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Posts posted by Doko

  1. I wont repeat more but as i have been saying one week,all in this book is a nerf of old book.

    Now hewrthguard 160 points is a joke,got a huge nerf in his aura and now cost 40 points more(if we count tye nerf of the box together)

    Vulkites with pick lost 50%damage

    Vulkites axe more or less the same but useless due to base 33" and 1" rangue.

    Aurics lost his use and arent bodyguards.


    So now we havent any unit that be even close to competitive.

    Also lost +1 save of battlesmith and rune of ash,and lost -1 wound of hemdar,also run6 and charge of vostarg,inmune moral etc.

    Lost every cp.


    I know i have been very netagive all this week,but now that tome is full revealed everyone can see how EVERYTHING is worse than old book.


    Yes have some tricks fun to play,as 400 points of allys getting runes(useless for gotrek that only can use the +2 mov),the can attack with father and one unit,or when the priest die get a free infornoth. Not competitive but fun.

    Im open for ideas,but mathammer dont have any unit that be even close to our old hearthguard 40 points cheaper,with better aura,with +2 save,-1 wound and attackimg first allways being inmune to moral.

    Oh and fyreslayers were allready middle\botton tier and this book is weaker so we gonna go direct to the botton

  2. Yes i know that i have been too much negative and now after have one people in my city that is in a group where one guy have the tome i know almost all.

    If people prefer that i say all is great,fun and every unit is good and cool!.....then i can say it but would be false.

    To be short every non hero unit is worse than 2.0 and we lost every lodge tricks as autorun6 and could run and charge or the aura of -1 wound. But heroes hit harder( but also are more expensive) there is a way to have our father in magmadroth(after 99999 setup and buffs and only one time per game) doing a insane damage with as 9 attacks at 2\2\4\3 

    But no problem,i wont post here again and tomorrow we gonna have in the web many people with the tome allready and you gonna can see all then.

    I really hope you have fun with the new tome because this is a hobby and that is the goal,but for competitive and tournaments players  as me,this tome is a decrease in power of the 2.0 tome

  3. 5 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I don't play against Fyreslayers very often, but isn't it the case that their strike first ability was locked behind a particular subfaction? On a quick glance, that doesn't seem to be the case here and will hopefully open up lists, rather than every army being from one lodge.

    Yes was tied to hemdar.

    But fs have 4 lodges.

    1-focused on magmadroth that cant use this cp

    2-focused in heroes that cant use this cp

    3-focused on autorun6 and charge so cant use this cp(only in enemy turns)

    4-hemdard that is the old lodge that had this cp and only this lodge can also use it now


    So nop,we habent more choices,because is the same than old,only one lodge can use it

  4. Nurgle  got a armywide 5++ and spam of mortals every unit unit every turn with nerfs to scrolls.

    Fs only have got nerfs to every scroll,every hero,every hability,so far only a sligth buff to runes and a sligth buff to throwing axes in all the new book.

  5. The new preview showing us the change to our allready attack first cp....


    Old was for every turn,new only enemh turn

    Old was every situation,new only if enemy have charged

    Old hadnt limits in number of use,new only one time per game per unit


    So far 3 nerfs for the same old hability and 0 buffs......in the style of every new leak of the book

    Yes other negative post,but is hard be positive when AGAIN other preview and is again other big nerf. So far fyreslayer book is only directs nerfs to every unit and hability of our 2.0 book,we havent nothing positive in the book to try be positive or habe hopes so far

  6. Again as EVERY single preview a huge nerf.

    Old was for every turn,new only enemh turn

    Old was every situation,new only if enemy have charged

    Old hadnt limits in number of use,new only one time per game per unit


    So far 3 nerfs for the same old hability and 0 buffs......in the style of every new leak of the book


    I guess next preview gonna show prayers nerfed to wholy within 2" and cast with a 6. Oh and throwing axes cant be used in melle and changed to 6hit and 6 wound......not many more things that can be nerfed at this point

    • Confused 5
  7. After all the reveals i think i wont use vulkites,battlesmith neither flamekeepers.

    I really dont see any use for new battlesmith,a buff of ward6 for a army that have ward6 in entire army for two turns(forge and rune) and his best unit have a 4++........so he could be great for other armys but for fyreslayers he is useless and dont makes sense,seems the designers dont have any idea about the army to change his +1 save to ward6 when we wont can use it

    Only hearthguards,some runemaster and maybe some magmadroth to try get hearthguard wholy within 9" seems playable.


    Spend half list in vulkites,flamekepers and battlesmith to get the flamekepers buffs rolling sems a waste of points to me.

    I hope grimwraths oaths be ok(i have 0 hope after all we know so far) because i love the model

  8. As every dual release,idoneths got huge buffs(new reavers are the best shooting unit of the game,thalls the best infantry,and now in a meta of shooting they are inmune to shooting in the most important turn) while fyreslayers only got nerf after nerf......so we allready know what designers team got each lol

  9. With all the army losing the +1 save of battlesmith and together the nerfs in points we gonna have so much worse effective wounds than 2.0......

    Also a bodyguard rule for entire army wont do nothing when the hero that we wanted protect(battlesmith) now is useless and wont be played.

    I really i have lost every hope for the book,every single unit so far have been nerfed,and now even our best buff hero have been done 100% useless.

