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Posts posted by Zeblasky

  1. On 1/22/2022 at 12:01 PM, Kasper said:

    What are you expecting the FAQ to change? I mean Blightkings do better damage, its just that they are slow so its the age old situation where you sacrifice a bit of damage for superior movement.

    I expect them to go up in points of course. Basically having a fast unit for 440 that is as tanky as Mega with old Amulet and can also do a lot of mortals is not okay. Blightkings doing more damage is also not quite true. If they are going up against low wound 4+ or worse save models, then yes, it is true. But if we're talking about 1+ save monster or my favourite 2+ save phoenix (4+ save plus 2 to its save), then Blightlords are quite superior due to their mortals on charge. That way high save high wound models are a great answer to Blightkings. But, more importantly, Blightkings are very slow. In certain missions it can be 2-3 movement phases, before they can get to the objective on the opponent side, and you can easily block them, kite them or shoot them off the board before they make any impact. They CAN deal more damage, but a smart opponent won't let them do it.

    If you want something to tank damage, you take Plaguebearers. If you want something to get where they are needed and do damage, you take Blightlords. Blightkings are in between and are kinda overshadowed in both roles at the moment.

  2. 3 hours ago, Vaux said:


    I want to get into AOS again and chose Nurgle for it, so after reading some stuff up I wanted to pick your brains to see if the list I have in mind is an okay list worth building up to.

    Allegiance: Maggotkin of Nurgle
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Lord of Afflictions (210)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: Overpowering Stench
    - Artefact: The Splithorn Helm
    Bloab Rotspawned (300)*

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (250)*
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (250)*
    4 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (440)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Plaguebearers (150)*
    10 x Plaguebearers (150)*

    3 x Nurglings (105)
    3 x Nurglings (105)

    Core Battalions
    *Battle Regiment

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 157
    Drops: 3

    The idea is to have the Plaguebears hold backfield objectives, while the Nurglings use Hidden infestation to generate summoning points and annoy the opponent. The Blightkings und Blighlords are there for marching down the field and spread the gift of Nurgle, while bashing some skulls in.

    I am open for any kind of advice and ideas.

    This is actually very close to the max meta build I was discussing above. I'd say go for Drowned men, replace Blightkings with 4 Blightlords (Blightkings usually are too slow and sluggish to do anything useful). Then you have 100 points left. You can leave them as they are for triumph, get some plague monks (85 points of screening), or may be remove 1 Nurglings and add 1 more unit of Plague Drones. But the best choice here is to instead drop Nurglings and take a hero and get an easy 1 drop build. With that you can go and reasonably hope for a 5-0 at a tourney, you just gotta do your tactics very carefully. You can still build this as one drop without a third hero (with one 3 times reinforced unit of Blightlords), if you really want it that way. With this setup it is quite easy to table most armies by a fourth turn, provided you won't get double turned against Fulminators or some very nasty shooting. And no, that's not Lumineth, their archers are too reliant on mortals you can quite cost effectivelly absorb, just not so much with your heroes. But hey, you can summon Deamon heroes, so who really cares? x)


    EDIT: was slightly wrong in points, corrected that in army advice section.

  3. 3 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Lots of great stuff, the only bit I disagree about is the Witherstaff/GUO.  I think it's ok but that 7" range combined with the GUOs tiny movement means I just don't think your going to get enough unit in range for enough of the game to justify an 500 point GUO (who's not a great pick without it).  Against a maxed disease unit you usually only adding one extra mortal wound a turn.   If we were staved for good artefacts it would be a different matter but Arcane Tomb, Splithorn Helm, Rust Fang and even shield of growths, we've got plenty to choose from. 

    I also feel like Favours Poxes is something of an overlooked gem already.  Not very easy to pull off, but the single most effective debuff in the game and potentially last forever.  Also helps us against Sons of Behemoth, which are both very hard for us to beat and very common in the competitive environment.


