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Everything posted by Celestantpants

  1. Oh man, how terrible would it be if the only points changes we got were point hikes for raptors and aetherwings? lol......now I'm kinda worried about that. Could totally see it happening. lol.
  2. When are stormcast likely to get a new tome do you think? I gotta believe it's low on the priority list, due to the tome situations of other armies.
  3. ...a little weak on the table top to anyone else? Barring a few shoot cast lists, we just don't seem to have the ability to hang with other armies. For how powerful and important the stormcast are presented as, they kinda get steam rolled unless we they are shooting, which doesn't really match up with fluff. At all. So why is that do you think, and do you think it might change in the future? Just looking at the new chaos warriors and they are flatly superior to liberators, which is fine because slaves to darkness really needed help, but it just really drives home how weak much of our army actually is.
  4. Hey everyone, how would you rank the cities in the cities of sigmar as far as how competitive they are? I have a large stormcast collection and I'm just starting collecting cities of Sigmar. I've had one game so far as Hammerhal and I'm curious as to where they stand compared to other cities.
  5. Hey guys, what would your take be on a AOS tier list currently and why would you rank armies where you rank them? This is just a fun though exercise, and I'm curious as to what people's opinions are on the current standings of armies.
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