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Posts posted by Zephyr

  1. I guess I'm lucky, but even my very small community here is way more player-friendly than all of yours seem to be.  I bought a couple of Spires of Dawn, and played them as generic order, and then with the GHB changes, I've used them as proxies for Idoneth.  No one in my local group objected in the least, and I'm sure I could bring them to our FLGS' tourney and be welcomed there.

    I understand the frustration, but I think we'll get a lot further if we're enthusiastic about high elves rather than kicking rocks with the Tomb Kings fanclub.

    Adepticon is coming up, and NOVA's only 5 months away - plenty of opportunities for a nice AoS announcement.

    Personally, I'm eager to see what Warcry has in store for AOS players, as I'm eager to do some conversion work.

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  2. @elfhead absolutely fantastic work.  I've been looking for a way to do a slaneesh cult that was dark but still would pass for 'PG" here in the states, as one of the best times to play AoS at my FLGS is on Sundays, and I didn't want to bring a giant list of naked monsters to a store full of young families trying to train a Charmander.


    Thanks for the inspiration and I absolutely love how unique the various models are.  Great work!

  3. On 8/1/2017 at 4:28 AM, MrCharisma said:

    I have this problem with the Carmine Dragon. A beautiful wizard that is meant to sit on top can't be used, even as a generic wizard on dragon. 

    The older I get, the more I appreciate ForgeWorld models... and I definitely want space for them on the table. I'd love to see the Chaos Mammoth back in the table as much as Troggoths, Skin Wolves, Big Squigs, and other random goodies that just diversifies the gaming table. 

    All hail Chaos Mammoth!

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  4. Roll call - who is going to be rocking and rolling in less than a month at NOVA?


    This will be my first NOVA in many years (I last attended for Infinity, which was a great time).  I'm currently signed up for every AoS Narrative event, and I look forward to meeting some good folks and getting ridiculed for my painting!




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