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Posts posted by woolf

  1. So Nurgle has been corrupted by Zenestra it seems so no more wheel indeed...

    Disease a bit different but kinda the same I guess? and the wards sitting on the scrolls themselves not really surprising

    Did they mention summoning at all?

  2. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Considering how flavourful the new rules feel, wouldn't surprise me if they keep the wheel or adapt it in some way.

    yeah but given the streamlining I wouldn't be surprised if they think the disease mechanic is enough to cover the nurgle flavour (hmm nurgle and flavour, those words don't go well together do they...)

    • Haha 5
  3. 7 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think it is more killy on balance.

    Less killy:

    • Lower rend
    • No Battleshock
    • More 4/4 weapon profiles

    More killy:

    • Lower saves
    • No easy save stacking
    • 3" combat range
    • Offensive bonuses seem largely intact

    From the arm chair right now, though, I would expect more combats that last 2-3 combat phases in the new edition.

    Vince said on his stream that the game is less killy in general in his experience UNLESS you hit the right unit with the right counter, i.e. since there is so much Anti-X (+ rend/dmg). Personally I very much like that as it becomes more skill expression to try and orchestrate the right encounters, so deployment, baiting, setting up for countercharges etc becomes very important. And having nuances with certain units being good at certain other types is much more interesting than just buffing to high heavens and nuke <insert any target>

    Ofc he is just one influencer so lets see, but he does seem to have had some actual play test experience and he is obv super emerged in the game.

    Edit: if this is the case, high mobility armies should be real winners I think for easier picking their fights.. so IDK e.g. should be in a good place I think

    • Like 2
  4. 26 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I hope the wheel goes. That was always my least favourite thing about Nurgle. But then I also hope they get some new ability to make up for the loss of it and summoning. Maybe some kind of pollution mechanic?

    Yeah that would be cool, since there is a bit more interaction with terrain in 4th something that interacts and corrupts that would be flavourful

  5. 4 hours ago, Sahrial said:

    Random thought of the night:

    Other than Ogors, my main army is SBGL, and I also have Sylvaneth I don’t actually play that often.

    Both of those armies have traditionally had a much higher skill floor than Ogors, who are my “smooth brain” army.

    i liked my big brain armies.

    I am slowly preparing myself for simplified and lost abilities, since it seems they are trying to re-level the skill floor across the board.

    Knowing a full play style revamp isn’t out of the question, I’m not sure what to expect at all from their faction focuses within the next couple of weeks.

    SBGL’s dynasties always felt much more impactful than a lot of (not all) other faction’s subfactions, to me. Vyrkos and Kastelai are very much army identities as much as play style. I have some worries the army will be homogenized with the new formations, which would be a shame, because I think a lot of the appeal of SBGL (aside from gruesome gorgeous models) is how many different ways you can play it.

    i don’t think that will hit Sylvaneth as hard, they already rolled back the depth of Groves in 3rd edition, and they provide minimal buffs, similar to formations currently look like. Sylvaneth, however, has already suffered quite a bit from GW not being able to decide how they want them to work, and how many, and what mix of, models they’re supposed to field.

    i can’t shake this gut feeling that Sylvaneth, especially, might end up in, not necessarily a bad place, but a very odd place as GW tries to pivot on play style focused and how much any one army should fill certain roles.

    So yeah, *end thought*

    Dunno, that they actually start caring for terrain migth be good for tree-dudes, my guess would be that we see something akin to gnawholes that u can put up free trees (but capped). If its still limited to a spell that would be a bit rough in a world where every unit is a lumberjack so to speak...

  6. Just now, Vasshpit said:

    Or maybe lean heavy into redeploy mechanics whilst mist is up. 

    Yeah I think the trap side would be really cool, might be too different and tough to balance but if they were playing with a lot of hidden information i think that would be epic, something like placing tokens or something on the board a bit like cities orders but they trigger debuffs when enemy units come close

  7. 11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    It'll be mind boggling if krules get nothing like this. 😄😶

    Yeah we need some of those juicy Beast of Chaos (may they rest in piece old world) rules...

