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Posts posted by Doko

  1. 20 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    That Magmadroth breath attack is bad. You have to wait a full turn of not shooting for it to gain any kind of killing power. It's max attacks is 10 for some reason? 3+ to wound is going to suck, and that degrading to-hit is brutal.

    Just so everyone realizes, at maximum power and potential (rend -3, 2+/3+, 10 attacks) the fire breath will do on average 5 damage to 4+ saves. That's pitiful for how much you have to work for it and hope you don't get bracketed. I'd rather have the D6 mortals every turn.

    Yes old breath was better in every situation.

    Oberwath old breath were d6 mortals and at 6" also d6 mortals. And at 12" was d3 mortals.

    New breath is useless at overwatch and even at the best scenario of 10 models is 5 damage rend1 that is worse than the old 3'5 mortal

    Old breath:

    -at overwatch or 6" are 3'5 mortals against 6 models

    -at 12" are 2 mortals against 6 models

    New breath:

    -at 9" and against 6 models is 3 damage rend 1(max rangue and same models than old breath)

    -at 9" and the max of 10 models is 5 rend 1 damage


    So even at the best scenario posible for new breath we are getting only 5 remd 1 damage that is so much worse than old 2\3'5 mortals against 6 models


  2. 8 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    ok, to provide further clarification in light of the "confused face" reaction. Monters with 4+ or worse save characteristic out of the top of my head (mostly I know order stuff): drakesworn templar, freeguild general and battlemage on griffon, dreadlord or sorceress on black dragon, skink and saurus heroes on monster mounts, Morathi, all the gargants, and the list probably goes on and on

    Ok to provide actual data(btw freeguild general have save 4+1 that is 3)

    Idk:turtles save2,eidolons save 3 and 5++

    Ironjawz:maw krushas save 3

    Vampires:vengolorian lords and vampire on zombie dragon save 3 and 6++

    Stormcast: celestant in stardrake,new dragons and new twin dragons save 3

    City of sigmar:black dragon and gryfons with shield save 3

    Kharadron:ironclad save 3

    I could continue but is easy see how almost every non mague monster have save 3 or save 4 with special save or ward after. It is almost imposible find one melle monsterheroe with a save of 4 and nothing extra(i think only trex of seraphons but they reduce damage in 1 so.....)

    • Confused 3
  3. Yes,i dont see anything so far giving me hope.

    -as every 3.0 book we gonna loose the lodges warloed traits and reliks etc,so we gonna loose the -1 wound aura or the run and charge or the attack first.

    -vulkites base 33" and range 1" so they are useless with 3.0 coherency

    -vulkites with shield 170 points for10 attacks at  melle of 4\3\1\1 doing them the single worst unit in points per damage of entire aos

    -hearthguard rangued lost bodyguard and bonus to monsters and only have 3 damage for 120 doing them also garbagge the ratio damage per points

    -hearthguard melle got deleted the 6++ withouth hero and changed from within 10" to wholy within 9" doing them umplayable in units of 15

    -grimwrath hero was nerfed in broken realms

    -new magmadroths,got a new breath(worse against less than 10 models),2 more wounds and 4 extra damage but increased a lot of in points that if the % of increase in points is bigger than the % of increase in damage then is a nerf

    -we know new runes are same than olds but with some sligth buff.


    So far i only see how in general a army that was a 7 is now a 4. As the 90% of changes are huge nerfs. 

    I had some hope for magmadroths or runes that were great and makeup for these nerfs but the time is close and we know almost everything allready and dont look good

  4. New magmadroth stats from one guy with the tome:

    -Big increase in cost.

    -+1 hit in claws

    -+2 attacks in maw

    -ryder a sligth buff

    -now have 16 wounds(old had 14) but have only save 4 when every actual monster have save3

    So in total old magma had a damage of 5 in melle and new have 8'8(ignoring ryder in both old and new as we dont know new stats) but a big increase in cost

    These changes could be good without a increase in points,but if the increase is big maybe be more nerf than buff

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  5. Btw new magmadroths in a web where someone have the book have said:

    Magmadroths now have 16 wounds but only save 4 now.

    Claws now hit on 3.

    Maw have 2 extra attacks.

    Ryders now have been buffed a bit.

    But now have been increased the points a lot of also,but dont say tye amount.

    He said that magmadroth have gone from garbagge to only bad when someone asked 

    Old magmadroths had a median damage at melle of 5 and new have 8'8.

    A extra of 3'8 more damage at melle,the new breath and 2 extrawounds for a increase in points........we need see how big increase but dont look great. Also a bad save 4 when almost any monster have save 3 those days

    Also mounts traits nerfed from 6 to only 3.

    -reduce damage in 1

    -stomp makes 3 extra mortals

    -shooting allways do a min of 5 models

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  6. Again other unit nerfed in fyreslayers.

    Lofnir of every magmadroth to only 3.

    Roaring nerfed from 12" to 9" 

    Roaring nerfed from auto hit and wound to must hit and wound

    Roaring nerfed from mortals to only rend1 

    Rosring damage nerfed against less than 10 models


    So again as happened with every scroll at tye battlebox we have another fyreslayer unit nerfed,as also was nerfed the both slayers heros in broken realms.

    At this point every hope for fyreslayers is lost because we havent more units that can save the day

  7. Lofnir nerfed from every magma to only 3.

    Roaring shooting nerfed from 12" to 9" and from mortal wounds to only 1 rend.

