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Posts posted by NauticalSoup

  1. Ultimately the poll is a good indicator of how controversial the mechanic remains. It's such an extreme filter, in my experience it bounces more players than anything else. A lot of people who don't like it simple aren't playing anymore, they hate it that much.

  2. Maybe it's a local meta thing then, in my scene the big threats are cutting through my stormcast 3+ like butter. Not that chip threats don't exist but I'm usually not losing 500+ point investment units to chip damage.

    I'm just a little sad because I think the ardboys are the unit I would most want to buy a lot of to flesh out an IJ infantry force cos I'm tired of pigs/losing but I don't think they're there yet. I hope they get a quick push down to 200 and *dream* they go to 180 before the season cycles.

    I'll probably still buy 30 sooner or later even if they don't, I've been getting pummeled all 3.0 with SCE and kruleboyz it can't be much worse, just... gotta manage expectations 😛

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  3. @Flippy haha yes- it is a stormcast profile, exactly. That's an ideal comparison point. Stormcast are flush with low quality 2W infantry with a decent save, nearly all of which are terrible and have seen wave after wave of points drops in 3.0, none of which were ever enough to push the vast majority into viability. You can go look at the SCE thread to see what the general feeling is for these types of units in SCE, no reason to expect they'll be much better here when you can't even take them in 5s to use as cheap screens.

    If you want an even closer comparison, look no further than the chaos warrior - which is both cheaper and due to that MW save, I would say better at the one job these types of units can perform efficiently when locked to 10 guys minimum. Those also just dropped in points (again) to 180, so maybe you'll see them a little more often but they're hardly going to be stealing the show. 

    It's just a weak niche, AoS doesn't gravitate towards these types of units- screening and objective units are better served by being as cheap as  possible so you don't overcommit and lose a ton of resources from a big hammer unit swinging into you. Hammer units need more native damage or to access stronger buffs so they can outright obliterate whatever they bump into. Intermediary units, the kind that make up a ton of the stormcast range and nobody really uses, struggle to serve in a world where they don't excel at any role (except soaking those aformentioned masses of low-rend attacks which is in my experience a threat that never really materializes on the table).

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  4. Ardboyz are too expensive to justify bringing massive reinforced units for what they are. 

    They might be too expensive to bring any number. Contemporary units in this niche of 'low quality 2W models with good saves' are mostly either significantly better, significantly cheaper, or both. The boss won't be your general so the rally mechanic is probably useless due to range - a megaboss tapping 3 units with a 6+ rally is probably better anyway if you really want to throw away CP on rallies. Means you'd be bringing him to double the damage output on the otherwise quite marginal shield bashes, or you just aren't buffing them and hoping the warchanter gets you there. Due to 32mm bases you'll need stikkas possibly even for 10 man units and the buff only working when you GET charged is a massive downside to using these as an offensive unit.

    Kind of a shame because at least old cheap 80 point units of ardboys had a niche as an extremely affordable utility unit for capping and screening. New ones are in a very uncomfortable spot, I think they needed to have some kind of MW defense, or to be cheaper, or to have more utility. The ability to weather lots of low rend attacks isn't particularly useful to IJ as a whole, and overinvesting in a huge mediocre unit is asking to get blown out.

    Ragerz are (tragically because I think thematically and mechanically they are extremely boring high-efficiency brutes with no shirts) the true performance highlight of the supplement. They'll probably get nerfed into the ground once we start seeing 15 ragerz spam lists outperform alternatives. Big pig swarms seem kind of tedious both from a hobby perspective and the whole momentum tracking thing which isn't what I find compelling about IJ so... overall this supplement is kind of a miss for me, doesn't make me want to return to IJ, at least not until we see the inevitable points changes shuffling around the units in the viability heirarchy.

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  5. 36 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    This is definitely not just a problem with old Fantasy models, either. The Stormcast battletome has already grown to such a degree that having a lot of redundant and outclassed units is one of the biggest criticism I see of it. There really is value in a more constrained model range.

    The SCE battletome is suffering from perhaps the most acute case of space marine codex bloat we've ever seen. There's over forty warscrolls, of those how many do you actually bump into on the regular?

    And when I say "over forty" of course what I mean is, the leaders section alone has 40 units, and that's when I stopped counting. Since most stormcast units are just aesthetic variations of 'armoured guy with hammer' you could probably squat half the range and it would be better for everyone. And I say this as an SCE player lol

    On the actual thread subject, the thing that bothers me the most is that it's all shrouded in mystery. Are Dispossessed here to stay indefinitely as a core component of CoS? Are dark elves stand-ins for free cities aelves to be squatted when they can be bothered to release their Ulgu shadow elf range? Does the long term vision for CoS even include demi-human units five years from now?

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  6. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Yeah, but they were just a bunch of people that don't know what they are saying.

    I mean, AoS has To Wound rolls, and their Hit rolls are a copy&paste from AoS.
    8th edition was a base AoS mechanics with some 40k flavour, and people loved it (at least in early Index books). And loot at Valrak, he don't know anything about Sigmar but every time that hetalks about 40k gameplay, he says that wants more simplifcation with less stratagems, less bloated battle traits, less one-turn killss, etc... without realising that's what AoS 3.0 is.

    What I'm trying to say is that people that don't know anything about AoS since 2015, probably don't know what AoS 3.0 is about... so don't give them any credit because a Cactus probably has better arguments than them (appart from the usual "dOuBlE-TuRn").

