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Everything posted by Phasteon

  1. About what exactly are we talking here?
  2. except you cant, just 1 Aethergold spent per phase.
  3. You dont get the point -.- Yes you CAN start inside a ship, but unlike before you CANT put all units at once into the ship when you deploy it, so you need battalions to reduce the number of drops. At least as far as I read the new „transport“ rule of the ships.
  4. But you still have to put unit after unit into the boat/garrison if not stated otherwise. Do you get my point? Just because you can start the game garrisoned doesnt mean that you put the units into the boat when dropping it during deployment. It needs an additional sentence for that.
  5. I get that point but writing a list of points adjustments BEFORE even a single game with the new tome thats not even out yet? Thats some next level trolling right there.
  6. Ok its nothing personal but enough is enough. The book is not out yet and you did not play with it and are a bad player in general I can tell by the way you comment about things so WHY do you think points need to be adjusted? Play the f*kin army first before you judge. Ok, I lied it was personal. But its a general bummer on the internet with hobbyists. Always pretending to know whats best, even before playtesting. But on the same note talking about GW not playtesting things, do you even think before you write?? Edit: most Hobbyists on the game: 100% opinion 0% knowledge
  7. Guys, did we lose our ability to put units into ships when we deploy them? I think the rules just state that units can garrison the ships, not deploy together. Which means without battalions we have lots of drops now
  8. The skyports are very interesting though. My favorite so far is Barak Nar for multiple reasons. 1) Thunderers Battleline 2) Solid Antimagic. I‘ll go for at least 4 Heroes so I will have 5 unbinds (Navigator) with +1 3) at least 2–3 additional CP (see 2)) 4) Option to take Brokk Grungsson who is a BEAST now at 240 with his buffs, + reroll charges can be huge on the right units. What are your opinions on skyports? Maybe custom skyports will be a thing? Imo there is no obvious „nobrainer“ like petrifex elite, which is a good thing for internal balance
  9. Man, Arkanauts in boats will be hard to remove, 3+ Save thanks to cover, -1 to hit them and just 90 points. You can hold them back for later in the game when the objectives are cleared and then easily hold them. Also Thunderers same stats but with 2 wounds. And thats just the tip of the iceberg, this Tome will be legit S tier 👌🏻 finally.
  10. I hope we get some new infos to talk about or we will soon discuss what a good discussion is 😛
  11. Not a single bit. GW has become very good at writing fun and exciting rules. I am sure the battletome will be awesome. Cant imagine anything too ineffective or overcosted to be playable with 1-2 op builds that are too efficient dominating tournaments as with every army.
  12. Maybe the Khemist buff is gone from the warscroll but surely gets replaced by a list of different abilities. Cant imagine they would make him a blunt shooting character
  13. Ok sorry, 20% i miscalculated it, doesnt really matter anyway because you‘ll pay 300-400pts for heroes that will sit in those boats too. Pretty weak though to assume I wrote the wrong number intentionally to prove my point. The point still stands though as you mentioned. And you cant just take boats full if elites, you will also need your battleline. But I wont start a rant about assuming optimal circumstances and putting things in vacuums just to prove a point 😜
  14. This. If you pay 300pts for a Frigate with 1 Cannonshot 14w and a 5+ and you pay another 120 for the Unit inside you are paying 25% of your armies points for sole random shots and a unit of Arkanauts that kills ~ 5-6* enemy models. Not that impressive if they dont change the output of those units. *models with 1w 5+ or sth like that
  15. To be fair, most units need buff heroes to be the most effective, thats kind of how the game works. Would be cooler though if we had more ways of doing that.
  16. From what source is this? Yeah its obviously a weaker ability than +1 to wound on the charge (and +1 hit for wardens) from Barak–Zon but we dont know other stuff like artifacts, command abilities and command traits yet and Thrying will be the port that can take all duardin, which imo is the real deal with that skyport. But as already mentioned I’d take those free attacks from Wardens/Riggers any day when they get killed in melee.
  17. Dont worry, he is still fiercely defending his opinion that GW tried to bully him out of the hobby by ruining the armies he plays 😛
  18. Barak-Nar should be the most generalized skyport so more aethergold-shares would be fitting (as they are also the richest). Also they are renowned for the best fleet commanders, so i expect some crazy good options for admirals 😍
  19. I dont know, if they get an additional wound (you never know) they are like chaos knights but with much more output. In the end every unit without a 3+ rerollable save or a 4++ wound ignore feels like a glass cannon in AoS 😂👍🏻
  20. Look, nobody likes to admit that he was wrong and especially on the internet so I get why you try to defend your posts about how GW personally hates you and your armies. But calling it justified is a bit much dont you think? And being skeptical is ok, but what you did was paranoid 😂 Anyway, hope you can finally enjoy an army and find rest at night knowing GW doesnt hate you ;–)
  21. Prayer of Ash is only available for Fyreslayers priests in a Fyreslayers allegiance though. Those Zhargrim blessings in general
  22. So you are not rage quitting GW now? Who would have thought 🤷🏼‍♂️ Anyway, I hope all the doomsayers are feeling ashamed now, as expected those previewed rules looked very strong, thematic and fun. Maybe put a bit more trust into the company whose products you bought for so long now.
  23. Its pretty much the same kit of abilities he got now. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  24. Wow, thats such an unreasonable comment. Orruks have so strong rules and where are BCR dead? You can still play them without footslogging Ogors and be more competitive than before (where they were a joke and 100% autolose on any matched play mission). I dont get the general negativity about this release and it kind of annoys me tbh but thats the internet i guess. But those statements i quoted are just random.
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