    A 6 ward is so much worse than a+1 save in any army,but in a army with a armywide ward of 6 one turn and where our best unit have a 4+++ isuseless and dont make sense.

    Seems designers dont have idea about the army and only nerfed every single unit because they want less people play the faction so they can delete them soon.

    Its stupid as vulkites are so bad,even if we ignore the base33" and range1" they have stats of 120 points units but cost 170, and some unit as hardboy that isnt used is so much better than vulkites that is a joke.

    I have the fury new battlebox closed and i have built krondys,vargheist,black dragon and i am now building the zombie dragon........when i should have hype for a  new book and wanting build my fyreslayers.....but when i think anout the new tome i only get sad and enraged seeing as entire book are only nerfs to every unit.

    Also a shame that the best rule that have been leaked and im looking toward is the rule that give runes to every dwarf unit,so i can replace the useless fyreslayers units with dispossesed or kharadrons units......its a new tome of a middle\botton tier army,its supposed to have huge buffs to do it competitive but so far we only have got nerf to every unit 

    • Confused 1
  10. Yes,but in actual meta,0 rend wont kill anithing and picks damage is........almost zero.

    I have played with vulkites in 3.0 and i wont play again with them.

    Is too much hassle and time consuming and worst even not fun to play,i need waste many time min\maxing coherency in every charge to try attack with more models.

    I hope you have fun with your vulkites,but i never gonna use them untill gw fix the coherency even if vulkites would cost 120 as must

  11. 38 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    You are far too negative my dude

    Yes you are  rigth.

    But hard  be positive when every single leak are only nerfs for every single unit of a army that was allready a middle\bottom tier.

    Vulkites nerfed

    Heqrthguards nerfed

    Auric nerfed

    Magmadroth breaths nerfed

    Grimwrath in broken realm nerfed

    Now battlesmith nerfed again

    And also we know we gonna loose every unique lodge enhacement and cp as every 3.0 tome


    So,so far we know every single unit have been nerfed and now also some heroes nerfed too,only for a sligth buff to runes.

    Yes im too much negative but so far we (fyreslayers players) havent nothing to be positive

  12. Easy.

    Base 33" and 1" range makes vulkites useless with new coherency.

    A  unit of 10 wont make damage,and id you bring 20 or 30 you wont can attack with more than 14 or so.

    Id vulkites would have 2" range they could be playable and we have many new combos with them.

    But the sad truth is they are umplayables due to new coherency

  13. 12 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    that would be true if the ability of the battlesmith was single use. it isn't. In your example, you bring back 5, then 2 more in the opponent's hero phase, and the battlesmith already paid for his cost and more before he does anything else.

    I would say the problem is more keeping the battlesmith alive if you're facing a lot of shooting, but maybe the book has CT/artefacts/other to do it.

    Also you cant use rally and inmune moral at same time,so if we are losing 10 models each turn we gonna loose with moral almost the same that we got back with rally.

    And also against shooting as you said the rival only kill the battlesmith first and againts melles he is useless. 

    Is a shame but the fact is again we got other good scroll nerfed into uselesness for no reason.

    What genious designer tougth that change a +1 save for a 6 ward in a army with a armywide rune of 6 ward and units with 4+++ that dont stack with ward was a good idea......and even call it a upgrade

  14. Yes vs shooting is cool,but.....a full unit of 15 hearthguards,you loose 10 to shooting and bring back 5 with one cp and rally.......or dont bring the battlesmith and spend his points in other hearthguard unit and you have the same extra 5 hearthguards in every situation and dont spend cp

  15. 4 minutes ago, PJetski said:
    1. They are not 100% melee
    2. It helps mitigate losses taken from shooting/magic
    3. It makes blocks of 30 Vulkites very interesting
    4. Historically Fyreslayers are very likely to kill anything they fight, and not get locked into combats


    1-only hearthguard is playable and is 90% melle

    2-with the 4+++ and ignore spells at 4+ of battlesmith,the heqrthguard hadnt problems with magic

    3-vulkites are umplayables so dont matter 

    4-if they gonna kill all in melle that they figth then what is the use of rally when nobody is dead?


    The fact is a autoinclude hero as was battlesmith,now as every new scroll have been nerfed. And now is useless and wont  be played in any game as he is 100% useless together hearthguard that is the only playable unit in the book

    • Confused 10
  16. Yes,i dont know what more can be nerfed,because EVERY single unit that we know new stats have been nerfed.

    Even magmadroth new breath is a nerf of old.

    If rally could be used in melle i would see any use for new battlesmith,but really for me is 100% useless and i wont use him never.

    As you said he would be playable together vulkites,but vulkites are umplayables and so this heroe also is useless.

    So far i only see same build that 2.0 but nerfed hard,with only hearthguards playable but now lost the +1 save of battlesmith and his aura is almost imposible to get with 15 models........i dont know if something in the tome can fix this,when every single new leak are only more nerfs

  17. As every unit of the tome now again battlesmith nerfed from +1 save to a useless 6 ward.

    The rally of 4 is cool but i dont know if worth bring the cost of a hero 100% useless hero to use rally with 4 when i could use his cost and bring one extra unit since the beggining.

    This would be cool and fun if vulkites could attack when die every turn and not only one time per game doing the interaction useless.

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