    I mean you're reading a lot into it. I only know one guy who plays both competitively and he wants to see 40k become less like Sigmar, not more. As I said previously, the line is too much Sigmar DNA as-is, not 'people are unaware 40k takes cues from Sigmar'.

    As someone who has played a lot of both games, if you copied all the 3.0 Sigmar changes onto 40k I'd probably just quit. And the double turn is cancer. So whatever point you're trying to make I disagree.

    But I'll say no more on it because this was never the point I wanted to make and this tangent is all inspired by a throwaway line that was meant to convey 'don't mald about other people's salt'. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Really? 80% of the game is a copy of AoS... that says a lot about them. And a lot of 40k "influencers" are already saying that 9th is a bit too much for them... 

    You can definitely see the influences everywhere but one common complaint and fear I hear constantly about upcoming 10th is that even MORE Sigmar will get injected into 40k. Many clearly believe it's got too much Sigmar in its DNA already.

    Edit: I should give a specific example. One of the rumours for 10th was that toughness would be removed which got a pretty negative reaction and was strongly associated with this idea that 40k is being Sigmared piecemeal (and implicitly that this is a bad thing).

    I'm not a huge fan of 9th these days so I don't really have an opinion on this but nevertheless, had this convo like four times in the last few weeks with various folks at our club.

  8. 21 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    The #1 sign someone needs introspection is when the come to the Age of Sigmar discussions sub-forum to complain about the state of the game.

    Am I the only one who reads this like it's an attempt to take a stab at someone without alerting the mods? Come on, this doesn't even make sense. The #1 sign? Introspection? It's all just vaguely derogatory.

    As to your comments about rose-tinted goggles, I think you're just misattributing people's diverse warhammer opinions to the haze of memory. A lot of people still play WHFB 5&6, 9th age - it's not just misremembering a lot of people genuinely prefer elements of that time. There are something like 10 regular WHFB players in my club to the 20 Sigmar ones. A couple are too young to have been playing when the game was alive! I actually don't think most people's warhammer opinions change just because they get confused and forget, most of the people I've known who hated all the issues with WHFB abandoned it wll before the end and don't remember it so fondly. 

    To use a contemporary example, surely everyone here has seen players violently bounce off Sigmar because of core design failures like the double turn that really have no excuse to linger beyond being some kind of sacred cow. In ten years are we going to say "early Sigmar actually always sucked, rose-tinted glasses, double turn" or can we sanely acknowledge that there are things we like AND things we dislike about these games.

    Be generous, is what I'm saying. If someone wants to vent about their problems with where things are this seems like precisely the venue to do so.

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  9. Yeah the fact that it notes their venom in the description means these mercenary bands must be bringing their own mini-battle trait bonuses. Which makes sense because otherwise they'd be about as useless as regular allies lol

    Very curious to see how they all look.

  10. I think they pushed it further up in the chain because they wanted it to be part of the faction's identity. Like there's a bonesplitterz SUB faction that gets 6s to wound are mortals.

    I don't think it's a bad idea necessarily but they need another allegiance trait to be their faction identity if you pull it down the attack sequence since right now it's essentially the one and only thing they have (despite it not even applying to the whole range). 

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  11. I mean, it's also a new edition army problem. SCE have many of the same issues but they've got a roster so unbelievably deep there's always something you can haul out to prop up the rest of the book.

    Like to put it in perspective SCE have more unplayable units than Kruleboyz have... units.

  12. His lack of a ward or even a 3+ save really makes him hard to like, all his bonuses over a maw krusha struggle to make up for lacking that and the ability to take a relic. If they want him to be an upgrade over a regular maw krusha and not a sidestep they should have given him that 3+.

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  13. Everything @Ganigumo said.

    The army just has so many problems that aren't easy to fix with little bumps. Multiple units in the range are basically allies because they're grots (lame) which diminishes the list of useful warscrolls. Gutrippaz require a ridiculous amount of buffing to do anything other than be a meat screen, and thus they clash with the also overpriced hobgrots whose only function is to stand in the way and die. Also their warscroll ability is still dumb and should be replaced. Units like the banner are super half baked and might as well not exist. Too many superfluous killaboss warscrolls when they aren't what makes the army tick. For such a small range there are a lot of unfortunate role duplicates - the killabow and boltboyz do the same job at different levels of competence.

    The army rules also need work. The dirty tricks are still an issue. In a healthy chunk of really nasty matchups grinnin' blades is essentially just no allegiance trait. All it does is offset the obscene fragility of units (boltboyz in particular) versus shooting lists which can take apart KB armies effortlessly. Old Yellerz range buff probably should have just been rolled into the boltboyz core warscroll. Skullbugz might as well not exist.

    It's better than it was but remember that with the release of more and more 3.0 books the ambient power level has also increased. Even IJ and BS are losing their spots in the meta, so KB aren't just being compared against their own previous sorry state.

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  14. It would be effectively impossible to be worse off so it's a pretty low bar at the moment. KB are a long way from a good place, lots of core issues with their book that can't really be fixed easily outside of some staggering points drops.

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  15. The rules are just crazy outdated and written for a game that essentially doesn't exist anymore.

    As the game moves forward and rules iterations pile up they get further and further from the game as it exists today. Also the vast majority legends stuff is so horrendously bad it's going to be tough to get a good game out of it if you're playing it against modern books. If you aren't cherry-picking the jankiest imbalanced stuff it's going to put extra strain on the other player to build down to it. Hell the performance gaps between comp and casual lists in the same 3.0 book can be remarkably large.

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