    About Witherstaff - yes, on paper it looks like only adding an extra wound, but in practice it makes Diseased rolls much more reliable. There is a pretty big statistical difference between mortals on 4+ and 3+. And the chances of a lucky streak with 5 mortals are so much higher as well. And then comes the 6 circle and you get 5-6 mortals around you every turn guaranteed. GUO having big base helps here as well, as you can tag multiple units within 7. But I agree, mortals here do have quite a great selection of reliable artefacts.


    I am also not sure that Megas are such a problem for Nurgle now, when you have 4x2 Blightlords to charge and beat down 2 megas. With a proper army you should be able to kill 2 out of 4 gargants by around a third turn. Honestly, 4 blightlords just need 3-4 turns in combat to take a Gargant solo on average, even if you count the fact that they will be losing models. And you have other assets to assist them in the task of beating down Megas, while Nurglings can just sit near opponent points, daring other Megas to move from the cap.

    • Like 1
  4. So, I've played quite a few games against top players experimenting with Nurgle and here's my 2 cents about Nurgle current state.


    Glottkin definetly seems overpriced by about 100 points, but it can still do some work. For a big supporting hero slot 2 picks seem most obvious hovewer. First is a Great Unclean One. In this army he's relatively squishy (ONLY 20 wounds for 500 points) and Nurgle Deamon spells are mostly pretty weak, but you take him for The Witherstave. Having Diseased mortals pop off on a 3+ is very powerful, and this artefact does stack with a Circle, so in one battleround you can have your mortals going off on a 2+, which is, well, crazy, anything around GUO will die unless he dies first. Another great pick is Bloat Rotspawned. He is quite cheap for his stats, has +1 to his casting, access to Mortal lore and his MW spam/debuff is pretty strong as well.


    Another thing of note are Plagubearers. They are nothing special except for being the tankiest unit in the book points wise. That won't win you games on it's own, but that is something to think about. They are great as 2x10 units to hold flanks and screen at the very least.


    Now, onto the broken stuff. First of all, Nurglings. Yes, Nurglings, you heard me right. Those little buggers right now punch way above their points. They have first turn deepstrike, they autoheal all wounds on a model and they usually spam enough Diseased points to defeat anything close to their price bracket in melee. I've seen 5 Vindictors charge into 3 Nurglings, and after 2 Vindictors retreated from 3 Nurglings. This is at least quite funny, sure. 1-2 of them in Nurgle army creates both a presence in the enemy side of the board for summoning points and a quite valid threat for your screens that are holding your points.

    EDIT: I've almost forgot about Beasts of Nurgle. Very cheap, quite fast, extremely maneuverable, deal good damage, annoying as hell and cheap to summon, as you can summon them every round without much trying. They are too cost effective in both their point and their summon cost.

    But all right, the main event, Pussgoyle Blightlords. These guys are what Stormdrakes dream to be. First of all, Blightlords, while not the tankiest Nurgle, are still quite damn tanky, 4 of them are almost exactly like Mega Gargant with old Amulet. Only Fulminators on charge can effectively deal with 4 Blightlords on one go, and Fulminators are quite overpowered themselfs, being the highest damage unit in the game at the moment. It's very hard to kill these flies, especially if you let them Rally once or twice. Then, they are fast, being the fastest Nurgle unit, especially if you take a subfaction that gives them a premove before the battle. They will get where they need to be. And then, the worst part, they deal so much damage, so many mortals... They deal mortals on charge (4 of them deal around 5-6 mortals to a single target AND they can deal those D3 mortals to all units within 1 of each model, so it can be even more mortals) , they deal mortals versus low wound models (four of them deal ~3 mortals usually), they will always max out Diseased on at least one target (so that's additional 3-4 mortals), they can even easily try spreading those sixes on 2 targets if needed. Their base attacks are not great and are quite bad against 1+ save, but they are very numerous all the same, so save stacking is not that bad here. So, just as an example, four Blightlords will deal 8 average damage against 3+ save just with their attack damage. If it's a 1-3 wound target, it also suffers ~11-12 mortals, if not, "only" ~8-9. And all that for 440 points in a tanky faction with summoning. My Anointed on a frost phoenix could not survive more that 3 turns versus 4 Blightlords every time, and that was before the Heroic Recovery nerf.