    Edit: also really hope we get Warclans faction focus this week (suppose it will be Sons though), that one still clearly being the biggest question-mark of how it will play out

    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. 45 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Lol at everyone saying 'let's get back to rumours'.

    We have here close to 6,000 pages of idle speculation. Everyone just wishlisting and hoping that sempai whitefang notices them and gives them a like. Thus a new rumour is born.

    The whole modus operandi here is 'throw enough s.hit at a wall and hope some of it sticks'. 

    It's a bit of a meme clearly but since the mods keep at it every few weeks or so, perhaps some ppl are actually bothered so don't see the harm in an actual general discussion thread

    • Like 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    I can live without Forgotten Nightmares (anti-shooting), but the amount of 3+ abilities is baffling. This approach (ability crucial for the unit’s utility hangs on a single good roll) creates a lot of feel-bad situations. It would be fine for the successful roll to activate some minor bonus - but for now the Tidecaster is basically „3+ or garbage”.

    yeah u are rigth on that

  10. +1 for rename, btw anyone else reflected that we seem to be getting way more deploy in deepstrike abilities across factions?

    @Neverchosen by constuction u can't derail:) unless u do something really outrageous like start making 40k referenses or smth

    apparently we need to get some couple of 100s pages to grab the not-really-rumour-thread ppl anyways :D


    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    The other thread is less than a week new, I imagine it will take a long time for people to move away from see this one has  "the general chat thread".

    Well if we all just move there its done, there are probably no more than 20 active ppl writing 80% of the posts here anyways

    • Like 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Yeah, rumors are relatively light leading up to the new edition. Things we kind of know about...

    1. A new Seraphon model of some kind
    2. Another Warlock is coming for Skaven that we've seen the model for
    3. Resolutions from DB6 leading into new models/factions but not sure if we can spoil yet
    4. New models for Skaven and SCE not in the starter

    Fully agree, so why not hang out in the Talking Bout General Hobby Stuff Thread in the meantime and let the splendid Rumour thread re-surface when the leakers do? atm so many msgs in this so its pretty tough to find when (if) an actual rumour pops up...

  13. 7 hours ago, GrimDork said:

    I’m 100% sure they will as well.
    Will probably be better value tho to just buy the Launch box and sell off anything you don’t want. Even if you wanted to only keep the spearhead minis I’m sure the additional minis will sell well on eBay.

    yeah you are likely right, just would prefer to dodge the hassle...

    • Like 1
  14. Idoneth seems quite good, antishooting tech kinda gone but tide caster seems nice and sharks very so, dmg will go down with 3/4 profiles I suppose but that is in line with edition and their speed allowing them to choose engagement should be quite beneficial in a setting where Anti-X matters a lot

  15. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Also, the field is Warcry size, so apart from the objectives you will be fine.

    Yeah was thinking about that as a fall back, just not very interested in Warcry overall and would prefer to get the actual cards for Spearhead (battle tactics/cmds) rather than having to print them out myself

  16. Guys have they given any clear information that Spearhead can be bought as a separate box without starting armies or will it be needed to buy the full launch box ?

    I have already 4 spearheads more or less rdy to go and not super keen to invest in Skaven or the new Stormcast either... but really want to get hold of the board + cards etc..

  17. Also ofc impossible to know at this stage how things will shake out, with lower dmg/rend overall in the game, wound density should go up relative to armour save. Also getting rid of battleshock run aways will likely help a bit there, so maybe a 5+ or 6+ save with point efficient wounds won't be too bad

  18. 16 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Let‘s start a petition to stop those sick and twisted GW designers from objectifying duardin like that! 🤭😆 


    Agreed! But at least we have a great thread were we can discuss, complain and rage about it! 

    • Like 1
  19. 22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We are not seeing the full picture. It is too early to compare anything.

    Arguably their fashion style is waaay more revealing than most factions tho ^^

    jokes aside the pull between visual coherency and in game / play style practicality is quite interesting imo and quite a tough skill test on game designers 

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