inflated damage of every unit,rigth now as you said the units die in one turn and it isnt fun.

    I dont think gw even try balance the game,they only buff in 10 points every unit in each faq so people feel that his army is stronger when is a lie because every other army got the same buff,so the overall balance dont change. 

    If they really wanted balance the game we would see changes as sentinels only doing mortals in wound rolls,or kroak cant extend the range of his spell,or morathi double attack cp only for melle phase and not usable in shooting etc.

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  9. I agree,idoneths need a new battletome because they didnt got one in all 2.0

    But for what?? 

    New lore? They only gonna add br morathi lore and nothing new

    New warscrolls? They only gonna add the new br morathi scrolls

    Reduction in points or buffs? They are top tier army together seraphon,tzenth and dok so they cant buff them(i would say turtle,eels and shark need nerfs but only my opinion)

    Scenary?they allready have

    Endless spells?maybe but as i said a top army dont need nothing new and we have many 2.0 armys as ironjaw,kharadron,city etc... That havent endless





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  10. I just play with this list vs a null miriad bonerepeaper list,with arkhan,bonesinger,hero on horse,40 mortek guard,5 cavalry,6 elites dps and one crocodile behemot.

    At first i had feared due to my army be full magic and he being null miriad that cancel my magic with a 2( with his comand ability)

    My list was:

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Hallowheart
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Battlemage (110)
    - Artefact: Whitefire Tome - All Spells
    - Mortal Realm: Shyish
    Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage (280)
    - Lore of Whitefire: Ignite Weapons
    - Hallowheart 2nd Spell: Sear Wounds
    Runelord (90)
    - City Role: General's Adjutant
    Warden King (100)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Veteran of the Blazing Crusade
    - Artefact: Agloraxi Prism
    Knight-Incantor (120)
    - Lore of Whitefire: Elemental Cyclone
    - Hallowheart 2nd Spell: Warding Brand

    20 x Darkshards (200)
    10 x Hammerers (140)
    30 x Ironbreakers (270)
    20 x Irondrakes (300)
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Ancestral Weapons & Shields
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)

    1 x Gyrocopters (70)
    1 x Gyrobombers (80)

    Whitefire Retinue (140)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 130

    I had luck and the battleplan was the knife at the heart i think was the name(only one objetive in each map) so i could TURTLE all my army inside the ironbreaker and get every buff and aura in all my units.

    Turn 1:

    I had a bad start doing to my hurricanum 6 mortals with the hallowheart command ability and then only healing myself 1 damage with the d6 heal.

    But with  a +6 cast and others +2 due to hurricanum and battalion i could cast every buff that i wanted and enemy couldnt do nothing.

    I only moved 4" ahead and we was out of range of ofensive magic and shooting. 

    He only advanced and had bad luck with his magic doing zero.


    Bonereaper won doubleturn and charged me with ALL,my 30 ironbreackers was in combat with all the enemy army,only mages and the behemot were out of combat.

    But to my surprise i "only" lost 24 ironbreakers in all this turn,they had the -1 hit of protection of pha, mystic shield, +1 wound,do mortals with 4+ when they die,+1 hurricanum,+1 attack(vs the mortek guard). And moreover to my surprise they almost deleted the 40 mortek guard betwen the raw damage and the mortals when they die.

    After that i deleted every unit with shooting and magic, only mages and behemot were alive at the start of turn3


    Bonereaper won initiative but didnt do much and i deleted all his army with shooting but arkhan,then the copters ran to his objetive and i won the game.


    Overall pretty sure that i won for the battleplan and i would have lost with other battleplan that i had to loose buffs and auras due tomultiples objetives to capture.

    Also im pretty proud of how the ironbreaker could tank all the bonereaper army and dont die and do that damage.

    As allways the irondrakes with the +1 attack if not moved,+1 hit of hurricanum,+1 wound of spells, rerroling 1 to wound for longbeards and +1 rend of runelord were very destructives and delete every target.


    I hope you like the game,i havent pics but was pretty fun


    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, stratigo said:

    balance is a mess. Seraphon are too good. LRL look to be approaching that level, especially with a new wave of releases. IDK are too good. Based on actual winrates and top finishes.

    Yup,and i would add also tzenth and his retarded low cost units and free +1rend and the new overbuffed snake archers with doubl shooting and teleport with the overbufed new morathi.

    • Confused 1
  12. Yes i dont get how stupids are the ceo of gw. How heck they hope that aos be popular and get more people when aos get a 10% of the marketing that 40k get.

    Also dont help when new people get attracted to the fantasy game of gw and not 40k with the great videogames as totalwar or vermintide but when they go to a store to buy his fantasy army.......they find that fantasy is gone and all the heroes died,and they must play to other game called aos,that have a diferent lore than the game that they have played,and havent the same armys(or they must play cripled versions of that armys as citys)


    Aos would be so much more popular if we get any game as totalwar:age of sigmar that i cant believe how the gw ceo dont see this

    Also new animated series.....and we get as allways 999999 for diferents teletubies of marines and 1 tau and 1 dark eldar but 0,0 for aos...

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  13. In general our war machines are useless,his damage is too much low. Compare it to stormcast war machine.or to sentinels that have more range than many war machines,ignore vision,cost the same or less and does the double damage than our machines and with mortals

    And the steam tank vs the seraphon turtle that shoot twice with a cp is a other joke.

    And the fact that who created the war machines(dwarfs) have lost his models also dont help 

  14. 3 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Karl Franz did not become Sigmar. Sigmar was a mortal man named Sigmar back in the world that was and became a god in that setting long before AoS.


    In end of times when karl franz died,sigmar entered to his corpse to figth for a time.

    In aos we have some stories telling us that celestant prime was a big king and hero of the old world and have gal maraz,so it isnt ofitial but many people think he is karl franz


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  15. The problem and for me do overpower and broken sentinels is the 0 counterplay and the damage vs heroes.

    Vs regular units i think they are fine,yes havent counterplay but his damage isnt so high.

    A look out sir doing imposible target heroes would fix it.

    But as other have said it is a joke as a unit with 36 treath range and los have this damage,others units with same range as city of sigmar artillery cost the same but have less damage(and not mortal or ignore vision and very risky),or stormcast long range bow that cost 170 and have same damage output but dont ignore vision.


    Really this unit need a new warscroll changing the mortal to wound rolls or a huge increase in points to 200+ to be balanced.

    The keywords are 0 counterplay,easy to play and unfun for rival. All these words makes them in need of a huge nerf and i hope the year that we get a faq gw finnally do his work.

    But i guess new lumineth artillery gonna be worse yet....

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  16. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm talking about Petrifex, Kroak, Sentinels, the old Slaanesh locus... That kind of thing. I don't think GWs rules designers are incompetent.

    I think these are great examples of how they are imcompetent.

    When we only need a firts glace to sentinels to know how broken they are but who are paid to balance them dont know it......they are incopetent or gw do it to sell more of these minis. Its one or other because its imposible so bad balance done by a competent people

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  17. Yes so i said the easiest change is move the mortals to wound,so they have less mortals and now the look out sir work.

    I agree with you that is imposible how a unit with 36" los,being a mage that many people forget this,doing mortals on 5 and a cost of 120 is a joke how have gone beyong first alpha testing.

    If they dont change anithing they gonna be broken even at 200 points.

    But they just buff almost at the same level to the snakes archers so i have 0 hope that gw gonna do something.

    I guess a nerf to 130 so the people see they have been nerfed and they gonna call the day

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