    So, Tldr: Pussgoyle Blightlords are tanky, fast and can deal great damage, so they are very good at everything. Enjoy them before FAQ drops.


    P.S. Oh, and Overpowering Stench is a must have on your general. It can break an opposing army if your general is placed just right.

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  5. On 1/16/2022 at 7:56 PM, yukishiro1 said:

    I really like the idea of making dragon breath have to roll under the number of models in the unit. Dragons sniping out heroes with their pinpoint scoped breath is just stupid and they shouldn't be encouraged to try it. You could let monsters count as 3 models for purposes of the breath if you wanted to give it a chance to do mortals against big targets too. 

    Black dragon has such a breath, and from experience I can tell that such type of breath can either be very strong or quite situational, depending on implementation. If you would remake Stormdrakes this way, while keeping the range, even with mortals on 5+ 4 dragons would decimate any kind of 1 wound unit if it's all in range, while killing more than half of 2 wound ones, and all that without double shooting. This would lead to a much more wild MW spikes, not less, and I do not think that you want 4 dragons killing 30 Ironbrakers or 40 grots in one shooting attack.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Consistent 4-1's is the sign of something being too strong, not 5-0s. The difference between 4-1 and 5-0 often just comes down to luck when you take all 5 games into account, so in general its acceptable to lump 4-1 results and 5-0 results together when talking about the top lists.

    Then let's wait for a lot of those 4-1 results. I'd say a lot of people running those full dragon lists right now are doing this not because dragons are too strong when spammed, but just because those models are so freaking cool.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Zappgrot said:

    To mean it does not really matter if the dragons are tournament winning or not. They are just not fun to play against. They just allow to little counterplay. Units that can cross the entire board in one ga and deliver a strong local punch should just not exist.   What is the fun in playing against something that eliminates meaning full choices.   

    Well, then why are you fine with Idoneth (can run, shoot and charge their whole army across the board), Ironjaws (3 units, including Mawcrusha), Living City (ranged deepstrike plus 1 unit charging)? It's not something new.

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  8. Okay, I am a little bit late for the discusion here, but I'll throw my 2 cents.

    Are dragons overloaded with rules? Yea, probably, they could lose one or two and get rebalanced, but I honestly don't care much here.

    Are dragons breath attacks too sqingy? Yea, on average 2 dragons shoud deal 3.66 mortal wounds, but in my experience they can deal from 0 to 12 mortal wounds (yes, I did roll 2 sixes once already), so that is something to think about.

    Are dragons just too good, especially when massed? Eeeeh, while I could be wrong, I personally do not think so, as I believe them to be quite overrated as of now. Are they good overall for their points? Yea. Are they good at everyhing? Eh, not quite. Their damage is decent, but even with spears and shooting they do as much damage as fulminators with shooting and fighting WITHOUT charging, although eating a model compensates for that. Double shooting is cool, but even on 6 dragons that's 11 extra wounds on average once per game. Their tankiness for the cost is decent as well, but truly great things about them are their manevurability and their contesting potential. Are they good as a middle cavalry? Yes. Should you mass a whole army of them? No, I do not believe so, as there are a lot of things that can destroy such a one dimentional build, especially if Stromdrakes players does not get the priority.

    Is 11 dragons build too easy to stomp casual lists with? Sure, but hey, it's not just Stormdrakes that can do that. You can also just spam full army of Fulminators or Idoneth Eeels with Leviadon for overwhelming damage, go with good old Sentinels or BoltBoyz for sniping, go with Ironjaws and their move across the whole board and kill anything with 3 rend alpha or just go with Nurgle, place your 4x2 Pusgoyle Blightlords in your opponent face turn 1 and watch him suffer.  A lot of builds can still kill casual lists without much skill or counterplay involved, no news here.