    The damage is better against units of 10+ models and more than 6" than old profile but is only 1 rend and not  mortals.

    I allways play with two gyrocopters because they are fun,but in aos3 where every unit is msu this profile of attacks are useless when every meta army are single monsters.

    And no word about more changes to other profiles of magmas.......so every unit scroll is useless and now seems magmas that were the last hope gonna continue being garbagge.

  8. Yes its a bit tiring every day check warcomunity and everyday see one or two eldars articles,heck even tau codex  week got less articles than eldars that week and also is a joke see how fyreslayers and idk are supposed to be incoming and only got as one article showing stats that we allready know of the last battlebox.

    But i preffer see any xeno before more marines

    • Like 1
  9. Vulkites with double axe charging have same stats than flesh eater gouls(close to hero and with 10+ models)


    But.......vulkktes cost 165 and gouls 90? 

    Granted vulkites have 20 w and gouls only one but for 180 there are 20 gouls with same wounds and save than vulkites but a 100% more attacks and base25" not 33" as vulkites.

    And flesh eaters isnt even close to competitive so that says how good are vulkites.


  10. At this point i havent any hope in fs.

    Worst scrolls of entire aos.

    Recicled art of tome.

    No new units even if is the smallest army of entire aos.

    And now the preview of new rules that explain how a unit of vulkites cost 170 with 3 damage in melle and is balanced and.........are tye same rules of 2.0 with only a sligth buff to non used runes and a useless new hero skill that is worse than generics.

    New scrolls are so bad that only huge things as every attack makes mortals at 4+. Or every dwarf attack twice. Or a +1 attack armywide could close the gap with the  nerfs.....for sure these same 2.0 runes wont change anithing

    • Confused 5
  11. Sorry but i wont change,phoeniciun is very poor and we have as 4 better citys.

    The +1 hit and wound is situational and with the cap of +1 in 3.0 is pretty useless,only being hurricanum as everyone and done.

    Also attack when die? Why?bring tank units to attack when die when i could use the other city that for 1 cp can attack twice?or tempest eye and give them +1 attack etc.

    Sorry its fun but for competitive havent sense

  12. Again this preview is lackbuster.

    A veeeeeery sligth updrage to our old runes.

    This isnt even close to start to close the gap with the huge nerfs of every scroll.


    Also is fun how they tells us as great and broken are this runes:


    6 to wound only one time per game.

    Median:1 mortal wound extra per each hearthguard unit

    So a full unit of 15 heqrthguard of 400 points can one time per game dish out the broken amount of 3 mortals wounds extra........


    Oh and one time per game and if you get a 6 in the rune you can with a 84% chance makes 1 extra mortal wound to units in melle...........its so broken that warrant get nerfed the aura and points of hearthguards or get nerfed to half attacks the vulkites.

    Only broken things as runes stacking every game or +1 attack or attack twice could bring one glimpse hope to fs but.....if this gonna be all that we gonna see we are f.....

  13. I could post numbers,but in this section we have seen every number allready.

    Worse damage in every situation than other battlelines

    Worse tanking im magic,shoting etc all that isnt  melle and even in melle is only sligth better.

    So sorry but they arent useless,but in competitive they havent a place because every other battleline is better 

  14. Skeletons are ****** and only black nigths are worse.

    Sure you can add 999999 buffs to skeletons and change a bad unit 4\10 to a 7\10 but......why dont spend these same buffs in other unit that be a 7\10 to get them to 10\10? 

    Skeletons are bad and wolfs even with new coherency are better and zombies also wins in every aspect.

    Skeletons only have one use:be played as proxy of grave guard

    • Haha 1
  15. The probem is that some scrolls are so bad that is imposible be fixed to be playable.

    Vulkites with base 30" and 1" range only can be fixed by a ignore coherency rule,and even then,the pick version with 5 damage betwen melle and range for 170 gonna be ****** even with rules of +1 attack or attack twice.

    Also every new rule wont change the fact that hearthguards are better than vulkites in every situation

  16. 1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

    Huh. Reused battle tome covers are really weird, and if I were a Fyreslayer player I'd get the strong impression that GW doesn't care too much about the faction. 

    Daughters are also really unexpected, but I'm also glad because it means they probably won't get souped. And the cover looks really awesome! 

    Also Era of the Beast is clearly not Era of Destruction. Really bummed out for all Ogor fans. 😐

    Yes,7 years with 0 new non hero units even if we are the aos faction with less units and we got nothing new.

    Middle\bottom tier in 3.0 and we get new scrolls nerfing every unit into the ground

    And now the last detaill,a tome with old cover,only gives us the impression of 0 effort toward the tome and no hope of get fixed the mess that was done with the news scrolls

  17. 2 hours ago, PJetski said:

    Fyreslayers had some of the strongest allegiance abilities and battalions in 2nd edition. There is almost zero chance that the 3rd edition enhancements and lodges will be anything but a downgrade, and a massive one at that.

    They could make up for it by improving warscrolls, but based on what we've seen so far... ¬¬

    Yes i think the same,they allready told us in the white dwarf that 3.0 tomed gonna bring simplifiqued alegiances and also wont have the specific enhacement of each lodge

    So we can say for sure bye to the -1 wound aura and also each lodge gonna be simplifier that usually means nerfed.

    And we wont get new scrolls for units,i only have a glimpse hope that magmadroths be buffed and finnally can be competitive for once since his launch,some as 400 points for same stats than maw krusha would be cool

    Also i would like a all dwarf lodge and barak tryng of kharadrons

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