    Oh, and mark my words, once meta catches up, you will see a simular thread here about Pusgoyle Blightlords. Now those things are actually crazy, both fast (especially with premove), very tanky and quite damaging thanks to mortals on charge and after combat (versus infantry ofc) and Diseased. 4 of them in practice kill Annointed on Frost Phoenix in 2-3 turns (had this happen to me in 3 games with such situation).

    • Like 5
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  9. I have a lot of things to say, but right now, listen to this idea - Knight-Draconis in Hammerall with Saints Blade. You get 1 more rend on his main attack, if he's contesting any point (and he should), you also get 3 damage instead of 2, if he's in the enemy territory, he can fight twice in a combat phase and if he's near your general, he can even reroll 1 to wound. And of course you can pop all out attack to make both activations to hit on 2. All that rounds up to average 8 rend 4 damage 3 saves for your opponent. And all this without his shooting and mount attacks mind you, in 2 combat phases this should kill any armoured target in the game. In most cases, even 1 phase should be enough.

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  10. 9 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    I also use Sisters of the Watch in my Living City, but the Drakes are still very much a valid option there I've found; their output is quite similar (accounting for the torpedo) when both units are unbuffed, so even on the drop unbuffed it's not terrible. The main reason to use them over Sisters is the save boost, as otherwise the extra 4" threat range (and extra 2" with StFA) and free Unleash Hell work out better. 

    The Bridge limitation is very matchup dependent, but generally the odds of running into the kind of list that auto stops it isn't too high. Like, outside of those matchups, it's extremely reliable thanks to the plethora of casting bonuses Cities can get. That is a big part of why those lists do consistently go 4-1. 

    Just to reiterate, I'm poking fun at a post that was very deliberately focusing on the Drakes lack of mobility and unbuffed damage, ignoring the fact that buffed Drakes have a much, much higher output than Blissbarbs could ever potentially reach given their comparative lack of potential buffs, and that Cities have multiple ways of addressing the mobility issue. It's poking fun at an argument very clearly being made in bad faith because, as someone who has experience with both - especially the Blissbarbs - and as you attest, they fill different roles entirely; Irondrakes murder things, Blissbarbs poke for Depravity points. Note that I haven't remarked their points should have gone up or anything - it validates my choice to use Sisters - but the comparisons being made were just disingenuous. 

    The irony of the person (not you!) using those bad faith comparisons calling me a troll is just absurd. The "it hasn't gone 5-0!" argument (not yours, theirs) is also silly and reductive. First, we've got a numerical lack of tournament data due to COVID compared to pre-COVID. Second, there's plenty of armies that go 4-1 consistently but don't podium/go 5-0 because they get drawn against their "one" bad matchup (this is why I very commonly see Sons of Behemat go 4-1 locally.) Third, a unit's worth often outshines the allegiance they are in. If you took the Stormdrake Guard warscroll at their old points cost and chucked them into Beasts of Chaos, the Stormdrake Guard warscroll itself would still be overpowered, it would just be surrounded by weaker units and allegiance rules; it would still require adjustment, though not necessarily as much of course. The idea of course is that the weaker units get brought up, but seems like we'll have to wait for the GHB for a bigger revamp. The argument that a unit can't possibly be overpowered if they aren't in a 5-0 list is just silly and completely ignores the player, dice and matchup aspects of each individual game. 

    Also, for the last time (again, not addressed to you that I quoted 😅) the Amulet of Destiny change IS a nerf to Sons of Behemat, and it's arguably a bigger nerf for them than any other army, as they had the most 'valuable' model to put it on and their entire shtick is they're a damage check army. A core rule change that directly negatively impacts an army is still a nerf to that army, especially when that army reaped greater comparable benefit from that rule than other armies.

    Math wise Drakes were slightly better and more reliable with their shots out of the box, but after recent points nerf Sisters once again took the lead. And while Sisters are quite more swingy (20 of them can do anywhere between 2 and 12 mortals in my experience), a simple all out attack or Nomad aura can make them quite more effective. Add to that Sisters better mobility, free Unleash hell and especially the fact that they, unlike Irondrakes, ignore save stacking, and the choice is obvious. But then there is the range... and oh man, the amount of times that extra 2 range on Sisters helped me to hit things I wanted to hit right from the deepstrike... I just can't imaging how frustrating it would have been if I deepstriked Irondrakes instead. So teleport is kinda a must have for them.

    Sure, Hurricanum with mage can cast the Bridge with +2, buuuut I'd say chances of running into Teclis, Stormcasts with auto unbind or Nagash were pretty high before. And even then, if you mage is in range of unbind, it's a bit too much of RNG.

    Here however I would have to kinda disagree. Cities have only one real way of making Irondrakes work well, and that is Bridge. Not bad, but not very reliable either. Sure, if you take them in Tempest Eye with all the proper support, buff them and teleport them at the right target, they will wreck almost everything, but for Blissbarbs, you don't need all that. Just run them to targets, may be throw in Curse in the mix, shoot, and that's it. Blissbarbs won't do too much damage, but they can operate on their own (they are also great at depravity points generation, can't forget about that). Irondrakes can destroy armies, but need a lot of support and synergies for that, basically taking half of your army points to work. Which is better in their respected rosters? Honestly, hard to say. But I have to say that at the very least, Bissbarbs are definetly not as bad some would like to claim. They are nothing special, just easy to use and can do a good damage and generate Depravity with great mobility, while leaving the rest of your army to to their things.

    Btw, Amulet nerf was quite needed, but I'm quite sad that my Dreadlord is quite more squishy now because of that x)

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  11. 23 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    TIL someone in this thread lives in a magical world where Irondrakes can't use the Soulscream Bridge and Living City doesn't exist...I say magical because I'd like to live in that world too :( Oh and apparently the gap between 10 4+ save (3+ against shooting) wounds and 11 6+ save wounds "isn't that big." 



    While I don't want to go on about proving that Blisbarbs are better or the same as Irondrakes as they are quite different units with different roles... But if we're talking about those 2 things, well...


    It really sucks to rely on Soulscream bridge because of the fact that you need it to be casted and not unbound or especially auto unbound. And when you have 800-900 points in your army all based around that bridge going off and teleporting you buffed Irondrakes and it just does not go off or gets auto denied... It is kinda game ending in a lot of cases. And in Living City Irondrakes are kinda bad. You can't really buff them from deep strike, and their range limits them by a lot. That's why I use Sisters of the Watch there instead, as they were secretly very good in Living City for a loooong time. Not as broken as Fulminators of course, just good.

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  12. 8 hours ago, novakai said:

    I think the gripe has been why is Slaanesh the summoning army and can they just drop the summoning table and just make their unit costed appropriate without have them having be balance with that unit tax

    I can understand not wanting to play with a summoning army (all those extra models to buy and carry around can be quite taxing), but even now summoning potentially is extremely strong mechanic, as it gives you a unique ability to adapt your starting army both to your opponent composition and to the situation on the battlefield. This summoning flexibility is extremely underestimated.


    3 hours ago, Feii said:

    Have you consider that Blissbarbs are bad at opponent killing and the summon mechanic is not good? How is it balanced for Hedonites to have below 40% winrate? 


    1. Blissbarbs do not benefit from exploding 6s they really areńt much of the damaga dealers


    2. Do you think it is balanced that other units for the same point cost will kill your army but with Blissbarbs you will get some points at the end of your turn that you cannot use till your next turn’s end of movement phase? 


    hedonites are the only new book to have sich a terrible winrate and an army that is bottom 5 in any competitive metric. 

    And yet some competitive lists for Hedonites included both Archaon and 30 Blissbarbs. And honestly, even on paper they are quite good right now. They now cost the same as Irondrakes now, and sure, they can't get buffed hard, they have worse to hit and their save is bad, but they are faster, have better range, don't need to stand still to have 2 attacks and they can run and shoot in a roster that is all about dealing damage. Seriously, do you need them to be more cost effective that Irondrakes damage wise while being much more mobile and with much better overwatch?

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  13. 40 minutes ago, Feii said:



    To be fait about Blissarbs, they are a unit in a faction that has summons and can use those summons quite effectively at that, both for objective capping and opponent killing. Every unit in their roster costs around 25% more because of that, otherwise it would not be fair.

  14. 7 hours ago, NauticalSoup said:

    Or -and hear me out- you could pay the additional points to bring a phoenix which can't be killed in the first place 😛

    Here the thing though. I've played ~14 games with Frost Phoenix in the Living City for the last 2 month mostly versus quite competitive and nastly builds, and I've learned very quick, that sure, Phoenix is quite tanky, he can hold his own very well, but he's nowhere near unkillable. He can tank very well for his points, but versus some armies he can easily die in a single phase even with +2 to his save. Stacking +3 helps quite much better, but still, he is good, but 4+ base save is not 3+. I once even had a mirror with one of the best Cities players worldwide, when 2 of our Frost Phoenixes with Anointed dueled in the middle and both mysteriously done 5 wounds to each other in a single combat phase. But I've killed that Phoenix in that game, yet I did not killed his general, who was General on a Griffon. Both because my Sisters of the Watch failed to do an expected amount of damage (bad rolls, oh well), AND because even then he could still teleport and ruin my game, my battle tactic and my scoring. This is why this teleport is amazing, not just because you can come back with this Griffon later, but also because it denies you a monster kill and 2 potential battle tactics. In short, Frost Phoenix is reasonably tanky, but General on a Griffon is actually pretty much unkillable in most scenarious if you do not want to risk him after popping the mount trait.


    8 hours ago, EntMan said:

    The nerf to unleash hell is a further nerf to Sisters of the Watch and Freeguild Handgunners 😞

    Weeell, this does not do much to them really, their warscroll overwatch will be largely unaffected, unless we're talking about 30 models in a slightly dispersed formation. Oh, and due to Irondrake nerf, Sisters are once again take the cake of being better without any buffs applied. And due to save stacking, which Sisters ignore, they are quite better versus some high priority targets as well.

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  15. 9 hours ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

    Sentinels are terrible against Archaon and Nagash due to their 4+ wards vs Mortal Wounds. Also, I haven't seen a single competitive lists that brings 60 sentinels.

    I'm going to pick on you for a sec here so I apologize, but comments like this are everywhere on AoS forums, completely exaggerating both the output and misinterpreting/misrepresenting the actual issues with the game right now - to the point that hating on certain armies/units is a complete meme lacking any actual constructive commentary. The increasing popularity of content creators like Vince Venturella (who is way overconfident in his often bad takes) leads to opinions about top level comptetive play trickling down to casual players who don't understand the game well enough to be criticizing balance.


    Anyways, I think +20 points and the unleash hell nerf will bring Sentinels to a good place competitively.

    There was nothing else in the game that could kill them though (besides instant death). Only a lot of mortal wounds and 0 rend hits could work. Sure, 60 sentinelts is a bit of exaggeration, it could be done with 40, appropriate buffs and a bit of luck, but still. 30 Namarti Reavers with Curse and double turn could pull that off as well by the way. Archaon with his 3+ save stacking was slightly more manageable, sure, because he could be killed by rolling 20 ones on his saves, but with 2+ save ignoring rend 2 you would need 120 one damage attacks on average to get through. Seems very reasonable? And Nagash was even worse, he could easily ignore rend as well, rerolled his saves of one, he was literally unkillable versus anything but instant death, a LOT of mortals or a string of a very, very bad luck. And both of them could heal very well too, so you'd better kill them in a turn or a double.


    Yea, sure, some armies could try to take 1 turn and kill both of them before they would get their buffs up, but proper screens and Finest Hour can make that tast quite impossible as well. Some top players in my country were  playing Archaon and Nagash, but most of others were just focused on ignoring them completely and just scoring what they could. Now there is at least some point in attacking them and reasonably killing them off instead of killing everything else and running around from Nagash with 5 arcane bolts on the ready.


    Edit: oh, and just to clarify my position on this - was it possible to win versus Archaon or Nagash? Yes, of course, and it was not too hard for some armies, even I could do it. But you were playing around those models, engaging with them as less as possible. That is not a fun concept.

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  16. Quick summary: Archaon and Nagash now can be killed reasonably (aka without 60 Lumineth Archers), Nagash especially lost most of his usual heals. Heroic Recovery, Amulet and Unleash Hell nerfed pretty hard, Fulminators flew right under the radar and will continue to terrorize everything in SCE and Living City lists, while new big dragons sadly got nothing. Oh, and Kragnos has 6+ ward, hurrray!

  17. Yea, this TG rumour is at great odds with the current rumoured release schedule, does not mention probable Archaon rework and is quite weird overall, so I'd call this one to be fake as hell. Honestly, why quote 4chan rumours at all (besides boredom) and when was the last time they were proven to be true?

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  18. 3 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    I really hope they don't do this. The ork buggy and flier fixes were bandaids because they didn't want to try to actually balance the units, so they just strapped a limit on the amount of "broken" units you can take. 40k also has "the rule of 3" since at least last edition where you can't take more than 3 of a non troop datasheet in your army.
    I absolutely hate rules like this on principal, skewed spam lists only exist because the units themselves are broken, so just fix the broken units.

    Well, sometimes it's true, but sometimes some units become OP and hard to beat for other armies when spammed, while being perfectly fine in low numbers. It usually happens when an opponent simply does not have enough counters for it in his army, as taking enough of them would mean making his list too one sided as well. So, while I am all for good unit balance, army caps are a must in most game systems.

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  19. The funny thing is, I've seen some people that are exited at the prospect of getting the miscast version. The miscast is quite easy to fix with green stuff, and, knowing GW, they'll just send a second dragon for free to fix this. That's the one great side of GW that is quite hard to dispute. So for some it's like a lottery x)

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  20. 9 hours ago, DrMorpheuz said:

    Did we get any answer on this one?

    After reading I came to the conclusion that: After unleash hell is used (as command or from handgunner ability) you can not use it as in

    "To use a command ability, you must spend 1 command point, pick 1 friendly model to issue the command, and pick 1 friendly unit to receive the command."

    But another handgunner unit can recieve it from the within 3" abillity.

    So for example you can unleash hell with unit A using a command point and then handgunner unit B (if within 3")..... Have i gon crazy or should this work???


    Btw Ironjawz player here so Im not that biased 😁 

    FAQ stated that it workes pretty much just like Unleash Hell CA without spending a command point. So yea, that killed Handgunners and it is a noticeable hit to Sisters of the watch.

  21. 8 minutes ago, Yondaime said:

    Even if he costs less a generic maw is better


    That 3+ save is simply too good

    Yes, that is true, and if combined with +5 Ward, it gets even worse. Just had a game yesterday, when Mawcrusha destroyed my Nomad with retinue and +2 to his 3+ base save, and then tanked 40 Sisters of the Watch (and a very unlucky Treelord) for the double turn. It should have definetly died on average, but, well, my opponent was quite lucky, especially when getting only 2 wounds out of 30 non rend hits and 6 mortals, heh.


    Honestly, a good nerf to Mawcrusha would have been just changing 3+ save to a +1 to saves, as usual. So it could still be scary and fast, but at least it would also be possible to kill it.

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  22. 14 minutes ago, madmac said:

    This is just rewriting history. We were getting Kislev updates from the Old World team for ages before they were announced by CA for TWW3. Literally the first couple previews we got for the Old World were just Kislev and a map. It's what makes me doubt these rumors so hard, "ignore the thing the literally started doing Old World Previews with, it doesn't mean anything" feels like pure wishlisting.

    WH3 was already heavily in development at that point though.

  23. 8 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    Kislev not being a launch faction is illogical, they literally started the news trickle with Kislev concepts.

    Which were for TW:W3, not for Old World. And I'm not even sure that those concepts were done by GW employees and not CA ones.

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